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odd things i found?

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okay so in cotd its soposedly in the present right well if that's true then the outbreak has already begun and is pretty much everywhere, now why would you make a zombie movie in a place where 115 is known to be and i am assuming the outbreak is already in America by now,and in ascension when you unleash that man where does he go? he could've either gone up with the big man or it was a trap from Samantha? and in five by then wouldn't they have known about the out break because this is all after world at war so they should've known(i know JFK new but the way the others acted i am not sure whether they knew or not?).

please reply and thank you for viewing this :)

EDIT-i now know that he didn't realize there was 115 there and the ascension EE i figured out that he doesn't go back to aether or to samantha and the whole JFK thing thanks to some codzers i know he kept it secret and i should've known it :facepalm: and sorry about the post i was up till 12:00am and got up at 4:00am so i was REALLY tired

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Ok first off make your post legible, I could barely understand this........


to the point.

why and how would you make a zombie movie in a place where 115 is known to be?

Well George Romero was obviously curious when he found those Nazi Documents so he took his crew to Siberia to film where the documents said they had stuff. Now, George could have been there when the zombie outbreak happened so maybe, since he is in Siberia, he did not know. George doesn't know the true powers of 115 and what it does.

Yuri (Is that his name?) when you release him I have no idea where he goes.

Chances are only JFK and the secretary of defence (maybe not even him) knew about the zombies. Why would you inform Castro, the runner up, and that other guy? (Nixon is it?) In world at war it could have been a different reality, parallel universes, or something else. After all, if our heroes can time travel..........


^ It's actually Gersch. And I personally like to believe that we allowed him to pass away peacefully. When he got sucked into the device his body was destroyed but his soul was still alive. In the middle of Aether and being tortured by Samantha, he wanted someone to free him and let him die.


  MonopolyMac said:
^ It's actually Gersch. And I personally like to believe that we allowed him to pass away peacefully. When he got sucked into the device his body was destroyed but his soul was still alive. In the middle of Aether and being tortured by Samantha, he wanted someone to free him and let him die.

Yup, gotta believe that this is exactly what happened...

  Gersch said:
"Please.. Help me.. She's coming! The mechanism must be repaired." — Said at start of game.

""You've done it! Now, it needs as much power as possible. Hurry, she's getting nearer!" — Said after generator is sucked into Gersch Device.

"Three more! No, stop it!" — After activating Node 1 in the Kassimir Mechanism.

"It needs to be more concentrated power for this to work!" — After activating Node 2 in the Kassimir Mechanism.

"Yes, YES! Almost there! Hurry! She's coming! LUNA!!" — After activating Node 3 in the Kassimir Mechanism.

"Ah yes, I'm free! I cannot thank you enough for releasing me from this horrible place." — After completing the Kassimir Mechanism

After you complete the egg, his soul is released and presumably floats towards the heavens.


  MonopolyMac said:
^ It's actually Gersch. And I personally like to believe that we allowed him to pass away peacefully. When he got sucked into the device his body was destroyed but his soul was still alive. In the middle of Aether and being tortured by Samantha, he wanted someone to free him and let him die.

Ohhhhh sorry about that :)

To make another point, as the Presdient of one if the most powerful countries. I wouldnt blab my mouth to everyone saying "ZOMBIES AND GERMANS ZOMBIES AND GERMANS LOOK I HAVE PHOTOS!"

do you realize how much panic and doubt that could throw in a country? riots, crimes, civil strife, panic. Not a good idea when your fighiting three wars. a nuclear one, a zombie one, and an internal country one.


well yeah but i figured if there were zombies everywhere you'd think people would know? news,and people but then again the government hides alot and do a good job of it so that would be a walk in the park for them and sorry about the legibleness i was in a hurry


I think that it is implied that when the group time traveled that they actually went to a comletely different timeline, and Samantha followed. Because if Moon takes place before Cotd, then surely it would've been noticable if the half the Earth had been blown off.


  Kill_All_Monkeys said:
I think that it is implied that when the group time traveled that they actually went to a comletely different timeline, and Samantha followed. Because if Moon takes place before Cotd, then surely it would've been noticable if the half the Earth had been blown off.



  Kill_All_Monkeys said:
I think that it is implied that when the group time traveled that they actually went to a comletely different timeline, and Samantha followed. Because if Moon takes place before Cotd, then surely it would've been noticable if the half the Earth had been blown off.

well this is if moon is chronologically before cotd. it could be afterward and therefore we dont have to dwell in the complexities of alternate timelines


  HammerFace said:
  Kill_All_Monkeys said:
I think that it is implied that when the group time traveled that they actually went to a comletely different timeline, and Samantha followed. Because if Moon takes place before Cotd, then surely it would've been noticable if the half the Earth had been blown off.

well this is if moon is chronologically before cotd. it could be afterward and therefore we dont have to dwell in the complexities of alternate timelines

Yes, I'm going to assume that Moon happens AFTER Call Of The Dead.


  Kill_All_Monkeys said:
I don't remember them ever stating when Moon actually occurs, it was just inferred that it happened after some of the earlier maps because of what Richtofen says in the radios on Moon

it never was stated. but we assume its after because if it was before COTD would have some problems occuring because of the splosions. and so we couldn't have received. the golden rod and then we would not be able to launch nukes but then COTD would occur then we launch nukes, and the COTD couldn't occur and so on in a circular aradoxical fashion. although there is always the idea of alternate realties but that is getting far too complicated for my taste. time travel as it is, is far too unnecessary.


  Greenchico97 said:
Predominatley i understand where you two are coming from. But that fact is intergrating even more time travel into the game is way to complicated for the average zombie player...

what fact? that time travel would cause a circular paradox, because that is my reason for saying why time travel shouldn't occur.


  HammerFace said:
  Greenchico97 said:
Predominatley i understand where you two are coming from. But that fact is intergrating even more time travel into the game is way to complicated for the average zombie player...

what fact? that time travel would cause a circular paradox, because that is my reason for saying why time travel shouldn't occur.

Well that's the fact "circular paradox"

My main theory is to why Treyarch made the group time travel into Kino around the 60's was to fit the Campaign storyline. But other wise if they had kept Kino in WaW it would have taken place in the 40's. They didn't want to keep the characters in the past and the rest of the game in 60's.

Paradox's are cool and all, I for one have a passion for info like this :ugeek: ...But coming from a Zombie theorist point of view time travel just seems like a waste and too complicated. just my 2 cents ;)


if moon was before cotd then wouldn't them getting the golden rod or the stone not happen cause when they blew up earth they wouldn't be able to get them would they unless since they already had it and did it back then and stayed back then would they even exist considering they were still on earth when they blew it up???


  Greenchico97 said:
  HammerFace said:
  Greenchico97 said:
Predominatley i understand where you two are coming from. But that fact is intergrating even more time travel into the game is way to complicated for the average zombie player...

what fact? that time travel would cause a circular paradox, because that is my reason for saying why time travel shouldn't occur.

Well that's the fact "circular paradox"

My main theory is to why Treyarch made the group time travel into Kino around the 60's was to fit the Campaign storyline. But other wise if they had kept Kino in WaW it would have taken place in the 40's. They didn't want to keep the characters in the past and the rest of the game in 60's.

Paradox's are cool and all, I for one have a passion for info like this :ugeek: ...But coming from a Zombie theorist point of view time travel just seems like a waste and too complicated. just my 2 cents ;)

exactly, I mean they had many other options for getting into the the 60's like a cryochamber that opens when they are needed again. time travel throws everyone off. and it can lead to possible paradoxes like I mentioned.where the only way out is reaching beyond the universe and touching the multiverse. which treyarch should NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE EVER DO. and Tanked what the hell are you trying to say? I cant understand it but it sounds like you are repeating what I've said multiple times before


what fact? that time travel would cause a circular paradox, because that is my reason for saying why time travel shouldn't occur.everyone off. and it can lead to possible paradoxes like I mentioned.where the only way out is reaching beyond the universe and touching the multiverse. which treyarch should NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE EVER DO. and Tanked what the hell are you trying to say? I cant understand it but it sounds like you are repeating what I've said multiple times before

My point exactly thank you for understanding :) and yes Tanked what the hell are you talking about? lol man get a grammer book

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