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Takeo's Master and the Egg

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Hey, this happens to be my first post, now that we got that out of the way:

I wanted to talk about Takeo, there are still some things unsolved, or at least that I think deserve to be discussed.

Now then, in Moon Takeo says this:

"Our agreement, is void!" (when he kills Zombies with the Gersch Device)

What kind of "agreement" is he talking about? At first I thought it was just a random quote, nothing special, but remember how we all got from Takeo is just a pawn like Dempsey/Nikolai to Takeo actually has lots to do with the story (his memory for example) thanks to 1-2 quotes that he said? It gets 'better..'

In Ascension (the map where we learnt about Takeo's actual hate against Richtofen) Takeo says

"And THAT was for my Master!"

But, who is Takeo's master?

My best guess is that it's Samantha, why? Well if we look at Kino's 5th "Black Portrait" let's see what Takeo has to say about it.

"What once was, is no more, but shall be again!"

Now this might be far-fetched, but if Treyarch already had the idea, at the time, of Samantha actually being "freed" and a playable character, then this line would make perfect sense.

She had a body once, but now not anymore, but she will gain one again, thanks to Takeo ofcourse.

Also, Sam only talks about Takeo in a 'friend-ish' way.

"Takeo, you play the game real good!"

Those were just a few things that bothered me, now onto the 'main event'

What is Takeo's deal with the Black Egg in Moon?

In all of his quotes with the black egg he openly talks about not liking the egg at all, that it gives him "a very bad feeling", even going as far as calling it "the Egg of the Devil" None of the other characters seem to having that much of a problem with the egg, so why Takeo?

The egg itself, seems to be an alien-like ancient artifact, Maxis knew of it, he even went on telling Samantha about it.

So yeah, I tried searching for answers, on the web and I pretty much looked in every corner of every map (noclip, heckyeahh) but so far nothing.

This all could be irrelevant, or it could be something we all overlooked?

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"Apparently if you eat one of the eggs that were hard boiled in the natural hot spring (which turns the shell of the egg black!) you would have seven years added to your longevity."

From some guys website.

That doesn't seem to pertain to Takeo at all...

I didn't find anything either.

Welcome to the site by the way!

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In Shangri-La, he has a rather peculiar quote after completing the Easter Egg, "What was will be again!" I have connected that quote to the one in Kino about the portraits and have tried to find a similarity between them. Your idea of Sam being his master does make sense though. At the end of Easter Egg on Moon, Takeo says this, ""I will destroy the remnants of this dishonourable Group 935," so he clearly shares the same goals as Samantha.


Also, I just remembered what Takeo's says after freeing Gersch.

"I hope you in turn, free someone else, who needs it"

So this would probably be either Yuri or Samantha.

Either way, we never heard of Gersch again, so he obviously didn't succeed.

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Perhaps he did in an indirect way. I mean Sam was released from the confines of the MPD, but I will agree that since we have not heard of Gersh since, it is unlikely he had anything to do with it.


I don't know how treyarch wants the confines of the aither to work but... while Richtofen was performing tests on Takeo and he was unconsious, Samantha could've somehow communicated with him, possibly shortening the amount of time of his memory loss.

This could all be busted by saying that Takeo's regaining of memory was just an unforseen occurance of Richtofen's testing... but let's ignore that! ;)

  • 11 months later...

"What once was is no more, but shall be again."-Takeo

When trapped in the Aether, Gersch was surrounded by darkness. Just like how Maxis is alive in the Aether.

"What once was, is no longer."-Takeo

After killing zombies with the Gersch Device.

"I hope you in turn, free someone else...who needs it."-Takeo

After freeing Gersch.

Who would need to be set free? Is it the Mexican, Weasel, Maxis, someone unknown?

The Blank Portrait could be Maxis, who was also in the Aether.

On the blank portrait is the name Wendel, which in German means: Wanderer.

Maxis wandered decades through time to find survivors of the Zombie Apocalypse.

Did Maxis turn into the Phantom after the trauma he experienced?

Is the Phantoms anthem We All Fall Down?


So takeo your saying maxis time traveled? which means sometime he could find the GR4(or T4) and unite them with the 04? and From your post whoever posted this, i remember that takeo hates ritchofen so someday when the GR4 unite with the O4 they will battle ritchofen, win, free samantha and maxis and anyone else they need to free, and go back and start building civilazion again until.........another guy comes. One of ritchofens followers it seems. He starts another zombie attack as he controls them, and in BO6, the zombies over run them all. Ritchofens follower will leave them to rot and die after dragging them to the middle of the desert where they get bitten by a rattlesnake and are unable to clean and cure the wound, making it a tragic, hot death. Ritchofens follower will then wreak havoc on all humanity, killing everything that gets in his way. He then sends nukes all over, killing all the zombies, and starts masturbating. No just kidding lol you thought i was serious with my crazy farfetched theory that will never happen. But anyways, he then commots suicide after blowing up the earth with his deadly rockets that he made using various equipment from mitilary and goverment bases all over the world. After that, nothing and noone is left.....well at least they thought so. The zombies mode will then turn into a sort of campaign. One guy in the whole universe survived. He knew this would happen someday and hid way down into the earth)not way down but like a few thosand feet you know what i mean). He is all by himself. You play as him(Gersch!) and you have to survive. There is hardly anything at all left. No life, almost no food. You wander the deserts searching, but nothing. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere and all the sudden, you hear a faint buzzz. You look all around and see aliens have surrounded you. They stuff you inn a bag and bring you far far away to a planet noone has ever seen before. You learn all about aliens and their culture. You someday are king of the alien planet and decide to teach them about what being a human is like. Also way before you foubnd the aliens came while the zombie apocalypse was going on and took and saved many people. You find over 100 other people there. Someday you take UFO's back and create a whole new plant with humans again and start civilization again! You life life like a regular person again and become the president. You tell youre kids what earth used to be like. every night you would tell them a story about your crazy crazy life. You die by a crazy terrorist who was thought to have plans about hoqw to make a zombie(even though he didnt know zombies were once made like many years ago-_-.Anyways, he made the first zombie. The cycle continues and he gets a few other people and they help him. The cycle continues just like mob of the dead and the same things happens over and over again with the aliens getting them, etc. However they one day over a thousand years later they do things differently and they break the cycle, ridding the world of zombies forever.

Sorry guys i got way too off topic. This wqould NEVER HAPPEN> That would be a good movie though


So takeo your saying maxis time traveled? which means sometime he could find the GR4(or T4) and unite them with the 04? and From your post whoever posted this, i remember that takeo hates ritchofen so someday when the GR4 unite with the O4 they will battle ritchofen, win, free samantha and maxis and anyone else they need to free, and go back and start building civilazion again until.........another guy comes. One of ritchofens followers it seems. He starts another zombie attack as he controls them, and in BO6, the zombies over run them all. Ritchofens follower will leave them to rot and die after dragging them to the middle of the desert where they get bitten by a rattlesnake and are unable to clean and cure the wound, making it a tragic, hot death. Ritchofens follower will then wreak havoc on all humanity, killing everything that gets in his way. He then sends nukes all over, killing all the zombies, and starts masturbating. No just kidding lol you thought i was serious with my crazy farfetched theory that will never happen. But anyways, he then commots suicide after blowing up the earth with his deadly rockets that he made using various equipment from mitilary and goverment bases all over the world. After that, nothing and noone is left.....well at least they thought so. The zombies mode will then turn into a sort of campaign. One guy in the whole universe survived. He knew this would happen someday and hid way down into the earth)not way down but like a few thosand feet you know what i mean). He is all by himself. You play as him(Gersch!) and you have to survive. There is hardly anything at all left. No life, almost no food. You wander the deserts searching, but nothing. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere and all the sudden, you hear a faint buzzz. You look all around and see aliens have surrounded you. They stuff you inn a bag and bring you far far away to a planet noone has ever seen before. You learn all about aliens and their culture. You someday are king of the alien planet and decide to teach them about what being a human is like. Also way before you foubnd the aliens came while the zombie apocalypse was going on and took and saved many people. You find over 100 other people there. Someday you take UFO's back and create a whole new plant with humans again and start civilization again! You life life like a regular person again and become the president. You tell youre kids what earth used to be like. every night you would tell them a story about your crazy crazy life. You die by a crazy terrorist who was thought to have plans about hoqw to make a zombie(even though he didnt know zombies were once made like many years ago-_-.Anyways, he made the first zombie. The cycle continues and he gets a few other people and they help him. The cycle continues just like mob of the dead and the same things happens over and over again with the aliens getting them, etc. However they one day over a thousand years later they do things differently and they break the cycle, ridding the world of zombies forever.

Sorry guys i got way too off topic. This wqould NEVER HAPPEN> That would be a good movie though


  tinasrob said:
So takeo your saying maxis time traveled? which means sometime he could find the GR4(or T4) and unite them with the 04? and From your post whoever posted this, i remember that takeo hates ritchofen so someday when the GR4 unite with the O4 they will battle ritchofen, win, free samantha and maxis and anyone else they need to free, and go back and start building civilazion again until.........another guy comes. One of ritchofens followers it seems. He starts another zombie attack as he controls them, and in BO6, the zombies over run them all. Ritchofens follower will leave them to rot and die after dragging them to the middle of the desert where they get bitten by a rattlesnake and are unable to clean and cure the wound, making it a tragic, hot death. Ritchofens follower will then wreak havoc on all humanity, killing everything that gets in his way. He then sends nukes all over, killing all the zombies, and starts masturbating. No just kidding lol you thought i was serious with my crazy farfetched theory that will never happen. But anyways, he then commots suicide after blowing up the earth with his deadly rockets that he made using various equipment from mitilary and goverment bases all over the world. After that, nothing and noone is left.....well at least they thought so. The zombies mode will then turn into a sort of campaign. One guy in the whole universe survived. He knew this would happen someday and hid way down into the earth)not way down but like a few thosand feet you know what i mean). He is all by himself. You play as him(Gersch!) and you have to survive. There is hardly anything at all left. No life, almost no food. You wander the deserts searching, but nothing. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere and all the sudden, you hear a faint buzzz. You look all around and see aliens have surrounded you. They stuff you inn a bag and bring you far far away to a planet noone has ever seen before. You learn all about aliens and their culture. You someday are king of the alien planet and decide to teach them about what being a human is like. Also way before you foubnd the aliens came while the zombie apocalypse was going on and took and saved many people. You find over 100 other people there. Someday you take UFO's back and create a whole new plant with humans again and start civilization again! You life life like a regular person again and become the president. You tell youre kids what earth used to be like. every night you would tell them a story about your crazy crazy life. You die by a crazy terrorist who was thought to have plans about hoqw to make a zombie(even though he didnt know zombies were once made like many years ago-_-.Anyways, he made the first zombie. The cycle continues and he gets a few other people and they help him. The cycle continues just like mob of the dead and the same things happens over and over again with the aliens getting them, etc. However they one day over a thousand years later they do things differently and they break the cycle, ridding the world of zombies forever.

Sorry guys i got way too off topic. This wqould NEVER HAPPEN> That would be a good movie though

That's more text than there are voices in my head. A problem I have with Maxis so called "searching for decades" b.s statement is that Tranzit happened right after Moon.

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