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My hopes for BO2 Zombies (& hello again!)

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First of all; hello everyone! Seems like an age since I have posted. Hope to be much more involved again here in Codz in run up to BO2 :)

As much as I loved the old storyline, I believe it may have gotten a little stale. I cannot really see anyway Treyarch can coherently keep it going after Moon if i'm honest - think they may have flogged a little to much of a good thing in my own opinion. Maybe they could do some sort of round off to the story though - don't know about anyone else but with earth seemingly destroyed doesn't really leave much room for any future in that particular zombie storyline? Perhaps having a keepsake from this original storyline (aka grown-up Sam?) could be a way forward, keeping the contuinity of the zombie franchise whilst also innovating and moving on to bigger and better things!

Therefore I am hoping they introduce a completely new storyline for BO2 - new characters/ timeframe etc etc. Personally hoping for 'zombies campaign' of sorts with lots of context etc rich with all kind of new species of Zombie. :D With the Treyarch treyarch zombies team given free reign (which they should have had well before IMO) the possibilties really are endless, allowing us all sorts of wild speculation.

Really hoping zombies will be mind-blowing come November. Really don't enjoy cod multiplayer anymore and whilst I find the Treyarch campaigns really interesting and good fun while they last, just too short! I am so glad that 3Arc is finally seeing Zombies on par with SP and MP... All zombie DLC fingerscrossed!

Sorry for this stream of consciousness post - just very much stoked about BO2 Zombies and hadn't posted in a while!


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Welcome back!

Agree with most of what you're saying, but I personally think that there is still something they can do with the original storyline - for example, what happens to Tank, Nikolai, Takeo after they blow up Earth? Do they just stay on the Moon with Sam in Richtofen's body and Richtofen in control of zombies left on the Moon, or do they try returning to Earth? Not dismissing another set of characters etc, but they can't relly introduce a completely new story, just different people in different maps reacting to the zombies maybe?

Also, I may be mistaken, but Earth wasn't completely destroyed was it? I mean, the three missiles (from what I've heard) were only sent to places where there were large amounts of zombies, and so wouldn't have destroyed Earth. What if there are still zombies left? There is still lots 3arc can do with the current story, IMO.

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BO2 zombies could be set in 2025 after the 3 missiles hit since

A) You can see ruble under the chick holding the shotty and

B) So far Treyarch has based zombies around the time the campaign is set in

Good point! Would be interesting what they could do with 'future' (aka 2025) zombies. Perhaps missiles sent from Moon largely eradicated zombie threat and BO2 focuses on the return of the outbreak or something?!

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Time Travel!

They could easily travel to a point in which the Earth wasn't destroyed. But since Richtofen was the only one with experience in time traveling, their attempt could be shoddy, and they wouldn't really know where, or when, they're going. And this opens up so many possibilities. Anything could happen!

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