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black ops 2 Zombies- MUST HAVE!

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Without Zombies, I wont be purchasing this, and I think many people like myself purchase map packs for zombies.

This is all about things I would like to see in the maps in the next game. I hear a trailer is being released this month. I hope to god we see even a slight teaser of zombies so, I can get even more excited like a kid on Xmas. I am going to post what I like to see in the next game or maps for zombies. Guys, share your thoughts or ideas too.

- new perks * PACK A PUNCH TWICE? Hold more then 4 perks?

- pack a punch twice * 40s + weapons are practically useless without t

- new traps * Laser? - I love Call of the Dead, arguably my favorite map due to its set up and size but, there are no traps making pts useless almost

- Weapons * 911 > mustang & sally * more of this style upgrades from weak to a boss weapons

- give zombies a new look, more realistic, and get back the routes where it all started in WAW * seemed more errie and scary then the recent ones

- New escapes * Log Ride? Roller Coaster? Water Fall? Parachute? Bungee jump? Paraglide? Hang Glide (yes like batman)?

- Map Idea - Amusement park? Water park? Cottage or lodge?

- Magic box * randomly throw in old weapons like the bar? wonder weapons (thunder gun, Scavenger, Wonder Wuffle same map & new Weapon)?

Also, would it kill you guys at trey arch to throw in phd in Derise?

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These all seem like very good ideas although i wouldn't want Der Riese to have PHD, in my opinion putting Mule Kick in ruined the maps, making it easier to survive.

Anyway I would like to have something that makes you use your points, heck i tend to go to about round 20-30 (don't overly want to go high + always play with randoms) and i still have loads of points with nothing to use them on, something you have to pay lots for every round, also PaP twice would be a good point user.

I would also like the box to give out more rubbish (in some cases) weapons like the snipers, pistols to make it harder to get the weapon you want.

I also would like a Black Box, let me explain:

Whenever you hit the box, there will always be a chance of you hitting the black box, this will turn the box black and replace the ? with :twisted: Then whatever the box lands on you will automatically take it and it will replace the weapon with the highest bullets in them. the higher the round the more likely this will happen meaning the box can be your best friend or your worst nightmare.

*EDIT: It will also change back if you hold square/X, you will spend 1500 to change it back to the normal box and not turn in Black Box for another 2 rounds

Personally i would like zombies to have more luck & risk involved in it. This will make the games even more random meaning no matter how good you are you can't even control your own fate. :mrgreen:


  bbobs2 said:
These all seem like very good ideas although i wouldn't want Der Riese to have PHD, in my opinion putting Mule Kick in ruined the maps, making it easier to survive.

Anyway I would like to have something that makes you use your points, heck i tend to go to about round 20-30 (don't overly want to go high + always play with randoms) and i still have loads of points with nothing to use them on, something you have to pay lots for every round, also PaP twice would be a good point user.

I would also like the box to give out more rubbish (in some cases) weapons like the snipers, pistols to make it harder to get the weapon you want.

I also would like a Black Box, let me explain:

Whenever you hit the box, there will always be a chance of you hitting the black box, this will turn the box black and replace the ? with :twisted: Then whatever the box lands on you will automatically take it and it will replace the weapon with the highest bullets in them. the higher the round the more likely this will happen meaning the box can be your best friend or your worst nightmare.

*EDIT: It will also change back if you hold square/X, you will spend 1500 to change it back to the normal box and not turn in Black Box for another 2 rounds

Personally i would like zombies to have more luck & risk involved in it. This will make the games even more random meaning no matter how good you are you can't even control your own fate. :mrgreen:

Something with fate is cool. Moon is way too fuvking hard sometimes and even there I got high 20s. What is frustrating is that, I played multiplayer 1x and we just blew up for no reason? Not sure what the fuck happened. Difficult is fun. Fate involved would be cool too. Just not overly difficult to the point of frustration and disinterest.

I would like them to get back to the original creepy errie zombies start like in WAW. My cousin introduced me to a cool idea, what if we could pay to close doors? This would be an amazing feature.

Without PHD, maps like Kino are not as fun or five since, what the hell can you do with a law or mustang? You end up killing yourself easily but, I would not die if I could get phd on those maps.

More info on your black box idea would be cool.

I agree with you about points. My favorite map for layout and overall size is call of the dead. What I dislike is that, there are NO TRAPS? What the fuck good is 150k or 200k when you cannot use it all. You end up dying with all your pts? More traps, more diverse traps and escape hatches or routes would be cool. Closing doors like my cousin mentioned would be awesome, pack a punch 2x or more would be cool, and as is easter eggs.


Something to add on that "Black Box" idea here would be to include it as the regular zombies version of "The Room of Fate" from DOA. However, instead of always being rewarding, they would be a prize that pays a price. It will benefit one area, but cripple another. ;)


I'm calling for PAP to he far more expensive and far more powerful if they stay with single PAP.

How about close doors? Every movie we see there are parts where people try to blockade zombies before eaten. For 500 close a door and let them rip the door apart.

I read melee weapons somewhere. How about chain saw? Sledge hammer?

More importantly an option to push or shove. Nothing like pushing your team toward zombies while you escape.


See that's the thing, you guys want TOO much change in zombies. IMO zombies is perfect the way it is.

The only thing I disagree with Treyarc is that they took away traps.


  Dougie_All_Day97 said:
See that's the thing, you guys want TOO much change in zombies. IMO zombies is perfect the way it is.

The only thing I disagree with Treyarc is that they took away traps.

This. I'd rather zombies go back to the eery stuff they had going in the original maps. The last 3 were just kind of comical. Although Moon kind of had an eery environment with barely any sound so the zombies would sneak up on you. Saying stuff like add bosses and add melee weapons. There's a perfect game out there for you guys. It's called Left for Dead. I loved zombies when it was JUST zombies like in NDU and Verruckt. The added things take away from that. COD Zombies was built as a border defense game. Let's go back to that.

But to the gun who said Mule Kick ruins the maps, yes and no. Ya it's stupid that they added but it doesn't ruin it for me since I don't buy it :D


The only thing I'm hoping for is a host migration system. I despise the fact that someone can throw a fit at high rounds cause you didn't (or couldn't) revive them, and rage quit ending the game.

The one that bothered me the most was when I was doing the Shangri-La EE, two steps away from completing it and one guy (who complained for at least ten minutes because he didn't get the JGb) just said ''I'm bored now see you later''.

-Host ended game-

I raged so much haha :D

I really hope they fix this instead of messing around with perks. Although I do like the Idea of being able to PaP your weapon more than once (5000 PaP, 50000 PaPx2?)


  complexinvalid said:
  Dougie_All_Day97 said:
See that's the thing, you guys want TOO much change in zombies. IMO zombies is perfect the way it is.

The only thing I disagree with Treyarc is that they took away traps.

This. I'd rather zombies go back to the eery stuff they had going in the original maps. The last 3 were just kind of comical. Although Moon kind of had an eery environment with barely any sound so the zombies would sneak up on you. Saying stuff like add bosses and add melee weapons. There's a perfect game out there for you guys. It's called Left for Dead. I loved zombies when it was JUST zombies like in NDU and Verruckt. The added things take away from that. COD Zombies was built as a border defense game. Let's go back to that.

But to the gun who said Mule Kick ruins the maps, yes and no. Ya it's stupid that they added but it doesn't ruin it for me since I don't buy it :D

I agree with most of this, but I love having boss rounds (dogs/monkeys/thief), just helps break up the gameplay so it doesn't get so same-samey like the last 3 maps, as well as make the game go quicker. Also, BRING BACK TRAPS!


  complexinvalid said:
  Dougie_All_Day97 said:
See that's the thing, you guys want TOO much change in zombies. IMO zombies is perfect the way it is.

The only thing I disagree with Treyarc is that they took away traps.

This. I'd rather zombies go back to the eery stuff they had going in the original maps. The last 3 were just kind of comical. Although Moon kind of had an eery environment with barely any sound so the zombies would sneak up on you. Saying stuff like add bosses and add melee weapons. There's a perfect game out there for you guys. It's called Left for Dead. I loved zombies when it was JUST zombies like in NDU and Verruckt. The added things take away from that. COD Zombies was built as a border defense game. Let's go back to that.

But to the gun who said Mule Kick ruins the maps, yes and no. Ya it's stupid that they added but it doesn't ruin it for me since I don't buy it :D

I do too but, what the fuck is the point og 200k with no fucking traps? The original maps even had traps. At 40s, you have no weapons that do anything. A ray gun is practically useless and rpk or hk21 is only relative to stack points IF there are traps making it worth while. I do want it to go back to the basics like WAW.

  Maz said:
The only thing I'm hoping for is a host migration system. I despise the fact that someone can throw a fit at high rounds cause you didn't (or couldn't) revive them, and rage quit ending the game.

The one that bothered me the most was when I was doing the Shangri-La EE, two steps away from completing it and one guy (who complained for at least ten minutes because he didn't get the JGb) just said ''I'm bored now see you later''.

-Host ended game-

I raged so much haha :D

I really hope they fix this instead of messing around with perks. Although I do like the Idea of being able to PaP your weapon more than once (5000 PaP, 50000 PaPx2?)

The rage quiting should either be put to an end so, it migrates to a host. One kid got into the 30s in a 4 way game when call of the dead came out, he quit cause he was tired, and our game ended. It takes hours sometimes which is bullshit so, lets hope the fox this.

Long story short, no matter what they do, fans will be mad, not everyone will be satisfied, and some will be. I will purchase it if Zombies are included. Survival is fun but, its just not the same. The creepy factor of playing zombies on 3d late at night in my room is fucking awesome and more so on the older maps. Boss weapons like a mustang and sally really isn't all that boss at 40. Fuck, you cannot kill crawlers with that or even a law or anarchy upgrade.


  Dougie_All_Day97 said:
See that's the thing, you guys want TOO much change in zombies. IMO zombies is perfect the way it is.

The only thing I disagree with Treyarc is that they took away traps.

I agree. I mean, I am just throwing some ideas out there. I thought even Shangri-la was getting too carried away with zombies. Even making them look different is cool but, I do expect aliens this time or even alien zombies. Its already played the moon. Why not space zombies? I expect it and to be the first before infinity award to jump on this.

If not pack a punch twice or plus, lets see maybe a new gizmo for weapons based upon reaching higher levels or keep it the same, and just bring back traps. Moon is fucking annoying since they all float, you do not hear them so, it adds to that creepy factor but, the lack of traps ruins it for me. The same with Call of the dead which is my favorite. I really like ascensions due to traps. Also, max ammo is guaranteed through monkeys who provide perks as well. PHD makes law or mustang worthy of purchasing as well.

  • 3 weeks later...

It would be really awesome if treyarch would bring guns from multiplayer to zombies, especially assault rifles like the ak 47. No telling what the guns might be though because black ops 2 is based in the future. I just want more variety of guns. Cooler guns on the wall that might cost more. More attachments like grenade launchers, flamethrowers, etc. Perks also on multiplayer like double mag, akimbo ak74u, mp5, aa 12.



Think we won't see too many crazy weapons, as Treyarch have said that zombies isn't gonna be set in 2025. I don't think they reall need to add too many weapons into it to be honest, otherwise you can end up with too many assault rifles etc. Would still like to see the shotguns given a bit of a damage boost though, as after round 20 they start becoming awful.

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