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Why Xbox Zombies Is Better Than PC...

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Hey its 5and5

First I would like to say I don't think any console is actually "better" than a gaming PC. But there are some major difference's between the xbox/ps3 version of Black Ops and the PC version. These difference's are very favorable to xbox/ps3, thus the title. Ok to what they are, well basically on xbox when you are holding a pistol you move at 110% speed in all directions, right? So on PC dont you think it would be the same, wrong. On pc if you are holding a pistol you will move at 110% looking forwards but if you turn around and look backwards towards the zombies your speed will drop down to 80% (not 100% sure on this number but that's what it feels like). This is even worse with a LMG, as you all ready walk at 80% speed forward. So when you turn around this drop to speed slower than a zombie. For example lets say you have jugg and speed with an HK-21 and a full horde behind you If you tried to look at the zombies while reloading you would die before finish the reload. Now don't take just take my word for it, go check out this video and see it for your self...


Now that I've scared every console player away from pc :P. I got to say don't be, it not as big as deal as it may look. As long as you know about the speed decrease its easy to work with and even if you didn't most high round strats don't require looking back. For poof just look at all the pc player that I bet never know about this that have been to round 100 SuperHands, Tom, Pish, Drac and Swask these are just names that come off the top of my head. So don't get the wrong idea from this post its not about get people think PC is worse but more about spread awareness of the problem. Plus to show how much 1337 skills pc takes :P. So to any of you console player that are thinking of switch to pc DO IT. I did and it was totally worth it ;)

OK back on topic, other difference's I have noticed:

-There is no knife lung animation only the slash on pc.

-There mite be a little more range on the pc knife. That or the lack of lung makes it feel longer.

-Because of points above its possible to knife a zombie and NOT get the power up that he will drop (this may be possible on xbox but I have never done it...)

-On pc in solo you can pause and restart during the death screen.

-On xbox there is extra space around were the perks are and on the other side.

If there is any other difference's I missed or incorrect information please let me know.

Thanks, 5and5

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Yeah due to the points you mentioned, I wouldn't say either is better, both have their strengths and weaknesses.

I dunno if it's just me too, but the zombies seem to have less health on the PS3 version compared to the PC. I've played NML on my friend's PS3 and I always make less crawlers on the PS3, making the main area PaP strategy a much more viable option. The M&S also seems to do more damage.

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Thanks 5and5. I watched your vid already, but this posts helps make your points from the video clear. I didn't realize you walk backwards at a slower pace.

I was wondering why on PC I have a tendancy to get smacked more while walking backwards. This explains it.

Another thing on PC I noticed is while knifing groups of crawlers, you need to jump backwards immediately following your slash, to try to get away from ankle biters.

I find the no knife-lunging on PC to be double-edged sword. Sometimes lunging helps you. Other times its a gamble as to whether it's going to thrust you right where you don't need to be. At least on PC it's predicatable that you'll never mistakenly lunge. One advantage of this on PC is you can walk straight backwards and knife a zombie twice, before he hits you once. This is helpful for getting quick kills after the initial zombie sprint. On the other hand, if you watch my PC gameplay, you'll see me whiff all kinds of knife attacks while on the move.

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Yeah due to the points you mentioned, I wouldn't say either is better, both have their strengths and weaknesses.

I dunno if it's just me too, but the zombies seem to have less health on the PS3 version compared to the PC. I've played NML on my friend's PS3 and I always make less crawlers on the PS3, making the main area PaP strategy a much more viable option. The M&S also seems to do more damage.

I don't think console zombies have any less in health but what I think you are feeling is directly related to the movement speed decease. This is because M&S do maximum damage if you shoot the ground directly under the horde and not the horde it self. Therefore on pc because you are so close to the horde while trying to shoot its much, much harder to hit the sweet stop constantly. At least that's what I think as with a good start on xbox I can normally get 300+ kills but on pc with a good start I can't even get 300 and that not for a lack of trying... Still can't believe that you got 333 kills. That's got to be the pc record.

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Well, as Superhands said, both have their strength and their weakness.

There are probably a lot more disadvantages the PC has. One I just get in my mind is the total messed leaderboard, caused by the hackers. Another is that you can either press forward completely, then you walk at max speed, or you don't press it and then you stay still. But on XBOX you can easily walk just at a slow pace. I have to hack my W Button to death to get this effect (press release press release etc - well not with my new keyboard anymore though, hrhr).

But there are also a lot advantages of the PC (especially with this overpriced new keyboard and mouse...). E.g. just the easier recording, individual graphics and so on. Or that everybody can communicate with his keyboard and a Mic is not necessary (but still advantageous).

This fight will always stay active between the gaming platforms. It's a matter of taste.

I never played on a console. Therefore I'm so much used to this effect, that I don't even notice it ;)

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