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Leaks and such

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This isn't a thread with leaks in it. I just had a question. Where do leaks come from? Sure there are some that are pictures taken at a Gamestop that received their merchandise and an employee wanted their YouTube to get famous. But that's not always the case. For instance, the picture today that was "leaked." That wasn't taken at a Gamestop. Someone put it out on the internet. Who did that? Well most likely someone from Treyarch. It's a way to hype your game. It's done all the time to gauge interest and get player feedback before things are complete.

So my question is, if the leak is from Treyarch, then why do we block it? Why do we delete them all? Sure there are some that are obviously taken from an iPhone at a Gamestop, but others are too high quality and perfectly scanned in to be "leaked" like that. They are obviously leaked from the source. From Treyarch. So why do we not discuss this information when it is obviously from them?

Now I understand the reasons for no leaked information. You want the respect to stay that you have from the zombie team. But if they're the ones putting it out there, then how would they lose respect for you. It's like if Jimmy put it out there and you completely ignored it because it was leaked. Well he did it on purpose for zombie fans and the real zombie fans ignore it. It's actually probably funny for them to watch because it's there and they put it out there for us but we won't discuss it or give feedback because it's a "leak."

In conclusion, a leak doesn't get out by accident. These things are done on purpose. So why evade them? Why ignore those that are obvious? What difference does it make?

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Because the leaks aren't always from Treyarch, take Half-Life 2 and Gears Of War 3 for example. Both games had early versions leaked because they were stolen from outside sources. Gears of War 3 had its campaign leaked in it's entirety months before the games release because it was stolen.

Treyarch don't want leaks to go out for a reason, leaks reveal early and unfinished versions of a game that in a lot of cases give the community a lasting impression on what it might be like.

If someone from Treyarch leaks something from inside, the rest of the team will no doubt be unhappy about it, embargo dates are in place for a reason.

Now onto why we delete these threads.

A lot of it is down to respect, a lot of Treyarch employees visit this site, in fact the founder of this site is now a Treyarch employee. They want to surprise the community with what they've been working on.

Another reason is so nothing gets spoiled, it's always fun to witness a reveal all at the same time, like what happened with the Black Ops 2 trailer for example, the full trailer didn't leak and the whole CoDz community got to see it at the exact same time, we all got to discuss it together at the exact same time, and the pre release buzz was amazing.

When a leak goes out, that buzz and discussion is gone.

When leaks are released it's usually things that Treyarch didn't want people to see, which could ruin the whole game, trailers are made to reveal parts of the game without giving away the whole plot line, but when kotaku leaked the whole Modern Warfare 3 campaign from start to end before the game was even announced people couldn't get away from these spoilers, I enjoyed MW3 a lot less because I knew what was going to happen, I was also less hyped for trailers because we knew the exact setting of the game, but with Black Ops 2, I didn't see most of what was in that trailer coming,having info spoiled via leaks isn't fun.

The only sort of leaks that we are less strict on are things such as posters, the "return for debriefing" gamestop poster for example was leaked, but it didn't spoil anything and instead got people hyped and got discussion going because of the reveal of an untitled Call of Duty game.

There's a very big difference between a leak and a release, if Jimmy Z said something about Zombies in an interview, that isn't a leak, it's fully official info that has been released with permission, he won't get fired for it and nothing will be ruined.

I hope that answers your questions. (Sorry for the long read! :D)

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