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FPS Russia's Tacitus T-Shirt.

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I did a random search on Google to see if I could link Tacitus with anything and I found some thing interesting 8-)

On Google I searched For keywords 'Tacitus' + 'Vril-Ya' And came up with a website:


Then I clicked the link to page that had Tacitus in the synopsis (Image Bellow)

Note the title link: 'From Mu to Thule and the Inner Earth'

So I clicked the 'From Mu to Thule and the Inner Earth' page and scrolled down to the part about 'Tacitus'and it came up with this (Images Bellow)

This was at the top of the page

If you can't read that small here's what it says:

"It was the Roman historian, Tacitus, who started the Germanic people believing that they were the descendants of these Atlantean-Hyperborean Aryans from the North Pole. He had already remarked that he could hardly believe people would choose to live in such a rigorous climate as that of Germany, let alone anywhere further north, but it was he who later agreed with those who believed the Germans to be a pure race, who had never intermarried with any other, and that this was shown by their distinct familial likeness, both physically and in character, even though they were a numerous race. They all had stern blue eyes, fair to ruddy hair and large, strong physiques.

It was this Nordic Aryan, tall, blond image, projected by Tacitus, that was later to become the racial ideal of the Hitlerian Nazis – despite Hitler himself and many of his Nazi colleagues, being short and dark-haired, and typically Southern European in general appearance!

This led to the concept of a Nazi Thule, the three god-fathers of which were Von List, Von Liebenfels, and Von Sebottendorff. All three were mere pretenders to grandeur and had added the nobly-suggestive “Von” to their plain family names. This in itself was a classical symptom of the “Master-Race” delusion, as they all firmly believed themselves to be of this chosen aristocratic Aryan race.

I could pursue this Nazi-Aryan association and their Thule Society at great length, but, although it may of great significance in terms of racial distinction and discrimination – as witnessed by their subsequent anti-Semitism – it has relatively little to do with the actual racial origins of mankind as a whole. The Nazi attempt at world domination is now relegated to the political history of the world, which is not the province of this work. Readers wishing to learn more about the Nazi-Thule mythos should read Joscelyn Godwin’s absorbing book: Arktos – The Polar Myth”

Hints Towards future zombies map maybe?

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this :D Let me know what you guys think.

Please don't flame this if my first proper Post :D

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Looks like the web of information and conspiracy is growing. Remember everyone, we all need to play our part to help piece all of this together!

Great find!


Nice find! This just proves that Treyarch may be still directly taking information from the community to craft there story because Alpha made a thread about the inner Earth and the Aryan super race a while back.


  ZombieChaos23 said:
Nice find! This just proves that Treyarch may be still directly taking information from the community to craft there story because Alpha made a thread about the inner Earth and the Aryan super race a while back.

I don't really see what this could have to do with zombies accept the Nazi part...



The beings known as the Vril-ya, live in an subterranean world populated by angelic-appearing beings who called themselves the ‘Vril-ya’. They are described as beings that are a powerful ancient race possessing both advanced technology and incredible psychic abilities. At the root of both their technology and their psionic powers is a substance called ‘vril’, which is a fluid of mysterious origins that can be harnessed by the beings in order to accomplish great and terrible things. The novel describes how vril can be used to both heal or destroy, depending on the purpose to which it is directed, which includes being used as a light source, a healing catalyst, a fuel for vehicles, and an energy storage medium to power the Vril-ya’s feats of psychic might. In many respects, the society of the Vril-ya is seen as idyllic – even utopian – but with one glaring problem; the subterranean world of the Vril-ya is becoming overcrowded. In time, the Vril-ya may resort to invading the surface world in order to acquire more land and resources, and if they are forced to war against humankind, well then so be it.

Physically, the Vril-ya possess an odd blend of features. The Vril-ya are ‘akin to man’ in their appearance, although stronger, more graceful, and more beautiful; their eyes are dark, their skin the colour of a ‘red man’, they possess wings, and a ‘sphinx-like’ face. The Vril-ya wore robes – as pretty much all advanced races are wont to do – and had the appearance of ‘oriental’ contemplatives, while at the same time evoking in the narrator a fear and dread that it was only out of curiosity that he was spared immediate destruction. In fact, the narrator’s earliest brush with annihilation comes at the hands of the children of the Vril-ya, who seem to initially view the narrator as some kind of insect or other inferior form of life.

The Vril-ya were described as a powerful, educated, technologically advanced and tribal society which was ruled by a central gerontocracy in which both male and female Vril enjoyed equal rights and privileges. It is interesting to note that when describing this advanced race, Bulwer-Lytton realized that egalitarianism was one of the characteristics of such advancement, which was a fairly contentious statement for a 19th Century man to make. At any rate, as a science-fiction tale, it’s a fairly engaging – if ponderous – one that I recommend people read.

And then it gets weird. Because of Theosophers; those well-meaning New-Agers of the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

http://skepticalcubefarm.wordpress.com/ ... the-earth/

could the zombies take place in an underground subterranean city?


  ZombiesQUANTUM said:
  ZombieChaos23 said:
Nice find! This just proves that Treyarch may be still directly taking information from the community to craft there story because Alpha made a thread about the inner Earth and the Aryan super race a while back.

I don't really see what this could have to do with zombies accept the Nazi part...

The concept of Vril energy was introduced with the VR-11 and went berserk with Shangri La. Shangri La itself is an ancient Vril Ya temple, or something like that.

Both the VR-11 and JGB run on Vril energy. Alphasnake blew the entire thing open with his thread. You know the pyramid thing on Moon? That's Vril. :D

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