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zombies ideas,thoughts

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hi guys

new to the forum just wanted to drop some thoughts for zombies and the direction they are going with it.

these are my idea's and predictions most of this is not confirmed

For starters i reckon zombies will get its own disc with all the zombies modes, story, multiplayer on there ;)

Story mode

i'm thinking this will involve all the previos maps from WAW and BO's obviosly having slight changes to accomidate a story

you will start before any of the maps with a cut scene showing how the zombies were created and answering any unanswered qestions.

You will work your way threw all the maps completing story based objectives (e.g. in call of the dead gainng the golden rod)

Cut scenes will link the maps together and this will continue up too moon where you release sam.

After this, the story will wrap it's self up with events after moon and DLC will add more story levels continuing the story.

I see this as a great way for everyone to enjoy the story and not just the people who have managed to do the easter eggs, me being someone

Who never has due to lack of time/skill/decent team mates.

Classic zombies

You will start off with all maps from WAW and BO's again slight changes new perks, weapons and maybe easter eggs for the maps without,

e.g. Kino and WAW maps, the new map that is supposibly in new brumswick could continue the story via an easter egg, with that map eventually

making it's way into the story mode.


ok so we know that we now have 4v4 zombies with bigger maps i think these are not going to be round based but more points

The team who reaches the alotted point amount or has the most points after ten minutes wins.

No perks, packa-punch, box or weapons on the wall or rounds just start and shoot zombies :)

getting downed and dieing loses your team points too.

As in multiplayer you have your classes picking your weapons and so on you all know i reckon this will be the same for zombies.

1st pick your main weapon

2nd secondry maybe wonder weapon with limited ammo

3rd grenade semtex or frag

4th special granade, gersh device, dolls etc

5th three perks, e.g. quick revive, double tap, phd flopper, NO JUG

killstreaks will not be your conventual chopper gunner and dogs rather..

50 kills - max ammo

100 kills - insta kill

200 kills - death machine

300 kills - double points

Anyways hope you enjoyed and would like to hear what people think :)

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I really like your killstreaks idea, that is very smart. I'd change the Max Ammo and others around a bit and change the amount of kills, but the concept is really cool.


  punkrockzombie said:
story would be great, being able to work threw a campaign rather than have to see it threw youtube videos would be good....

If you pay attention to the radios and easter eggs, its not hard to piece it together yourself. Plus on this site, you can find several theories and extremely well thought out examinations of the story and quotes from each map. I love how much work the people here put into the story, and I've learned WAY more than I thought I would just poking around. :D

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