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FIVE: The EASY way to get to round 30+ solo (Video Guide)


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"So easy, even the drunk could do it!"

A 1-30+ strategy guide for beginner-intermediate players, showing you how to get set up easily and making the following rounds a simple task, reaching 30 in 1-2 hours depending on how long you have to spend hitting the box. I spent lots of points on the box in this run here, hitting the box every other round until round 19. And I still reached 30 in about an hour and a half. So probably just over an hour with good luck on the box, which surpised me as the strategy seems slow.

We're implementing a tactic called 'auto-train' here, taking advantage of the mechanics of the PaP room to make gathering trains extremely easy. This is not a new tactic and has been used for several purposes since the map was pretty new, but this is the first time I've seen it abused to make it borderline impossible to go down during the earlier rounds.

As you see, I had plenty of points for the trap by the time it was time to use them, so there's no need at all to keep wasting time farming points in the early rounds as I've pointed out several times.


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Wow check out my comment from your Five solo guide.


We are officially twins......I can now say we think alike.

Haha nice man just looked that up... so when are you gonna start working on some strategy guides :mrgreen:

But yeah, this is basically the same strategy I used to get my first ever 50+ game with a round 68 back in April last year, I can't find the video I watched but I saw some guy doing the Mustang & Sally thing at the beginning of every round and I thought, 'Surely you can do that for every group to keep it safe like that?' so I tried it out and it worked very nicely, even for a newbie like me at that point :lol:

In following games I just just to run the War Room, get a group and shoot and shoot and shoot, people may think that it would be quicker to do that but it's gonna take you 2-3 hours that way, not to mention walking back and shooting when respawners are coming in is one of the biggest killers in this game.

The way I normally play it these days is just to gather them in the War Room and group kill them like this, which is much quicker but also riskier... unless, like me, you've played this map so many times you know it like the back of your own hand :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Five is my favorite map.

My highest co-op record is 37 on Five, which is pretty decent considering its difficulty.

For a four players safely to 30 in my mind is to camp in the PAP.

After 15 two people with bowie covering windows should have no problem. Add ray gun then its a walk in the park. Two covering the door will be tougher. Each should have mustang and sally, ray gun, and AK-74u2.

Starting each round hopping into the PAP, let the window guys clear the first wave with their mustang and sally to help preserve ammo for the door guys. With good ammo planning(minimize waste), even without a few lucky max ammos round 30 is obtainable. Without good ammo planning door guys might run scarce with ammo by round 25.

Superhand's strategy of one guy running the war room is also easy, especially over 30, but anytime anyone runs the middle floor there are no guarantees.

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I've got a lot of fond memories of FIVE, those days when we'd just converted over from W@W and still thought that camping was the key to high rounds. So it will always have a place in my heart and be one of my faves.

I'm also a huge fan of running the labs/basement in co-op games, I'll probably write up an alternative strategy at some point in which 2 guys camp upstairs, 1 guy runs the War Room and the other runs the labs, the top 2 guys get a few more zombs so they don't get bored, but not so much that they get overpowered even in the high 20s.

On the topic of this here solo strategy, I've put it to good use to pull off something epic (or at least sounds really epic on paper). Gonna have my longest ever vid up in 1-2 hours ;)

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