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Does your game reflect your personality?

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I am amazed by the effort of certain gamers. They are dedicated and hard working in achieving their goals. I see a bit of those qualities in myself as a person, but not as a gamer.

At work I fit the typical hard nosed no non-sense white collar. I constantly hand out pink slips due to lack of effort. As a gamer I am not motivated, disorganized, and sloppy. The only thing I try to do in a game is present myself in a positive manner.

Does your game reflect you as a person? Does how you play the game mirror the type of person you are?

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I've always had a more creative side to me than technical, and most parents or non-gamers immediately assume that they are good for nothing brain-fryers. Which, of course there is a fine line to "addiction" or too much video games, and just having fun and exploring interests. I've been focused on the path as an Animator for a career since early on in high school, and currently loving the college courses I am taking to get there now. I feel as though playing certain games I love just broadens my variety in creativity, and just motivates new ideas and ways of thinking in that field. ;)


So much not, 2 total different things. Pretty much converse ;)

But one parallel is there. I will maybe become a teacher some day, and I also like to do instructional videos for Black Ops.


  Tom852 said:
So much not, 2 total different things. Pretty much converse ;)

But one parallel is there. I will maybe become a teacher some day, and I also like to do instructional videos for Black Ops.

You would make an awesome teacher!!!! I love all your quick tips. I still watch the looping guide because it is so entertaining. I always see Hollywood in your future though. Maybe you can be like the Mr. Rogers type, or Bill Nye the science guy type in Hollywood. Educational and entertaining.


I'd like to think I'm much more rash in game, and use my instincts more in the game. Sometimes, your instincts aren't enough, and that's why I die most of the time. I'm much more calculated in real life; I temper my decisions and take more calculated risks. In the game, it's just do or die for me.

I love the idea of this thread. Jay, keep up the great work. Your thread ideas are awesome and creative.


  Ehjookayted said:

I love the idea of this thread. Jay, keep up the great work. Your thread ideas are awesome and creative.

Thank you for the kind words and high praise.

Just doing my part to this community. I don't presume anyone looking forward to my 75 NML video or how to be a noob. Hopefully with some interesting views and comcepts and maybe some funny comments I can contribute.


Jay, I've loved all of your ideas so far, you seem creative and motivated even if you don't believe it yourself :D

Anyways, in the real world, I always prefer to work behind the scenes, and be more of a support guy. I'm fairly good at sports, but I hate when the coach does something specifically for me. I prefer to give others the spotlight. My multiplayer zombies persona mirrors this, because I always try to take the role of the medic, and let the other guys go for the Wonder gun, while I sit on a M&S and an AK74u, with QR, staminup, jugg, and phd. I rarly step outside of these parameters.


Thanks Josh. Sports had been a big part of my youth as well. Sportsmanship and team work are ultimately the biggest prize you walk away with one day. My son is your age but sadly sports never appealed to him. I think Nazi zombies somewhat parallel team concept. Having good solid team mates to fight along side you are so addicting that you sometimes forget how to play without them.


Firstly Jay as everyone else has said this is a great post [brains]

Anyway in game I tend to let others take the lead, I'll let them save up money, use the box and buy perks before i do, give them the opportunity to get those wonder weapons and will nearly always buy quick revive first to make sure i revive them quickly. There's nothing worse when you're trying to learn the game and you get downed and end up having to watch an elite player running around with two zombies at the other end of the map with no interest of reviving you. I suppose that's what i'm like in real life. I don't like being the center of attention and doing presentations but if no one takes the front seat then i will step up to the mark and (most of the time) pull it off.

In life I'm dedicated to getting them good grades at college and going to Uni to get a degree in Computing but in game i don't overly want to go for those high rounds, just be the best i can be and try to help others in game although if i go down then at least i went down with good intentions.


I think in some ways, definitely, in other ways, definitely not.

How I play I think represents me as a person: I'm calculating and analytic, also considerate and generally friendly. If I want to achieve something, I'll work my ass off until I get it.

From another perspective, I love talking with people face to face, but I've always hated talking on the phone or through a microphone for some reason.

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