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Grenade Launcher "underdamaged"?

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Just watched Terminator 2 the other day. What is Arnold Schwarzenegger using, when he stands at the window in the Cyberdine Systems office, to make a mess out of the police? A Minigun and a grenade launcher. In real life, definitely two beasts of guns. I instantly had to compare those two guns in zombies.

Deathmachine, a nice killing utility till 30. But the China Lake, useless already at maybe 10. Therefore this question came up:

What would you think if the China Lake stays as it is, except for it's damage. What if it would do a damage similar to Scavenger? It's explosion radius is smaller, you must have a very compact horde and aim very carefully, if you wanna take out a full horde with one shot. Unlike with the Scavenger, you also walk way slower, and you also have to face yourself with the very long reload.

I was thinking of maybe a insta kill until 20, upgraded until 25-30.

I'd really appreciate if it was like so. Because a grenade launcher is actually so cool - total Terminator style. It's in my opinion very sad, that this gun's coolness has to be ignored, because it is just too weak.

"plop" - "booooom" - see your work of destruction - "ratch ratch"

[this is not a Blops 2 suggestion, this is a discussion if such a gun would be appropriate for Blops 1 gameplay]

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Excellent point.

I always feel the game will be more interesting if the box weapons are more balanced. Almost always we hit the box for one or two items. Make weapons more evenly matched in gameplay, forcing players to utilize what they get instead if dumping it right back. I am all for weapon diversity but only if they are competitive.

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The GL has been nerfed alongside other guns, I for one would like to see it returned to former glory, possibly with the fact it cuts out a perk option as it did in CoD 4.

But why has it been nerfed to the point that a GL round - a 40mm grenade - is weaker than a pistol round, and why a grenade is weaker than a sniper bullet?

Let me sum up how CoD has evolved:

As companies who care for fans want to please fans, and those who want to make money want to make new ones, companies look for game feedback, this creates something I like to call; 'those who shout the loudest are the ones who are heard' :D Would someone who is content have as much desire to comment on a forum then one who is angry with it?

And as we know as a game becomes more popular the average age of those who play it decreases as younger and more mainstream people notice it - unfortunately this brings the people who seem to be the majority nowdays on CoD: Those players who prefer to get angry than enjoy a game, who prefer to blame the game or the opponents for their losses (the words 'you're a noob tuber' sound familliar? :mrgreen:) Those who, in forums and on their montages can be hear to say: 'using X is cheating, Y is overpowered, Z is a cheap tactic' Yet many, not all mind you - some are genuinly concerned about something which I respect - would happily use and do use those tactics themselves, its only due to the fact they may die before achieving a 25 killstreak (something I never come near to :P) that they rage at the killer and his weapon/tactic/equipment and perks. A clasic example:

Juggernaut (or as they say, juggernoob :lol:) was removed as we know in MW2 and became a deathstreak, ironically, they still complained, I recall my friend complaining as I watched him spawn kill a team with a chopper gunner: "Damn these painkiller noobs - I can't kill all of them and so they shoot my plane down, its so unfair." - Notice how he mysteriously overlooked the fact they had to have been killed numerous times without killing anyone to get a deathstreak :P

With the grenade laucher: As with most perks and equipment, it was easily remidied in CoD4/5 where it removed you're first perk, they removed that option in MW2 they made a mistake according to the popular feedback and should have been returned to a perk removing attachment. Yet sadly such was the rage and huge demands to nerf the Grenade Launcher from 'fans' that it was so :(

If they simply returned the grenade launcher - and every other gun (par apparently the sniper according to MW3 stats :P) to the CoD 4 style then it would be sorted. Of course the griefers would probably claim that they would not play it, but TRUST ME that they are the players who would buy anything if it were titled CoD :P

The 'silent majority' as Nixon put it, aka all the silent fans not on sites or youtube, who actually care about what comes out of the game box, would, I beleive, prefer this as you both said :P

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What would you think if the China Lake stays as it is, except for it's damage. What if it would do a damage similar to Scavenger? It's explosion radius is smaller, you must have a very compact horde and aim very carefully, if you wanna take out a full horde with one shot. Unlike with the Scavenger, you also walk way slower, and you also have to face yourself with the very long reload.

I was thinking of maybe a insta kill until 20, upgraded until 25-30.

We already have this and better: Mustang and Sally. They launch nades. And they are devastating till 30 and are useful until the mid 50's.

The China Lake is just there to give the box some balance, I think. If it weren't there, you would essentially be guaranteed something at least decent every single time. Except maybe the G-11

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Shor, thanks for your post. As far as I understood, you referred mostly to Multiplayer. Isn't zombies a totally different thing? Would anyone in zombies say "you noob toober"? :mrgreen:

Box Balance is a point, but why exactly the Nade Launcher? Why is the weak gun something with cool animations and cool sounds? Why not just a Spectre 2 for that?

M&S is imho not to compare with the nade launcher. If we just think about the rate of fire... Those are two different things. But the M&S is 5000 pts, the China Lake only 950. Therefore, why shouldn't the China be a weaker M&S?

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Shor, thanks for your post. As far as I understood, you referred mostly to Multiplayer. Isn't zombies a totally different thing? Would anyone in zombies say "you noob toober"? :mrgreen:

Trust me I've played enough CoD to meet noob callers even on zombies :3

Unfortunately multiplayer nerfing has seeped into zombies as well, that was what I was trying to say as the reason why the guns were so strange - sorry if my rant carried me away :)

I also think that snipers and bolt actions become obsolete very early, this gave me a zombies idea, PaP'd grenade launchers and other weak weapons should become extremely powerfull, as then you choose between

a slightly cheaper gun which when PaP'd has little ammo [in china lake's case], very slow RoF, yet makes up with one hit kills/makes them legless and has a large splash [again in the china lake's case] up through higher rounds. Like a wunderwaffe.

Or a fast firing weapon with lots of ammo where each bullet does a LOT LESS damage [meaning you make more points but kill less]

This is already in the game, i.e. a HK fires slower but is more powerfull than a RPK, yet I'm saying we shoul exaggerate this over weapons like the GL's as they have other limiting factors :)

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