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I know a lot of people on here already know of me and have had intelligent conversations with me, but I feel I should formally introduce myself to the newcomers.

My name is Tim and I am from JAX FL.

I am 23 and employed with the schoolboard.

I currently game on the XBOX 360 and pretty much the only games I play are COD games. Not so much for the "name brand", I just view COD as the best FPS as far as movements and graphics.

You will most likely find my posts in Black Ops II forums, but I also frequent the member lounge and site news boards. I specialize in common decryptions and decoding. If you ever want to game with me, (you will go far), my gamertag is H3ADxHUNT3RxFTW . I have all the maps and I play more with randoms and people I meet online, than anything else. Aside from solo.

Here is my unofficial solo leaderboard.



Verruckt- ~30

Der Riese- 38


Five-20 (I hate that stupid thief, POINTERS?)

DOA-38 (died in the jungle cause I couldn't see the zombies)


COTD- 32

Shangri La-40

Moon- 38

To be continued and updated once my actual leaderboard reflects my skills. As I said I normally play with randoms and so my leaderboard scores normally reflect everyone else dying off and me trying to make it to 30+ alone. It never works. Thanks for reading. :D:) ;)

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Good to have you on the site! I hope you enjoy your time here, we are a very accepting community and love new member. It is apparent that you like to play Zombies, which is great, so head on over to the spectacular gameplay forums and share your tips with everyone!

As for the Thief, here are some pointers that you might not have known: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=22310

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