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HUGE Analysis/Transcripts of Vital Moon Quotes *NEW FINDS*


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What's up guys! I've finished listening to all of the quotes from the map Moon and will provide transcripts of all quotes that are pertinent to the game or story. The other quotes, such as reload, headshot, etc. were not included unless they contained important information. Afterwards I will do a full analysis of what the quotes mean. So here we go with the quotes:


"Eat my green balls….why are my balls green?”

"“They never did finish my little cabin in the Biodome”

“Now, where did they leave that extra set of sandals”

“The trees are not right in this place, they need to be removed “

“Nothing happened, at least in this reality(said when picking up a negative(red) power up)

“Points, points, points wee wunderbar! YAY!”

“We shall put all the points into a vat and swim in them…..naked!”

“My mad hacksaw skill is only eclipsed by my mad scientist skills, but its very close.”

“The doctor is not impressed Yankee time apple pie man”

“Now to hack Dempsey a brain….hmm not possible!”

"I can skip and jump like a little girl again!"

“Oh wunderbar I was wondering where that artifact went.”

“I knew I should of invented an egg moving robot. Stupid Maxis with his rules and stupid accent.”

“Great that worked, now where did I put the Casimir holder?” -said while retrieving the plates from Area 51

“A Casimir effect only occurs when there is a vacuum” - said after throwing the QED in the Recieving Bay during EE.

“Ah Gersch, the builder of the Casimir Mechanism prototype, I will show you how to build a REAL one”

“The Gersch Device, simply, deadly, and comes complete with batteries”

“Dr. Gersch. He would have fit into my project had he been born earlier”

“This "Vril" shall yield to me their secrets” (22:53) -wpck_hacker_3

“The voices in my head, they scream!”

“The Quantum Bomb, they stole this from me!”

“Now to use this to blast a hole in space-time and… what was I saying?”

“Never again will my creations be used against me.”

“Oh boy, a bomb that destroys the sanctity of relativity”

“Login - teddy. Password - is a liar. I'm not. But that’s why no one would guess it”

“What is it with Groph’s obsession with American women, all they do is play games."

“That nasty child touched me! They shall all die!” -said when revived by a teammate

“Another reminder of Maxis failure” -said when a dog spawns

“The foolish Americans will never gain my secrets” -said when starting a match

“Hello Samantha you little brat, your time is coming, soon….SO SOON!”

“Child, soon I will deal with you for good, but there is one more thing I must do!”

"Now to re-align the Antikythera mechanism. Just kidding, but it is pretty cool. Look it up.” -Said during the Easter Egg

“This will draw the samples I need” wpck_favorite_1

“Of course it’s here, it is my destiny” wpck_favorite_2

“Yeah it worked! Now on to Phase 12!”

“Oh wow, look at this place. Some place I’ve never been before ….NEVER.”

“Oh good, good, we’ve made it. Now one more convoluted multi-part step before I …oh um power, we’ve got to turn on the power.”

“Suck Gersch, suck them all! Tell that little brat I’m coming for her”


“TAKE ME TO MY FATHER” - boxmove

“You cannot hide in there forever Edward” - boxmove

“No matter how many you kill, we cannot win this way” - friend headshot

“Feed the Aether” - gersche device

“Tell Edward to die” -gersche device

“Soon I will be dead, and then you’ll be sorry” - ohshit_9

“Don’t kill the zombies, he’ll just gain power when you do” - power-up_ammo

“Stop tempting us to kill Edward”

“Daddy, is that you?” - powerup_a????es__plr2 (negative(red) powerup)

“He just wants you to earn points faster!” –powerup_dblpoints

"But I want my body back! And I will destroy that evil Richtofen for taking daddy away!"

“No,NO! I hear the voices in YOUR head!” - firesale_2

“The blackness will swallow your pride. Something far more terrible than you lies here”

“Daddy, make him stop!” - quest_step_7

“This must be the artifact Daddy was talking about!” - quest_step_8

“You just gave teddy more power” - kill_headshot

“I caught a glimpse of Edward…arrogant” - teleporting through gersch device

“I should of never had any mercy on Gersch!” – gersch device

“I should of destroyed Gersche’s soul!” – gersche device

“Ohhh Ted, I'm coming for you” – gersche device

“First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia” - sniper_4

“This should keep the bogey man away”

“Let’s play a game”

“Why did Daddy have to die?” - upgrade_wait_1

“I Hate Edward, he has lied to daddy since I was just a little girl”

(lullaby while waiting for pack-a-punch)

"One - Two, Gun is True

three - Four, 12 bore gore??? *Not sure exactly what she says here.

Five - Six, Evil tricks

Seven - Eight, SET THE FATE!

Nine - Ten, KILL AGAIN!"


“An egg….of the Devil” - quest_step_2

“I will destroy you yet Edward!” - quest_step_7

“ I do not like this egg, it gives me a very bad feeling “ - quest_step_8

“Did I just die for a moment” - teleport_gersch_device

“Black magic at it’s worse” - teleporter_gersch_device

“This place is Richtofen written all over it. Not literally, that was the last place.” - Said when teleporting to Moon from No Man's Land.

“Does this mean we have run (won?) the moon race?" - Said when first teleporting to the Moon


“A Moon base with no power? Then why can I breath?... Eh…..Stupid”

“This means we never have to go anywhere, brilliant.”

“Lick my green balls b**ch”

“Dude, you know what I’d grow if I had a room Like this”

“Oh Nikolai quit queffing, oh nevermind, FREAKBAGS!"

“So you’re the little bitch that keeps moving that box on me. I promised Id ground you when I caught you, just wait til I get you out of that tube.”

“Why they call this Paradise Ranch is beyond me. The desert sucks!”

“A universe full of titty bars and we end up here”

“Wish I could use Tak’s katana, must just be there for decoration right?”

“K bar! Sweet!”

“Nut up or shut up maggot addicts, I’m coming to kill you!”

“My own personal pocket teleporter, sweet!” - gersch device

“I hate Dictofen. That guy’s gonna get what’s coming to him one day”


“You would think that base on Moon would be more advanced than temple in jungle, but I guess we STILL need to turn power on”

“Do not hit it too hard, a black egg does not smell too good.”

“So that’s what he wanted to do, I probably should of seen that coming”

“HA goodbye wife number nine, I do not think I will be able to top that one. She died when I blew up the Earth. Fun Times….I will miss her.”

Maxis (in the computer)


"Acess denied Richtofen"

"You fool! I should never have trusted you!"

"I know what you're up to and I will not allow you to succeed."

"Stop the madness Edward, we were suppose to help the human condition not destroy it!"

"She's just a little girl Edward! She doesn't even know what she's doing!"

"Greetings, if you are recieving this message it means that Richtofen has entered the device. If you free me, I will help you minimize the damage that he will inevitably cause."

"Good, now that I'm in control of the station, we have one last chance to severe Edward' s link with Earth. I will calculate the position, retrieve the artifact and take it to the launch platform."

"I have finished the calculations, lauch protocol initiated. Launch in 5...4...3...2...1"

"30 seconds to impact"

"Well, that was a much larger explosion than I had anticipated. I have done all I can, I certainly hope those calculations were correct."

Announcer (Richtofen)


"Death Machine"

"Fetch me their souls!"

"Double points"

"Time for a fire sale!

"Insta kill


"Max ammo"


"I'll take your points! Thank you! Hahaha!" - points_negative

"Here you go have a freebie...ON ME!" - points_positive

"Give me their power!" - random_0

"Give me your tears" - random_1

"Give me your tears, I put them in a jar." - random_1alt

"I dance in your sorrow" - random_2

"Haha I dance in your sorrow" - random_2

"Your spleens! Haha your spleens! - random_3

"Shatter them all! - random_4

"Eat their brains! Their brains!" - random_5

"I hate them all! I hate them all! I hate their joy, I make them pay in bile. - random_6


"Suprise!" - random_weapon_0

"Enjoy your present" - _random_weapon_1

Moon Computer (P.A. System)

"Warning, massive decompression in Labratories, PES required."

"Warning, massive decompression in Receiving Bay, PES required."

"Warning, massive decompression in Tunnel 11, PES required."

"Excavator Omicron, control restored."

"Warning Excavator Omicrone will cause decompression of Tunnel 11."

"Warning Excavator Omicrone will cause decompression of Tunnel 11 in 30 seconds."

"Warning Excavator Omicrone will cause decompression of Tunnel 11 in 60 seconds."

"Warning, massive decompression in Biodome, PES required."

"Excavator Epsilon, control restored."

"Warning Excavator Epsilon will cause decompression of Biodome."

"Warning Excavator Epsilon will cause decompression of Biodome in 30 seconds."

"Warning Excavator Epsilon will cause decompression of Biodome in 60 seconds."

"Warning, massive decompression in Tunnel 6, PES required."

"Excavator Pi, control restored."

"Warning Excavator Pi will cause decompression of Tunnel 6."

"Warning Excavator Pi will cause decompression of Tunnel 6 in 30 seconds."

"Warning Excavator Pi will cause decompression of Tunnel 6 in 60 seconds."

"Receiving Bay"

"Tunnel 6"

"Tunnel 11"



"Warning, entering airless environment."

"Unauthorized user, access denied."

"Unauthorized access detected, computer system impaired."

"System files accessed."

"Power restored, artificial gravity and life support online in Receiving Bay, Tunnel 6, Tunnel 11, Laboratories, Biodome."

"Main system offline, please perform system integrity check."

"System check failed, main systems offline."

"Integrity check complete, main systems online."

"Performing internal routine check."

"Security system activated, access denied."

"Security systems breached. Reinitializing. System reboot initiated."

Reboot in T-minus 50 seconds...40 seconds...30 seconds...20 seconds...10 seconds"


"Reboot complete, security systems online. Access granted."

"Greetings Edward, would you like to play a game?"

"Access granted. Switching relay to Sector 1-1-5. Security overide active."

"Security system override in progress. Please input proper authorization code."

"Phase 1 complete. Redirecting Security Matrix."

"Security Matrix override successful."

"Welcome to Griffin Station, artificial gravity and life support systems are offline."

"P.E.S active"

"Please active P.E.S., critical oxygen levels detected."


Maxis is dead, but in the Aether.


"Why did Daddy have to die?” - upgrade_wait_1

“TAKE ME TO MY FATHER" - boxmove

“Daddy, is that you?” - powerup_a????es__plr2 (negative(red) powerup)

“Daddy, make him stop!” - quest_step_7

Maxis is dead. He was killed that fateful day at Griffin Station after he told Samantha to kill everyone in the facility.

However, it appears that Maxis' soul is still trapped in Aether. She knows he's there ("TAKE ME TO MY FATHER"), because his soul transfered into the MPD after being shot, and they we're reunited once more. She knows he's in there, and hopes he can help her.

When we kill zombies, their souls are fed to Aether, powering whoever's in charge.


“Don’t kill the zombies, he’ll just gain power when you do” - power-up_ammo

“Stop tempting us to kill Edward”- power-up_ammo

“No matter how many you kill, we cannot win this way” - friend headshot

“He just wants you to earn points faster!” –powerup_dblpoints

Why do zombies attack us you ask? Well it's not brains.

Zombies attack us because someone is controlling them, from the Aether (Vril Pyramid). This controller sends zombies out on the world, in hopes they will be killed and their souls sent to Aether, increasing the power and strength of their master. This can be seen when we fill the viles of the pyramid on Moon. Notice Samantha's voice get much deeper than ever before. The lifeforce was giving her more strength than ever.

This is the reason why as the zombie maps advanced, the zombies got quicker, and smarter. Their master (Samantha) got stronger the more zombies we killed, and thus her capabilities as master grew in the process. Samantha did not fully understand the position of power she held. To her it was in part just a game.

However, with someone like Richtofen being the controller, things are much more drastic. One might assume it couldn't get worse than Richtofen being in charge. But I ask you, what's more threatening than this?

The voices controlling the controller.[tab][/tab]The voices!!

Some souls travel to Aether after death.


“Soon I will be dead, and then you’ll be sorry” - ohshit_9

Based on the fact that Maxis soul ended up in the Aether after death, and this quote from Sam, some souls travel to Aether upon death. But what differentiates Maxis and Samantha from others? Contact with 115? with the Vril Ya? or something else?

The Gersch Device, an unstabble portal to Aether.


"Feed the Aether" - gersche device

“Tell Edward to die” -gersche device

“Suck Gersch, suck them all! Tell that little brat I’m coming for her”

“I caught a glimpse of Edward…arrogant” - teleporting through gersch device

The Gersch Device is a direct gateway to the Aether, however it does not create a strong enough Casimir Effect to maintain a stable gateway. Instead, you just pass through for a second, before returning to Earth in a random location. I will go into the Casimir Effect more below.


“The Gersch Device, simply, deadly, and comes complete with batteries”

“My own personal pocket teleporter, sweet!" - gersch device

These are nods to the 'Pocket Teleporter' ad seen on the loading screen of Moon.

The Casimir Effect.

Firstly, if you've never heard of the Casimir Effect, take a look at these links if you'd like to get a better understanding of this first. Otherwise, I will sum it up below:

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic ... imir-effec



To sum it up the links above, when two metal plates are placed parallel from each other at a specific distance apart will create a pressure in the middle of this plate. This pressure is caused from a slight difference in wavelength from inbetween and outside the plates. Realistically, this effect is difficult to harness as the calculations are impossible due to infite wavelengths. However, if the certain numbers of wave lengths is known, the Casimir Effect can be harnessed as energy. Considering the source of energy is a vacuum, the vacuum of space could be an incomprehensible source of energy.

And to sum that up, two plates facing each other in the vacuum of space can be a source of unlimited energy if harnessed correctly. You can see where I'm going with this.


“Great that worked, now where did I put the Casimir holder?" -said after retrieving the plates from Area 51

“A Casimir effect only occurs when there is a vacuum” - said after throwing the QED in the Recieving Bay during EE.

“Ah Gersch, the builder of the Casimir Mechanism prototype, I will show you how to build a REAL one”

Richtofen placed the Vril Generator w/ 115 Focusing Stone into the Casimir Mechanism he built on the Moon. After doing his calculations (not without an attempted thwart by Maxis), Richtofen is able to harness the infinite energy of the vacuum of space to charge the Vril Generator with an enormous amount of energy. This energy, when near the Vril Pyramid, releases the viles to appear. The pyramid senses it's own energy in abundant amounts, thus the viles appear without any buttons or switches.

The Casimir Effect can also be seen during the Easter Egg on Ascension. Throughout the Easter Egg, we continue to power Gersch's Casimir Mechanism prototype, but it never seems to have enough power to provide Gersch with a direct passage back to Ascension. It's not until we throw multiple Gersch Devices (creating a tremendous amount of vacuum btw) and use Wonder Weapons (powered by 115) that a powerful enough Casimir Effect to be created to power the Casimir Mechanism. Gersch is able to escape the Aether after we have done this, and his soul returns to Ascenion, and then floats up to the heavens.

Ascension: When and why.


“Dr. Gersch. He would have fit into my project had he been born earlier”

It's obvious by now why we traveled to Ascension. Richtofen took the gang there to use the Casimir Mechanism prototype created by Gersch to switch souls with Samantha. Upon arriving and hearing Gersch's predicament, Richtofen realizes that he cannot switch souls with Samantha simply by going to the Aether. That would just result in Sam tormenting him there. That's when he develops his plans for Griffin Station, travels to Call of the Dead and Shangri La for the items, and to then to Griffin Station.

What has always been a question is the time of the event though. I believe this quote provides an answer. Gersch was too young when Richtofen first developed his plan to swtich bodies with Sam, thus he could not use Gersch to develop a "Richtofen Device". He had to travel foward in time to the base to retrieve the Gersche Device after it was completed. How he was aware of Gersch's creation is still unclear.

Samantha took mercy on Gersch.


“I should of never had any mercy on Gersch!” – gersch device

“I should of destroyed Gersche’s soul!" – gersche device

Gersch's soul manage to survive in the Aether because Samantha took mercy on him. Ironically leading to her ultimately being removed from the Aether.

Maxis and Richtofen have previously worked on The Artifact together.


“Oh wunderbar I was wondering where that artifact went.”

“I knew I should of invented an egg moving robot. Stupid Maxis with his rules and stupid accent.”


“This must be the artifact Daddy was talking about!” - quest_step_8

The Artifact clearly has a significant meaning in the grand scheme of things. Both Richtofen and Maxis have worked with it before. What is the origins of this artifact? And what mysterious powers does it possess? More research MUST be done on this. However, it may lead in a dark direction...

The Black Egg of the Devil.


"An egg….of the Devil" - quest_step_2

“I do not like this egg, it gives me a very bad feeling “ - quest_step_8


"Hey, check it out, there's a black egg. Wonder what it does?"


"Do not hit it too hard, a black egg does not smell too good.

The egg's background may be a very dark one. Tank, Tak, and Nikolai all mention a "black egg", and Takeo in particular even references the Devil himself. Observe the symbols on the egg: (Credit to MixMasterNut for the pic!)

The Vril Ya are coming.


“This "Vril" shall yield to me their secrets” (22:53) -wpck_hacker_3

“The voices in my head, they scream!”

Earlier I talked about how Richtofen's now controlling the pyramid, but someone is controlling Richtofen. The voices. The voices he hears is that of the ancient Vril Ya.

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race is an 1871 science fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race. Many early readers believed that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril" was accurate, to the extent that some theosophists accepted the book as truth. A 1960 popular book speculated on a secret Vril Society in pre-Nazi Berlin.

The hero soon discovers that the Vril-ya are descendants of an antediluvian civilization who live in networks of subterranean caverns linked by tunnels. It is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being the "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy which his spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree which depends upon their hereditary constitution, giving them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will. The powers of the will include the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are awesomely powerful, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to wipe out entire cities if necessary. It is also suggested that the Vril-ya are fully telepathic.

The narrator states that in time, the Vril-ya will run out of habitable spaces underground and start claiming the surface of the Earth, destroying mankind in the process if necessary.


This was never Richtofen's plan. Richtofen has been nothing more than a pawn in the grand scheme of things. Samantha never fully understood the power of her position, thus she was never strong enough for the Vril Ya for their plan of wiping out mankind. The Vril Ya have been the voices in his head, and the masterminds behind his plans. You'll notice how he mentions both the voices in his head and the fact he has a masterplan for the first time immediately after touching the Vril Pyramid. As Richtofen got closer and closer to completing his plans, the voices got louder and louder (The voices in my head, they SCREAM!).

The Vril Ya have used Richtofen to complete their plan of taking over Earth. It's how he knew the whereabouts of the Golden Rod and Focusing Stone. They TOLD him where it was. Richtofen was the perfect candidate for their plan. Everything's going according to plan. It's gonna be up to our crew to stop them.

The Vril Ya are coming...

Alternate Realities and Dimensions.


“Nothing happened, at least in this reality (said when picking up a negative(red) power up)

This is an interesting one to note. This very quote could hint at alternate realities and dimension existing within the storyline of Zombies. Some theorists believe that alternate dimensions do indeed exist, this may provide some evidence to back up such claims.

This quote is said when picking up a red, negative powerup that seemingly does nothing. It's possible this refers to the Aether being affected by the power, but I have my doubts with that.

Who is Teddy?


“Ohhh Ted, I'm coming for you” – gersche device

“First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia” - sniper_4


“Login - teddy. Password - is a liar. I'm not. But that’s why no one would guess it”

Who or what is this Teddy character? Samantha does seem to reference it alot. One possibility is this is a reference to Richtofen.

Shangri La was the previous map.


“You would think that base on Moon would be more advanced than temple in jungle, but I guess we STILL need to turn power on”


“This place has Richtofen written all over it. Not literally, that was the last place.” - Said when teleporting to Moon from No Man's Land.

Based on these two quotes, we can confirm that Shangri La was indeed the previous map. Some theorist argue this, but I believe the puts an end to the debate. The Takeo quote refers to the Richtofen shrine in Shangri La.



“What is it with Groph’s obsession with American women, all they do is play games."


“First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia” - sniper_4

While Sophia's nationality has never been confirmed, I believe the quote from Richtofen might give a hint at her nationality.

I think it's safe to assume that when Richtofen says this, he's speaking from experience. And what's the only female that we know about besides Samantha? Sophia. Furthermore, I think the quote is referring to when Richtofen and Maxis were working together at Der Riese, and Sophia became a distraction to Maxis.

Now I know Sophia was just Maxis' assistant, but this could mean that Americans we're indeed in Group 935.

Also, based on Samantha's quotes about Teddy possibly being Richtofen, Sophia may be in the Aether as well. This can't be confirmed unless "Teddy's" identity can be confirmed.

Nikolai has had 9 wives.


"HA goodbye wife number nine, I do not think I will be able to top that one. She died when I blew up the Earth. Fun Times….I will miss her."

In case you lost count.

The gang wants their revenge.


“You cannot hide in there forever Edward” - boxmove

"But I want my body back! And I will destroy that evil Richtofen for taking daddy away!"


“I will destroy you yet Edward!” - quest_step_7


“I hate Dictofen. That guy’s gonna get what’s coming to him one day”


“So that’s what he wanted to do, I probably should of seen that coming”

The gang can all clearly see now what Richtofen's plans were, and have all vowed to get revenge for what he has done.

Treyarch knows us too well.


“Wish I could use Tak’s katana, must just be there for decoration right?”

This subject has been discussed so many times on CoDz during Black Ops it wasn't even funny. Every time a new map was first revealed, people started demanding to see Tak's katana has a useable melee weapon.

Perhaps Treyarch poking fun at us. :lol:

The gang has green balls.


"Eat my green balls….why are my balls green?”


“Lick my green balls b**ch”

The Ray Gun appears to be giving the gang "gren balls". Most likely a side effect of the 115 used in the Ray Gun. Look out for the green balls.

Funny Quotes.


“Points, points, points wee wunderbar! YAY!”

“We shall put all the points into a vat and swim in them…..naked!”

“My mad hacksaw skill is only eclipsed by my mad scientist skills, but its very close.”

“The doctor is not impressed Yankee time apple pie man”

“Now to hack Dempsey a brain….hmm not possible!”

"I can skip and jump like a little girl again!"


“Dude, you know what I’d grow if I had a room Like this”

“Oh Nikolai quit queffing, oh nevermind, FREAKBAGS!"

“A universe full of titty bars and we end up here”

These are just a few funny quotes I caught.

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Mate, I have been waiting for this! :D

Okay first off, you've put “What is it with Groph’s obsession with American women, all they do is play games." twice in the list. :P

  OstonedshooterO said:

When we kill zombies, their souls are fed to Aether, powering whoever's in charge.


“Don’t kill the zombies, he’ll just gain power when you do” - power-up_ammo

“Stop tempting us to kill Edward”- power-up_ammo

“No matter how many you kill, we cannot win this way” - friend headshot

“He just wants you to earn points faster!” –powerup_dblpoints

Why do zombies attack us you ask? Well it's not brains.

Zombies attack us because someone is controlling them, from the Aether (Vril Pyramid). This controller sends zombies out on the world, in hopes they will be killed and their souls sent to Aether, increasing the power and strength of their master. This can be seen when we fill the viles of the pyramid on Moon. Notice Samantha's voice get much deeper than ever before. The lifeforce was giving her more strength than ever.

This is the reason why as the zombie maps advanced, the zombies got quicker, and smarter. Their master (Samantha) got stronger the more zombies we killed, and thus her capabilities as master grew in the process. Samantha did not fully understand the position of power she held. To her it was in part just a game.

However, with someone like Richtofen being the controller, things are much more drastic. One might assume it couldn't get worse than Richtofen being in charge. But I ask you, what's more threatening than this?

The voices controlling the controller.[tab][/tab]The voices!!

This actually makes total sense! The zombies die to power the controller! It fits very well into my DA thread as well, so I'm going to add this into it if you don't mind? I'll credit ya ofcourse. ;)

Regarding the last line, I'm unsure on that. You've provided a quote from Samantha, “No,NO! I hear the voices in YOUR head!”. But this plays during a Fire Sale, so I'm not sure if she is referring to the voices Richtofen heard because she is in him now, or the fact the Fire Sale music is Richtofen's thought's, etc.

However, I'm inclined to believe the former one because 'YOUR' is emphasized, meaning Richtofen's head which Samantha is in.

This means Richtofen doesn't have the voices anymore, and Samantha has them now. (Really Richtofen still has them, but he is not in his body anymore so he can't hear them)

  OstonedshooterO said:
Samantha took mercy on Gersch.


“I should of never had any mercy on Gersch!” – gersch device

“I should of destroyed Gersche’s soul!" – gersche device

Gersch's soul manage to survive in the Aether because Samantha took mercy on him. Ironically leading to her ultimately being removed from the Aether.

I'm so confused now. She says she had mercy on him, but the whole time during Ascension, she seems pissed off and chased after him the whole time. The only conclusion I can think of is perhaps she didn't hurt him right away? But why bring him into the Aether and do nothing to him? Perhaps torture and questioning him was the goal in the first place to get answers from him. He could've escaped her clutches , and that's why she was after him?

But this may depend on how long it was between the Ascension radios, and Ascension itself.

  OstonedshooterO said:

This was never Richtofen's plan. Richtofen has been nothing more than a pawn in the grand scheme of things. Samantha never fully understood the power of her position, thus she was never strong enough for the Vril Ya for their plan of wiping out mankind. The Vril Ya have been the voices in his head, and the masterminds behind his plans. You'll notice how he mentions both the voices in his head and the fact he has a masterplan for the first time immediately after touching the Vril Pyramid. As Richtofen got closer and closer to completing his plans, the voices got louder and louder (The voices in my head, they SCREAM!).

The Vril Ya have used Richtofen to complete their plan of taking over Earth. It's how he knew the whereabouts of the Golden Rod and Focusing Stone. They TOLD him where it was. Richtofen was the perfect candidate for their plan. Everything's going according to plan. It's gonna be up to our crew to stop them.

The Vril Ya are coming...

I agree with this so much. I think it's Satan to be honest, but Satan was supposedly a Vril-Ya himself! So there ya go aha!

Whether it's one or the other, they both fit the role perfectly, with enough evidence to support both of them being the voices. Hell, maybe they both are? Maybe the Vril-Ya are the voices and Lucifer is the ultimate controller?

Whatever it is, Richtofen was a pawn indeed. Though I think it was destiny, even his fate. I don't think he was teleported to the cave with the MPD by chance. No, I think outside intervention was involved. But why him? Perhaps he's lust for power, control?

  OstonedshooterO said:

The gang has green balls.


"Eat my green balls….why are my balls green?”


“Lick my green balls b**ch”

The Ray Gun appears to be giving the gang "gren balls". Most likely a side effect of the 115 used in the Ray Gun. Look out for the green balls.

I don't think they literally have green balls :lol:. I remember Richtofen saying "Do you like my glowing green balls" in Kino I think it was. But I'm pretty sure it is just a play on the term 'blue balls'. :roll:

Great thread man! :D I really hope we learn more about Sophia in the next game.


Excellent work here.

Do you mind if this is used in NZC?

Oh & when are you doing Shangri-La?

I think Tac is doing Ascension & maybe call of the dead.

Some great answers in these quotes. It will take me a while to take them in fully.

Where there really that few quotes from Tank, Takeo & Nikolai?

You should also do Richtofen & Sam as the controller, I think CJ has those up on his youtube channel.

Maybe do all the PA quotes as well.

Once again great work. I'll be back.

Regards Alpha.


  Monopoly Mac said:
Maxis studied the black egg and Vril. This most likely lead him to where he is now. This is an awesome thread bro. [brains]

Thanks alot man. This thread is the sole reason I haven't been on skype much this week. I just had to sit down and put my full focus and attention on it to get it done. And I still feel like I left so mcuh out.

It was very time consuming to say the least. Me being a freak about grammar and format doesn't help speed up the process either though :lol: .

  Rissole25 said:
Mate, I have been waiting for this! :D

Haha, I told you it was coming :) . Just took FOREVER to edit the damn thing. As I was editing it I just kept of thinking of more and more things from the quotes. And I still feel like my analysis is missing stuff. Had to get it out though! :D

Okay first off, you've put “What is it with Groph’s obsession with American women, all they do is play games." twice in the list. :P

Great eye man, thanks for the correction! I'm a freak about that kind of stuff so thanks for mentioning this :D

  OstonedshooterO said:

When we kill zombies, their souls are fed to Aether, powering whoever's in charge.


“Don’t kill the zombies, he’ll just gain power when you do” - power-up_ammo

“Stop tempting us to kill Edward”- power-up_ammo

“No matter how many you kill, we cannot win this way” - friend headshot

“He just wants you to earn points faster!” –powerup_dblpoints

Why do zombies attack us you ask? Well it's not brains.

Zombies attack us because someone is controlling them, from the Aether (Vril Pyramid). This controller sends zombies out on the world, in hopes they will be killed and their souls sent to Aether, increasing the power and strength of their master. This can be seen when we fill the viles of the pyramid on Moon. Notice Samantha's voice get much deeper than ever before. The lifeforce was giving her more strength than ever.

This is the reason why as the zombie maps advanced, the zombies got quicker, and smarter. Their master (Samantha) got stronger the more zombies we killed, and thus her capabilities as master grew in the process. Samantha did not fully understand the position of power she held. To her it was in part just a game.

However, with someone like Richtofen being the controller, things are much more drastic. One might assume it couldn't get worse than Richtofen being in charge. But I ask you, what's more threatening than this?

The voices controlling the controller.[tab][/tab]The voices!!

This actually makes total sense! The zombies die to power the controller! It fits very well into my DA thread as well, so I'm going to add this into it if you don't mind? I'll credit ya ofcourse. ;)

Of course feel free to use anything from this thread at your disposal. Credit is always very much appreciated, but not required.

Regarding the last line, I'm unsure on that. You've provided a quote from Samantha, “No,NO! I hear the voices in YOUR head!”. But this plays during a Fire Sale, so I'm not sure if she is referring to the voices Richtofen heard because she is in him now, or the fact the Fire Sale music is Richtofen's thought's, etc.

However, I'm inclined to believe the former one because 'YOUR' is emphasized, meaning Richtofen's head which Samantha is in.

This means Richtofen doesn't have the voices anymore, and Samantha has them now. (Really Richtofen still has them, but he is not in his body anymore so he can't hear them)

That's an excellent point my friend, I knew that quote would have some significance. This would indeed mean that the voices stay in the body when the souls are switched, and Samantha in Richtofen's body is now haunted by the voices.

  OstonedshooterO said:
Samantha took mercy on Gersch.


“I should of never had any mercy on Gersch!” – gersch device

“I should of destroyed Gersche’s soul!" – gersche device

Gersch's soul manage to survive in the Aether because Samantha took mercy on him. Ironically leading to her ultimately being removed from the Aether.

I'm so confused now. She says she had mercy on him, but the whole time during Ascension, she seems pissed off and chased after him the whole time. The only conclusion I can think of is perhaps she didn't hurt him right away? But why bring him into the Aether and do nothing to him? Perhaps torture and questioning him was the goal in the first place to get answers from him. He could've escaped her clutches , and that's why she was after him?

But this may depend on how long it was between the Ascension radios, and Ascension itself.

It's possible that he eluded her for the duration of his stay in the Aether. But I think Samantha would have taken mercy on Gersch, and this is why. Gersch was never meant to go to the Aether. Yuri tricked Gersch into getting sucked in by the Gersch Device. Gersch wasn't a bad person as far as we are aware. And Samantha most likely didn't know who he was either, so she may have been hesitant to destroy him.

Or perhaps this had happened long before we got there, and Gersch was hiding in the Aether. When we arrived at the Russian facility, both Gersch and Samantha became aware of the 115 activity, and that's when Samantha realized Gersch was near.

It's just so hard to tell without knowing more about the specifics of the Aether.

  OstonedshooterO said:

This was never Richtofen's plan. Richtofen has been nothing more than a pawn in the grand scheme of things. Samantha never fully understood the power of her position, thus she was never strong enough for the Vril Ya for their plan of wiping out mankind. The Vril Ya have been the voices in his head, and the masterminds behind his plans. You'll notice how he mentions both the voices in his head and the fact he has a masterplan for the first time immediately after touching the Vril Pyramid. As Richtofen got closer and closer to completing his plans, the voices got louder and louder (The voices in my head, they SCREAM!).

The Vril Ya have used Richtofen to complete their plan of taking over Earth. It's how he knew the whereabouts of the Golden Rod and Focusing Stone. They TOLD him where it was. Richtofen was the perfect candidate for their plan. Everything's going according to plan. It's gonna be up to our crew to stop them.

The Vril Ya are coming...

I agree with this so much. I think it's Satan to be honest, but Satan was supposedly a Vril-Ya himself! So there ya go aha!

Whether it's one or the other, they both fit the role perfectly, with enough evidence to support both of them being the voices. Hell, maybe they both are? Maybe the Vril-Ya are the voices and Lucifer is the ultimate controller?

Whatever it is, Richtofen was a pawn indeed. Though I think it was destiny, even his fate. I don't think he was teleported to the cave with the MPD by chance. No, I think outside intervention was involved. But why him? Perhaps he's lust for power, control?

Something very dark was attracted to Richtofen before this all started. We know he's a borderline sociopath and has no remorse for killing. Paranormal experts agree that spirits and demons are attracted to these type of emotionally distressed people. Perhaps the reason why the darkest of demons was attracted to him. We know from Richtofen's bio in SNN that he did some messed up stuff in his younger years, so I wouldn't be suprised that such an evil force would find him.

  OstonedshooterO said:

The gang has green balls.


"Eat my green balls….why are my balls green?”


“Lick my green balls b**ch”

The Ray Gun appears to be giving the gang "gren balls" :lol: . Most likely a side effect of the 115 used in the Ray Gun. Look out for the green balls. :lol:

I don't think they literally have green balls :lol:. I remember Richtofen saying "Do you like my glowing green balls" in Kino I think it was. But I'm pretty sure it is just a play on the term 'blue balls'. :roll:

Great thread man! :D I really hope we learn more about Sophia in the next game.

  AlphaSnake said:
Excellent work here.

Do you mind if this is used in NZC?

I do not mind at all. Feel free to use anything here. I was actually gonna post a message on your NZC preview thread with all the quotes if you didn't catch this one.

Oh & when are you doing Shangri-La?

Shangri La is next. :twisted:

I think Tac is doing Ascension & maybe call of the dead.

Some great answers in these quotes. It will take me a while to take them in fully.

Where there really that few quotes from Tank, Takeo & Nikolai?

There were that few irrelevant quotes from them. Alot of their quotes are just comedic or pissed off, but not alot retaining to storyline. Anything I thought was in anyway helpful to someone's theory I'd write down the quote.

I was suprised to see how few quotes Takeo had that were of any interest. All he seems to do is ramble on about honor.

Dempsey had a few good ones. And admittedly, I did go through Nikolai quotes a bit quick, so perhaps I'll go through them again. Time to listen through about 100 vodka quotes again haha. Takeo and Dempsey however just had that many irrelevant sayings.

You should also do Richtofen & Sam as the controller, I think CJ has those up on his youtube channel.

Maybe do all the PA quotes as well.

I'll do a quick update tonight with these. Might as well add them just to complete the collection. I'll just include them in full as there isn't a large amount of quotes to go along with them. Shouldn't take long.

Once again great work. I'll be back.

Regards Alpha.


Maxis in the computer, Richtofen as the announcer, and the PA system computer quotes have been added.

I'm having trouble finding Announcer Samantha quotes specific to Moon.



The Antikythera mechanism (play /ˌæntɨkɨˈθɪərə/ ANT-i-ki-THEER-ə or /ˌæntɨˈkɪθərə/ ANT-i-KITH-ə-rə) is an ancient mechanical computer[1][2] designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900–1901 from the Antikythera wreck,[3] but its significance and complexity were not understood until decades later. The construction has been dated to the early 1st century BCE. Technological artifacts of similar complexity and workmanship did not reappear until the 14th century, when mechanical astronomical clocks were built in Europe.[4]

Jacques-Yves Cousteau visited the wreck for the last time in 1978,[5] but found no additional remains of the Antikythera mechanism. Professor Michael Edmunds of Cardiff University, who led the most recent study of the mechanism, said: "This device is just extraordinary, the only thing of its kind. The design is beautiful, the astronomy is exactly right. The way the mechanics are designed just makes your jaw drop. Whoever has done this has done it extremely carefully ... in terms of historic and scarcity value, I have to regard this mechanism as being more valuable than the Mona Lisa."[6][7]

The Antikythera mechanism is displayed at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, accompanied by a reconstruction made and donated to the museum by Derek de Solla Price. Other reconstructions are on display at the American Computer Museum in Bozeman, Montana, the Children's Museum of Manhattan in New York, and in Kassel, Germany.

Richtofen told me.

Regards Alpha.


  AlphaSnake said:

The Antikythera mechanism (play /ˌæntɨkɨˈθɪərə/ ANT-i-ki-THEER-ə or /ˌæntɨˈkɪθərə/ ANT-i-KITH-ə-rə) is an ancient mechanical computer[1][2] designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900–1901 from the Antikythera wreck,[3] but its significance and complexity were not understood until decades later. The construction has been dated to the early 1st century BCE. Technological artifacts of similar complexity and workmanship did not reappear until the 14th century, when mechanical astronomical clocks were built in Europe.[4]

Jacques-Yves Cousteau visited the wreck for the last time in 1978,[5] but found no additional remains of the Antikythera mechanism. Professor Michael Edmunds of Cardiff University, who led the most recent study of the mechanism, said: "This device is just extraordinary, the only thing of its kind. The design is beautiful, the astronomy is exactly right. The way the mechanics are designed just makes your jaw drop. Whoever has done this has done it extremely carefully ... in terms of historic and scarcity value, I have to regard this mechanism as being more valuable than the Mona Lisa."[6][7]

The Antikythera mechanism is displayed at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, accompanied by a reconstruction made and donated to the museum by Derek de Solla Price. Other reconstructions are on display at the American Computer Museum in Bozeman, Montana, the Children's Museum of Manhattan in New York, and in Kassel, Germany.

[ Image ]

Richtofen told me.

Regards Alpha.

That's so crazy you mentioned that Alpha! I was going to make mention of that on the OP. Wasn't sure if it'd be a stretch saying it was his design.

The quote is just Richtofen boasting about his own intelligence and idea. Knowing Ed, he just can't help but brag.

  • 1 month later...

One of these quotes made me think ("I can Skip and Jump Like a Little Girl Again")

Could this possibly mean it was never richtofen at all and just sam. This would point to why sam's voice is so messed up after the body swap. She tried to switch bodies back but because of how powerful the vril and focusing stone are, the body switch did go as plan. Richtofen is still in the MPD as has always been in it. It is just that there voices sound like each others.

This is just a theory and might make a full thread on this

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

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