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Zombie Info at e3?

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  jimirmixes said:
Now i'm almost certain that we will get a first look at zombies, and a full trailer on june 21st

I'm pretty sure about this too.

Good find, Quantum. Way to stay frosty on the social media scheme. [brains]


Likely just, as Liam said, a vauge answer. Doesn't imply zombies information.

Also where is this trailer on June 21st information coming from? That shitty "audio tape". Come on CoDz, we're better than this... don't fall for silly videos, squeaker rumors, or blatant lies.

Don't expect zombies information until CodXP or later...


Vague answer? It's not an answer at all!

Q: Are we having apples for lunch tomorrow?

A: Check out the library for fruit info!

Q: Are there going to be Zombies?

A: Check out E3 for Black Ops 2 info!

It's a redirect. They didn't answer the question; they just said something for the sake of saying something. They're avoiding answering the question.


He said that he subscribes to zombie channels that have right info. He liked a video with the audio clip and subscribed to the persons channel. Look at his recent activity on his youtube channel.


  ZombiesQUANTUM said:
He said that he subscribes to zombie channels that have right info. He liked a video with the audio clip and subscribed to the persons channel. Look at his recent activity on his youtube channel.

In an interview that hasn't been released yet he did say he was completely behind on his info at the moment, if he released info like this he would be jeopardising his job hugely.

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