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The Shangri-La and Mars Connection


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Maybe it isn't Mars. Though I do see and understand how it could be a different planet, and I tend to agree with you all here.

Actually, a more likely explanation is that Shangri-La is perhaps the home world of the Vril-Ya? After the pictures that Mix has posted and after reading the thread, that seems likely, as it would cover up and serve as explanations for the inconsistencies such as breathing and such.


Maybe it isn't Mars. Though I do see and understand how it could be a different planet, and I tend to agree with you all here.

Actually, a more likely explanation is that Shangri-La is perhaps the home world of the Vril-Ya? After the pictures that Mix has posted and after reading the thread, that seems likely, as it would cover up and serve as explanations for the inconsistencies such as breathing and such.

What do the Vril-Ya look like?

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In regards to the tornado, it is incredibly possible because the Vril-ya are known to have teleportation capabilities so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to think that they used their forces of nature to teleport a location, in my eyes at least.

2. Richtofen teleports to Shangri-la then works his way back after being there a while. He does not teleport back. In fact, when he walks in he seems to be tired and Shusta seems shocked at how he looks. How could he just walk back from Mars?

How do we know he doesn't teleport back? We know that the Vril-ya have teleportation capabilities and I doubt that he went 19 days in Shangri-La without meeting them, especially since there is a shrine of his there and he claims to have learned many things. And even if he didn't teleport back, I'm not sure how many times I have stressed that it was still on the Earth at that time, so he wouldn't be walking back from Mars. I don't see how he would have gotten back any other way, so to me it is teleportation.

3. No oxygen=no breathing=no plant life. Period.

The plant life is not growing on Mars, it was just sent there via the teleportation. Not to mention, the Vril-ya have the power to heal anything, so I bet they can produce oxygen is they'd like to.

5. Shangri-la was on earth, not on moon.

That is correct, except we're not talking about Moon. I don't believe i ever said Shangri-La was on Moon, but if I did feel free to correct me.

6. You say that the mining of 115 is important to your theory because 115 is of alien nature. Fair enough, but couldn't you argue that they were mining 115 after the meteor hit? The meteor broke apart and left some 115 in the ground.

The meteor may have hit but it certainly didn't leave 115 underneath the temple that it landed on, so it could be mined. It was either there beforehand or it isn't Earth.

So in the background of the moon loading screen, are those the Shangri-la pyramids traveling through space to go to Mars?

Yes they are, I think that they might have been lost in the teleportation, or that they are Vimana's. MixMasterNut details them in his Moon Loading Screen Analysis thread: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=18543

If Shangri-la took place on mars, we have to question how it got there. You say the Vril-ya moved it to avoid the nukes. Why didn't they foresee and avoid Richtofen's enslavement and mass murder of them? (or at least I am pretty sure that is the current consensus) This has to take place before Moon in time relative to Richtofen. As far as I can tell, that is the only timeline that really matters, so the Vril-ya could not have been alive (in Shangri-la at least) during the Moon event, as in that timeline in order for the even to occur he would have had to get the focusing stone, and the canon explanation for that is something that occurred while the group was fending off a zombie outbreak.

Well if they teleported him then I do not believe that he enslaved them and killed them, otherwise they would not have teleported him because they are either dead or the remaining Vril-ya don't trust him.

Maybe it isn't Mars. Though I do see and understand how it could be a different planet, and I tend to agree with you all here.

Actually, a more likely explanation is that Shangri-La is perhaps the home world of the Vril-Ya? After the pictures that Mix has posted and after reading the thread, that seems likely, as it would cover up and serve as explanations for the inconsistencies such as breathing and such.

I for sure think that it is another planet besides Earth, but Mars is just my personal theory. And to imply that it is their home land, you are saying that we are actually in Agartha. I believe that that is unlikely since we have no clue as to what Agartha looks like, but it is a theory that I can't refute due to lack of evidence at this time.


It's a damn good theory but I'm not sold on the idea (yet...)

I can't remember exactly, but I believe there is writing around the gongs on Shangri-La which translate to something, perhaps that might help. I'm sure there is a post on these forums and if I can find it I'll link it.

But '' A range of possibilities'' is a very odd thing to say (the way it is implied by the tweets), perhaps a close up of the earths destruction on the moon EE may show a particular mountain range? If not, maybe they're purposely misleading us and it is a range, but somewhere else? I remember watching something recently on the discovery channel about a temple found on the German(? I think) border, and the temple had similar dips in the landscape as the Shangri-La background. And that's why I don't connect it with the pictures that have been posted so far.

I am extremely intrigued by this, and will now spend hours researching it. However it may be that we're focusing on the wrong background. Perhaps the background behind the shrine?

Also, if Shangri-La had been transported, why would it take all of the animals and humans? Although it would explain why they were dead... The whole Brock and Gary idea could possibly be explained by time travel itself. Time travel (or at least the ability to go back in time) has no proof or rules. Therefore, if Shang is now on Mars perhaps when they go back in time they are transported back with it to Earth? This could be possible, but isn't likely.


Doesn't seem right to me but a hell of a good idea. But I'll keep my feet on the ground... (geddit? Vortex, on the ground?....Nevermind :oops: )

On a side note, was looking through the KunLun mountain range and found a creepy face. Using google maps look for Novoaltaysk and mess with the zoom (tilt your head/screen to slightly anticlockwise :o )

And who wrote on the alter? I'm still not clear on that.

EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18372


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However it may be that we're focusing on the wrong background.

But '' A range of possibilities'' is a very odd thing to say (the way it is implied by the tweets), perhaps a close up of the earths destruction on the moon EE may show a particular mountain range?

I think that the background I have listed it the right one just because they stress the word range, so a mountain range seems appropriate to associate with it.

If not, maybe they're purposely misleading us and it is a range, but somewhere else?

That's exactly what I'm saying. It is a mountain range but it is somewhere else, like Mars.

Also, if Shangri-La had been transported, why would it take all of the animals and humans?

I think that the entire Shangri-La was teleported, the absolute entirety of it.

And who wrote on the alter? I'm still not clear on that.

I think it was Richtofen while he was there for 19 days in 1940.


First off, before I start, I'd just like to say I'm absolutely LOVING this thread. The build up to the next season of Zombies has started! Treyarch is trying to tell us something, and it's up to us to figure it out! AWESOME thread Tac!

Secondly, huge thanks for Mix for uploading the picture of the Vril cover with the mountain range. It got my mind thinking about things a bit. So here we go.

     Note the keywords here. This lost diary of Admiral Byrd goes into detail about a lush forest in the middle of a valley in Antartica! Beyond the valley, a range of mountains, hiding the area from outsiders. The diary goes on to describe Bryd's trip into Hollow Earth, and the encounter he has with the beings living insde Hollow Earth (Vril Ya).

Now if we look at the loading page for Shangri La, we can note many different things pointing to the conclusion that Shangri La is indeed the entrance to Inner Earth.

Note the valley in background, and the mountain range just beyond that. This is described just like in Admiral Byrd's diary. Also, not the circled part of the picture. The symbol looks familiar yes?

The Black Sun.

The Vril Force used by the Vril-Ya was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun. It is the symbol of The Inner Earth. This is the same entrace Admiral Byrd took to enter inner earth.

So where is Shangri La located? Well my friends, the answer is.....The Artic!.

Shangri La is the entrance to Inner Earth, the same entrance observed by Admiral Byrd on his secret flight during an expedition in Antarctica. So where does that leave us?

I've got MUCH more to add to this that I'll thhrow together and get looking all neat and tidy.

PS: before posting this I just also noted one more thing. Notice when Admiral Byrd is over the entrance to Earth (Shangri La), his electronics do not work at all. He loses complete control and his controlled by the people of inner earth. Now let's think about Shangri La? Ever wondered why the power is run by water? Ever wonder why there isn't a normal power switch in Shangri La? Well this is why. Human technology and electronics will fail when near Shangri La and the entrance to Inner Earth.

Again, got much more to add. Gonna start working on it right now.




Shooter :twisted:

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The map looks absolutely nothing like Antarctica however, there is no ice anywhere or anything that indicates Antarctica, since Byrd specifically says there is vast ice and snow. He also mentions rolling green hills, which are not custom to Antarctica. I don't have much against this theory so I think it holds as much credibility as mine. Very good thinking Shooter!

As for people saying it's in Agartha, or the homeland of the Vril-ya, I don't think that that is true because I don't think we'd be seeing an eclipse of any kind while inside the Earth.


The map looks absolutely nothing like Antarctica however, there is no ice anywhere or anything that indicates Antarctica, since Byrd specifically says there is vast ice and snow. He also mentions rolling green hills, which are not custom to Antarctica. I don't have much against this theory so I think it holds as much credibility as mine. Very good thinking Shooter!

As for people saying it's in Agartha, or the homeland of the Vril-ya, I don't think that that is true because I don't think we'd be seeing an eclipse of any kind while inside the Earth.

The Eclipse and Shangri La is still taking place on Earth. Shangri La was known as one of the entrances in Inner Earth, or Agartha, but not Inner Earth itself. When Admiral Byrd flies over Shangri La, he loses complete control over the aircraft, and his dragged into Inner Earth by the beings (Vril Ya)

"Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!"

I read somewhere else that Byrd was brought in by the people of Agartha because his soul or spirit was clean. Brock and Gary are however not allowed into Agartha. Notice how when they get near the entrace of the temple (Richtofen Shrine), they are brought back in time in an endless loop. Perhaps their soulds were not "clean enough" to get inside. But that's beyond the point.

Point I'm trying to make is Shangri La is actually still on Earth in Antarctica, hence the Eclipse.


Also, about the ice and snow not being present in Shangri La, it's because the valley and mountains are blocking the view of the outside environment of the Artic. Just as Admiral Byrd described, there was ice and snow below as usual, native to the artic environemnt. Then, he spots a mountain, which he notes is unusual. He states once he passes over the mountains, the environment changes completely, showing rollings hills of green. Then he notes the forest and valley. It's the mountains at the very edge of the map that is blocking the view of the ice and snow of the artic.

Oh, and I just realized the entrance is actually in the Artic region of the North Pole, not Antarctica.

There's still alot of digging I gotta do on this. But I'm starting to think Zombie's best kept secret is out.


I believe the legend of Admiral Bryd was tied into CotD, rather than Shangri-la.

I'm not too sure. Call of the Dead is located in Siberia. Admiral Byrd made no such expeditions that would involve him traveling over Siberia. He is an American explorer, and when heading north to the North Pole as he said he did in his journal, he would travel over Canada and Greenland to reach the North Pole, not Siberia (Russia). It's plausible it would be somewhere over Greenland or Norway instead.


Call of the Dead is located in Siberia. Admiral Byrd made no such expeditions that would involve him traveling over Siberia. He is an American explorer, and when heading North to the North Pole as he said he did in his journal, he would travel over Canada and Greenland to reach the North Pole, not Siberia (Russia). It's plausible it would be somewhere over Greenland or Norway instead.

I know, wrong poles of the earth. Yes I understand that. However I feel like Treyarch added a few twist of their own to the Admiral Byrd story in order to make it fit into the context of their own story. I'll try to explain in further depth...

If you are familiar with Richard Byrd's quest to find the entrance to Hollow Earth, then you know while pursuing two German U-boats, he reported in his diary seeing a UFO in the form of a distant blinking light, that he knew was not a star. The German U-boats were rumored to be holding some valuable nazi treasures such as a billion dollars worth of stolen gold artifacts, Hitler's corpse, large amounts of Mercury, etc. In the end Byrd was only able to capture one U-boat while the other got away with the treasure.

With that in mind, lets look at what happens at the end of the CotD Easter Egg.

There is a blinking light in the sky (giving morse-code). Then a submarine appears. Then you receive the artifact the Golden Rod, aka the vril device. I believe this is more than a coincidence even if the location and model of submarine is not accurate.

I find it very logical that Shangri-la is the next map after CotD, based on legends of Admiral Byrd. The Vr11 weapon and Vril device only add to confirmation for me that we are at CotD to find Hollow Earth.

- Mix


Call of the Dead is located in Siberia. Admiral Byrd made no such expeditions that would involve him traveling over Siberia. He is an American explorer, and when heading North to the North Pole as he said he did in his journal, he would travel over Canada and Greenland to reach the North Pole, not Siberia (Russia). It's plausible it would be somewhere over Greenland or Norway instead.

I know, wrong poles of the earth. Yes I understand that. However I feel like Treyarch added a few twist of their own to the Admiral Byrd story in order to make it fit into the context of their own story. I'll try to explain in further depth...

If you are familiar with Richard Byrd's quest to find the entrance to Hollow Earth, then you know while pursuing two German U-boats, he reported in his diary seeing a UFO in the form of a distant blinking light, that he knew was not a star. The German U-boats were rumored to be holding some valuable nazi treasures such as a billion dollars worth of stolen gold artifacts, Hitler's corpse, large amounts of Mercury, etc. In the end Byrd was only able to capture one U-boat while the other got away with the treasure.

[ Image ]

With that in mind, lets look at what happens at the end of the CotD Easter Egg.

There is a blinking light in the sky (giving morse-code). Then a submarine appears. Then you receive the artifact the Golden Rod, aka the vril device. I believe this is more than a coincidence even if the location and model of submarine is not accurate.

[ Image ]

I find it very logical that Shangri-la is the next map after CotD, based on legends of Admiral Byrd. The Vr11 weapon and Vril device only add to confirmation for me that we are at CotD to find Hollow Earth.

- Mix

Could you point me in the direction of where you read that Byrd was actually looking for Hollow Earth and following U-boat and capturing one of them?

According to his journal entry from the event, he mentions nothing of U-boats. It appears he was not planning to find Hollow Earth, hence his suprise when discovering the mountain range, velley, etc. The discovery is completely by accident, as well as the journey into Inner Earth.

In his journal, he mentions a TYPE of swastika. I think most people have jumped to the conclusion that this a a Nazi swastika he was describing. But it's not. Byrd would have specified it was a Nazi symbol, but he instead describes a "type" of swastika. Think the swastika symbol seen on the doors of Shangri La.

If you could point me in the direction where Byrd actually mentions seeing the U boats and capturing one, that'd be awesome. Thanks man.


In his journal, he mentions a TYPE of swastika. I think most people have jumped to the conclusion that this a a Nazi swastika he was describing. But it's not. Byrd would have specified it was a Nazi symbol, but he instead describes a "type" of swastika. Think the swastika symbol seen on the doors of Shangri La.

[ Image ]

When I hear the phrase "type of swastika I immediately think: Black Sun (Shwarzesonne), like the symbol we see in the Shangri-La loading screen.

The Black Sun is a derivation of the Nazi Swastika; its basically a Swastika rotated 45 degrees I think.

Connection? I think so!


What if it is Mars? That could mean a number of things. It could mean that the sky is a hologram. Like Project Bluebeam. The only way to de-activate the hologram is with the 4 buttons that you have to press at the same time.


Could you point me in the direction of where you read that Byrd was actually looking for Hollow Earth and following U-boat and capturing one of them?

According to his journal entry from the event, he mentions nothing of U-boats. It appears he was not planning to find Hollow Earth, hence his suprise when discovering the mountain range, velley, etc. The discovery is completely by accident, as well as the journey into Inner Earth.

In his journal, he mentions a TYPE of swastika. I think most people have jumped to the conclusion that this a a Nazi swastika he was describing. But it's not. Byrd would have specified it was a Nazi symbol, but he instead describes a "type" of swastika. Think the swastika symbol seen on the doors of Shangri La.

[ Image ]

If you could point me in the direction where Byrd actually mentions seeing the U boats and capturing one, that'd be awesome. Thanks man.

Originally posted here:


Part 1


5:50 This guy can impersonate Brock like a BOSS!

BTW, Brock and Gary are architypse from the characters Lidenbrock and Axel from Jules Verne (1864) novel, A Journey to the Center of the Earth

Part 2


4:20 Hitler and Hollow Earth Connection

5:30 German U-boats in Antartic Waters. Listen to the story about U-boat 209 that dissappeared. Is this the same submarine we see in CotD?



0:25 Admiral Byrd is followed by a star UFO


- Mix


It seems like you are contradicting yourself in that post, saying you think the second moon is just a 115 meteor that we shrink and then saying we shrunk one of Mars' moons. Personally, I don't believe that we shrunk down one of Mars' moons, I think it is a simple 115 meteor that landed in the map. However, I can't tell exactly if that is what you believe or not.

LOL no I do not believe the asteroid is a moon, I'm firmly believe it's just a 115 asteroid. I was trowing that in there to show how ridiculous that sounds. I'm not sold on the Mars idea, but I see how/why it could be possible, so I can't poo poo the theory outright.

Either way it's a well thought out theory, and a good post Tac.

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It seems like you are contradicting yourself in that post, saying you think the second moon is just a 115 meteor that we shrink and then saying we shrunk one of Mars' moons. Personally, I don't believe that we shrunk down one of Mars' moons, I think it is a simple 115 meteor that landed in the map. However, I can't tell exactly if that is what you believe or not.

LOL no I do not believe the asteroid is a moon, I'm firmly believe it's just a 115 asteroid. I was trowing that in there to show how ridiculous that sounds. I'm not sold on the Mars idea, but I see how/why it could be possible, so I can't poo poo the theory outright.

Either way it's a well thought out theory, and a good post Tac.

Well I truly appreciate the response and at least the consideration of the theory. I put a lot of time into this and it is nice to see that someone understands what I am saying, even if they disagree. :) It's one of those things that it is just a theory and can't be proven wrong or right without confirmation, however my circumstantial evidence is pretty solid in my eyes. I guess we'll have to wait and see haha.


I believe that you present a decent amount of evidence, and it now seems very likely that Shangri-La could very well be located on Mars. I know it doesn't make much sense in terms of atmosphere, plant life and water being on Mars, e.t.c. But then again, when was zombies suppose to be realistic anyway? I'm pretty sure they could just shoehorn some "magical breathing device" in there since the Vril-ya are suppose to be more advanced anyways.

Also, I don't think that's a tornado on the loading screen. I believe that is actually a wormhole or something of that nature. I think it would be a bit more obvious if a tornado had launched 3 temples into space. And no one can deny that those structures on the Moon loading screen appear to be temples of some sort that very much resemble the ones from Shangri-La, of which there are only two. The third possibly residing on Mars now.

I would very much like to see a picture of the mountains during the eclipse EE, it could be nothing, but just maybe...


I believe their still on Earth in Tibet because Brock mentioned in one of the radios that the structure (Shangri-La) could be proven as a true gateway to Argatha, a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. To the Buddhist's Argatha is known as Argathi. Theosophists in particular regard Argathi as a vast complex of caves underneath Tibet inhabited by evil demons called asuras (Or in black ops case, possibly the zombies). Its more likely that their somewhere in Tibet but this is just a theory.


I don't know. It seems kind of childish and fake of them. If it was merely the fact that they were on Mars, that would be dumb. It's like they are trying to make it seem even cooler or something. Look at it like this:

Imagine your hobby was Hotwheels. They come out with one like every few months or something like that. You get excited and buy the new car. Hot wheels then comes out and says the one you had before is even cooler now because it is actually a jeep. NO ITS NOT. It is a car. And Shangri-la is in some jungle somewhere. I'm not saying this thread is bad, I am merely saying that is awfully childish and almost funny. Why tell us that? It does nothing for the story, and it is the sorriest "BEST KEPT ZOMBIE SECRET EVER".


Because this whole thread is probably wrong. We aren't on Mars. And I find it funny that the answer to everything is the Vril-ya. How did we get to Mars? Vril-ya. How could we breathe? Vril-ya. Why does Nickolai have so many wives? Vril-ya. It's ridiculous. It's like the ultimate cop out for many theorists on this site. We're missing it. We've missed something. I think I'll get on and search when I get back from vacation. Why am I on vacation you might ask? That's right...Vril-ya.

Also, in response to your sig, just because a person doesn't have friends does not make them a nobody.


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