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Riddle Me This- CoDz Edition


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This one is tough... Hmm... Is it the little bird thingy that you can pick up that shoots with you? (No idea what it is called, not much of a DOA player :lol: )



This one is tough... Hmm... Is it the little bird thingy that you can pick up that shoots with you? (No idea what it is called, not much of a DOA player :lol: )


It's a chicken.

Although the one from the Fate of Friendship looks more like an eagle or something.


1. This is unique in the world of zombies

2. This is abundant in Dead Ops Arcade

3. This is where it all began

4. This is not a whole

5. This is both abstract and concrete

6. This first appeared in WaW


Right, so unique, in large quantities (in DOA), where it all began, not a whole, abstract and concrete, first appeared in WaW...

Hmmm... Could we be talking about the Teleports? They are unique, they appear often in DOA, the teleports are located where it all began (Der Riese), first appeared in WaW... Not sure about the other two but it could probably fit in some way... Right, that's my answer.




Right, so unique, in large quantities (in DOA), where it all began, not a whole, abstract and concrete, first appeared in WaW...

Hmmm... Could we be talking about the Teleports? They are unique, they appear often in DOA, the teleports are located where it all began (Der Riese), first appeared in WaW... Not sure about the other two but it could probably fit in some way... Right, that's my answer.



Is that the same as mine? :)


Right, so unique, in large quantities (in DOA), where it all began, not a whole, abstract and concrete, first appeared in WaW...

Hmmm... Could we be talking about the Teleports? They are unique, they appear often in DOA, the teleports are located where it all began (Der Riese), first appeared in WaW... Not sure about the other two but it could probably fit in some way... Right, that's my answer.



Is that the same as mine? :)

CRAP! Didn't see that :lol:

I need a new answer now... I'm lost so I'm just going to go with the moon.



1. This is unique in the world of zombies

2. This is abundant in Dead Ops Arcade

3. This is where it all began

4. This is not a whole

5. This is both abstract and concrete

6. This first appeared in WaW

7. This is an Un-inanimate object :?


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