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New controller effect on my gameplay

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Hey Guys, I really wasn't sure where to place this.

My old controller which I adore has almost completely lost the ability to sprint. The spring has gone and I have to put massive force down to use it. Both sticks on this controller are incredibly loose which means playing on an 8 I only have to move the tiniest amount on the right stick to change direction or aim minutely.

The new one I bought seems to be official. Although where I live you can never be sure it seemed to be ok.

However there seems to be a slight dead zone on the right stick. I can move it a tiny bit before it registers any action. For my game, especially in NML this is completely disastrous. I'm just so used to kicking the aim up or slightly left and right that not being able to do this is awful.

Can anyone tell me if I just need to wait for it to loosen up and the slight dead zone is fine? Or do I need to try and find another controller?

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Better the devil you know.

Try another pad if you can mate.

Sucks as new pads are still quite dear.

My pad likes to change weapon randomly from time to time, also when running on moon, my pad seem to want to take to helmet off causing all kinds of problems if it occurs in the heat of the moment if you know what I mean.

Pretty sure my son threw it at the mantle piece the other day, I can hear bits inside, not good... :evil:

This would be the fourth time I've had to open the thing up...

Regards Alpha.

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My son broke my last one, only the R2 button but that's kinda important.

I went back to the shop and they gave me a new one which came straight out of a brand new PS3 console. It seems to have exactly the same issue, a big dead zone. I'm contemplating just swapping the spring from the old controller with the spring from the new and using the old one.

I just hope it works out!

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Everyone's having controller issues :lol:

As I mentioned the other day in my crappy NML 317 kill thread, the right analog stick has worn out, seems like the dead zone on the right side of the stick is huge which evidentally affected my gameplay something terrible :lol:

I've switched back to my old wired controller though and I love it. Nice and responsive and very lightweight, though I prefer the d-pad on my other one so I may swap them. Did a solo run on Moon last night to test this thing with using the tunnel diggers to lock the astro on the other side of the map, I kept my round 1 astro shut out til round 60 so this works :D didn't have a down until 60, felt very comfortable with the old controller, the only downs that followed were from me getting tired and doing really silly things :lol: still could have carried on but gave up at round 69, had plans for this weekend so didn't wanna leave it paused but my plans have now been cancelled so I may use the time to get a proper run to 100 going with all these cool little finds that make the spawn strategy so awesome.

Anyways, so yeah mate, I'd say just nick the spring out of the new one, nothing worse than playing with a controller you don't like the feel of ;)

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Anyways, so yeah mate, I'd say just nick the spring out of the new one, nothing worse than playing with a controller you don't like the feel of ;)

Kinda like Trigger, I've had this broom for 28 years, but every part has been replaced 30 times :lol:

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