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How was Griffin Station created?

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Today me and my some friends were debating on how Griffin Station was created. I said that Richtofen created it after he accidentally teleported to the moon and found the pyramid. One of my friends said that the American government created it, and thats why the group has to go to Area 51 to get to it. What do you guys think?

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I doubt Richtofen would have randomly teleported on Moon and starting to make space station. Because he would have obviously died.

We know Group 935 had an astronomical team and they had found 115 on the Moon and were mining it by the looks of Griffin Station.

So Group 935 astronomical team built it at some point on the Moon, Richtofen might have been part of this team and decided to build the station around this pyramid not only because he wanted to study it but because the area around it was filled with 115.

That is my take on it.


The American Goverment probably didn't know about it, and perhaps the reason you have to take the teleporter in Area 51 is because they are all on the same sort of "channel"?

Maybe Richtofen or 935 in general made it so that they could teleport to anywhere that had the teleporters.


  Moon Radio 5 said:
Dr. Richtofen: "Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends."

(Inaudible conversing is heard from crowd and continues through Richtofen's speaking.)

Dr. Richtofen: "I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy."

Dr. Groph: "What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks alien."

Dr. Richtofen: "It is an ancient vril machine. And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station."

(Applause for Dr. Groph is heard.)

Dr. Richtofen: "You will be the one to discover how it works."

(radio continues)

Griffin Station was secretly constructed by Group 935 members (behind Dr. Maxis' back), under direct order from Edward Richtofen.


Richtofen, as detailed in Moon Radio 3, accidentally traveled to the MPD, which is in the Moon. Moon Radio 5 is an opening announcement to former members of Group 935, a group he sequestered to betray Dr. Maxis. Later, when Germany fell, the USA and USSR both took their own programs in 115. Sometime after the '60's, which may have been after the USSR collapsed (which would make it '90's), the United States discovered Griffin Station. They built teleporters, which were reverse engineered from the German ones, and they installed one in Area 51, while making rennovations on the Moon one as well, presumably for compatibility. (I say this because in Moon Radio 3 and Moon Film Roll 6, there is clearly oxygen in the MPD room, while there no longer is.)


Here's the real question. The pyramid is on the Moon, yet Edward gets teleported there and looks at it, touches it, talks....you see what I'm getting at? He doesn't act like he's being affected by the environment at all, even though he should be suffocating since I sure can't breathe when I'm next to the pyramid without a suit on.


Well, Richtofen went to the Moon when it was bare. The only technology was that left by the Vril-Ya. Since then, it's been modified by Germans and Americans, both of whom have technology inferior to the Vril-Ya. The Vril-Ya likely had oxygen under control.


  FatedTitan said:
Here's the real question. The pyramid is on the Moon, yet Edward gets teleported there and looks at it, touches it, talks....you see what I'm getting at? He doesn't act like he's being affected by the environment at all, even though he should be suffocating since I sure can't breathe when I'm next to the pyramid without a suit on.

I believe Richtofen does mention the anti-gravity effects he feels when he first get teleported to the Moon ("I feel almost....weightless").

Also, the pyramid was most likely sealed inside the cave as well when Richtofen first discovers it. This might offer an explanation of why Richtofen doesn't mention any problems with breathing, but yet we can't breath when we're there with the gang. This is assuming there was already oxygen there to begin with or that the pyramid is supplying oxygen, like Murder stated.

  • 1 month later...
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  OstonedshooterO said:
  FatedTitan said:
Here's the real question. The pyramid is on the Moon, yet Edward gets teleported there and looks at it, touches it, talks....you see what I'm getting at? He doesn't act like he's being affected by the environment at all, even though he should be suffocating since I sure can't breathe when I'm next to the pyramid without a suit on.

I believe Richtofen does mention the anti-gravity effects he feels when he first get teleported to the Moon ("I feel almost....weightless").

Also, the pyramid was most likely sealed inside the cave as well when Richtofen first discovers it. This might offer an explanation of why Richtofen doesn't mention any problems with breathing, but yet we can't breath when we're there with the gang. This is assuming there was already oxygen there to begin with or that the pyramid is supplying oxygen, like Murder stated.

I think that oxygen was there to begin with since it was a single chamber. There is no mention in the Moon radios of them having to wear gas masks, which is either because they just didn't feel like putting it in the radio or because someone came afterwards and took out the oxygen, so to speak. MMX stated above that he believes that Germans and Americans may have taken out the oxygen, but I have not warmed up to the idea yet. There is a mainframe on the ceiling if I remember correctly, and perhaps it had to be put in place for some reason and that was the reason the oxygen is no longer present.

  • 4 weeks later...

Richtofen discovered the MPD when he tried to first teleport himself but accidentally went there. The way I imagine it was that the MPD is in a hollowed out chamber just under the moon's surface so the oxygen has no way to escape. The teleporter pad was installed later on creating a hole above the MPD making the sealed chamber no longer sealed. Griffin station was Richtofen's project he hid from Maxis for his own personal research. As far as I know, its currently unclear as to when the Americans/Russians found it but there is evidence of them being there.

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