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Salleys in the... Challenge

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Hey guys I'm making this thread to try to bring all the "Salleys in the..." challenges into one place. If you don't know what "Salleys in the..." challenge is. Well its basically were you and some friends camp a certain room with a wall gun in it. It can be done on any map with a PaP, as long as you only use Salleys and the wall gun in the certain room. There is a lot of variety on this challenge, many different room you can use some harder than others.

Here are the general rules (some things may change from map to map):

- Challenge starts at round 10

- Only guns allowed are M&S and wall gun/papped version

- Claymores/betteys and bowie/sickle allowed

- Monkeys not allowed for the most par (can use them if you really want)

- All perks allowed

- The door to x must stay closed

- No leaving room x unless their are 5 or less zombies left

Salleys in the Alley:


Salleys in the Dressing Room:


I'll be doing more of these in the near future but I would love to see you guys try it too :D

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