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Should they add a Zombies Section To Call of Duty Elite?

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I recently Have bought it due to Playing mw3 and Thinking that this will probably have to do something with Blops 2 maps also.

So do you think they will add a Zombies Section? For like Strategy, story lines, easter eggs, challenges, etc.?

I think that it would be pretty cool.

Also Elite is free but if you Pay monthly you get the maps earlier.

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No, they shouldn't, but they probably will. I don't like to launch a separate application to look at stats and such when it can just be included in the game, saving everyone time. I have Elite premium and founder status, and I barely use it because it's just inconvenient.


  ZombiNation said:
As long as the maps come out the same day for nonsubscribers. We pay for it you guys get it cheaper.

I am almost positive it won't work that way, I think it will work kinda like mw3 does now. Let's say January starts the "dlc" off we get 1 zombie map then, feb we get 2 multiplayer, march we get another 2 then in march you would receive it all in one "map pack". So people who probably don't get elite, will have to wait for the maps, that's what I think will happen at least. And it will probably be free dlc for elite again. But you are technically paying for it so yeah.


  ZombiNation said:
As much as it pains me I will buy it. Is there a way to get only 1 year and not get it renewed?

Yeah just buy the $100 version it comes with the game and 1 year Elite subscription. (I'm assuming) That's how they did it with MW3.

I think you can also buy a prepaid card for 1 year of Elite for $50, but then you're wasting $10 for no reason.

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