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The Shangri-La and Mars Connection


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Carefully crafted plans and millions in funding have been secured for a journey to locate the passageway to Inner Earth. I certainly hope that the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition happens:

This $1.5 million pledge gets the ship charter in place by August of 2012. The Expedition launches in July of 2013. The science is real. The story is more than 5,000 years old. The legend says that at a certain place above the Arctic Circle, there exists an oceanic depression or an entrance into the Earth. It’s a place where the maritime legend claims sea level isn’t level anymore.

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Arctic_Expe ... z20BqSVnXT

if we are going with the hollow earth theory, this is a must read

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Well, the there is some evidence besides the already proven stuff that Shangri - La changed planets. As you see here, the flying temple, and/or the land temple could supposedly be one of the temples in the Shangri - La loading screen being swept up by the vortex.

Somewhat reconfirming the theory that Shangri - La was moved somewhere off of Earth.

[brains] [brains]


Wow..... REALY?.... I honestly do not see how any of you think it was moved to mars still.... Argotha Maybe, but mars? No.... That's just too far out there.... Plus my cotd counter theory still remains un-answered.... There's no way a half broken teleporter teleported the crew to mars....

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Wow..... REALY?.... I honestly do not see how any of you think it was moved to mars still.... Argotha Maybe, but mars? No.... That's just too far out there.... Plus my cotd counter theory still remains un-answered.... There's no way a half broken teleporter teleported the crew to mars....

How not? A teleporter is a teleporter, it doesn't matter where it's going. If it has the ability to teleport someone halfway across the world there is no reason it can't take them a much farther distance.


But think about it! Lets say teleporters are like televisions with the rabbit ear anntenea, the better working the teleporter, the better the reception.....

So, if you can only get a teleporter thats half broken with bad fuses like in cotd how do you expect to make it travel more than twice as far as any other teleporter?

Also richtofen wasn't teleported to der reise from shangri la, he took vehicles back to Germany....and if that's the case, he would only know the location of the teleporter while it was on earth, he wouldnt know where it would have gone after it teleported as you say and would not be able to lock on and teleport to it's location.

And third and finally: Maxis

We all know maxis was at shangri-la and was teleported to moon through the mpd.... We also know that the mpd scanned EARTH for shangri la, not mars, and so shangri la is on earth.... It may be in argotha but it's on earth....


But think about it! Lets say teleporters are like televisions with the rabbit ear anntenea, the better working the teleporter, the better the reception.....

This is pure speculation... We have no way of knowing how the Teleporters work.

Perhaps a damaged one is harder to control and therefore more likely to randomly send your ass into the future, the past, Mars, venus or Hoboken New Jersey. Just saying...


I have one question and I do believe it goes here. What did he mean when Richtofen said they went too far into the future? This has boggled my brain for long enough. I need an answer because it could be a hint toward the story-line and when Shangri-la takes place. I think it is all of these little peices that may end up being our proof:

Richtofen says they went too far into the future.

We hear mammoths toward the end of the COTD easter egg.

We know Shangri-la is one of the entrances to Agartha.

We see the temple as it lands on the Moon, yet it is nowhere to be found.

Dropa stones are scattered about the Moon.

We get the Treyarch hint.

We go crazy :lol: .

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I have one question and I do believe it goes here. What did he mean when Richtofen said they went too far into the future? This has boggled my brain for long enough. I need an answer because it could be a hint toward the story-line and when Shangri-la takes place. I think it is all of these little peices that may end up being our proof:

Richtofen says they went too far into the future.

We hear mammoths toward the end of the COTD easter egg.

We know Shangri-la is one of the entrances to Agartha.

We see the temple as it lands on the Moon, yet it is nowhere to be found.

Dropa stones are scattered about the Moon.

We get the Treyarch hint.

We go crazy :lol: .

There was a thread made in the Research Facility discussing that quote: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/ ... 67&t=22612

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Thank you for putting that here Rissole! I agree this essentially confirms Mars.

So I took a texture viewer and started going through Shangri La's texturs (of which there are A LOT) but one thing quickly stood out, the texture was named "gp_ztem_mars_vista_card"

It's in the coding, that's epic. I hate to say this, but I told you so. But beyond that, it's now essential to work out the finer details.


I see you changed the name by adding confirmed on there.... Why? It is no more proven now then it was four months ago! And honestly I beleive a lot of you are becoming so desperete for answers your mistaking small bits of meaningless background as clues that shangri la is on mars! Its in the Himalayas! It was when Brock and Gary got there, and it was when richtofen and co got there, end of story!


I see you changed the name by adding confirmed on there.... Why? It is no more proven now then it was four months ago! And honestly I beleive a lot of you are becoming so desperete for answers your mistaking small bits of meaningless background as clues that shangri la is on mars! Its in the Himalayas! It was when Brock and Gary got there, and it was when richtofen and co got there, end of story!

Well lets think about this...

1) A developer at Treyarch tweets "Shangri-La Mountains?"

2) Tac and Telixion post threads showing similarities between the mountain in Shangri-La and Mars as well as other similarities that might tie Shang to the Red Planet.

3) Turns out the mountain has a texture with "mars" in its name. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=23192

This is decent evidence in my opinion. It is in no way definitive, but I believe it is currently the best way we have of deciphering the aforementioned tweet.

The story as to how is still a mystery.


I see you changed the name by adding confirmed on there.... Why? It is no more proven now then it was four months ago! And honestly I beleive a lot of you are becoming so desperete for answers your mistaking small bits of meaningless background as clues that shangri la is on mars! Its in the Himalayas! It was when Brock and Gary got there, and it was when richtofen and co got there, end of story!

I think your getting a little mad right know dude. Did you read the post about the texture of the mountains? It's just about 100% confirmed


[tab][/tab]As I've had told to me before, the coding names don't necessarily mean anything. Remember the debate on Shi No Numa's location? There was a sound file for a bird (I believe a kookaburra) and a laughing hyena. No where on Earth did they match up. Hyena could have been a hint at H. Yena, is what people told me, therefore it wasn't valid and only the kookaburra mattered. So why are we assuming the name for the mountain texture is completely straight forward? If Shangri-la is on mars, while we are there, I find it disappointing how ignorant the Treyarch team was of basic physics. And to those that say it was moved after, or before, then what would the mountain matter now? If it was on Earth when we were there, the mountain can not be Martian, simply because it would have to overlap and crush some pre-existing part of Earth.


I still don't like how Tac hasn't responded to any of the points against him,and kind of just coasts along highlighting whoever agrees with him. :evil:

I agree with you, I normally don't agree with you but I do now...


I see you changed the name by adding confirmed on there.... Why? It is no more proven now then it was four months ago! And honestly I beleive a lot of you are becoming so desperete for answers your mistaking small bits of meaningless background as clues that shangri la is on mars! Its in the Himalayas! It was when Brock and Gary got there, and it was when richtofen and co got there, end of story!

I think your getting a little mad right know dude. Did you read the post about the texture of the mountains? It's just about 100% confirmed

Oh I'm sorry mountains in the Himalayas! That defiantly means that shangri la is on mars...

And yes I am quite mad... It's just redculous... And I hate nonsense, I just do...

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I personally don't understand how this is really deniable, considering the word mars is in the coding.

I still don't like how Tac hasn't responded to any of the points against him,and kind of just coasts along highlighting whoever agrees with him. :evil:

Just because I either don't give you an explanation you care to like or can give you one does not in any way mean there isn't one.


I personally don't understand how this is really deniable, considering the word mars is in the coding.

I still don't like how Tac hasn't responded to any of the points against him,and kind of just coasts along highlighting whoever agrees with him. :evil:

Just because I either don't give you an explanation you care to like or can give you one does not in any way there isn't one.

I have seen multiple posts way back, most notably from MurderMachine and MegaAfroMan, that you simply ignored and seemingly just hoped no one would see.

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I personally don't understand how this is really deniable, considering the word mars is in the coding.

I still don't like how Tac hasn't responded to any of the points against him,and kind of just coasts along highlighting whoever agrees with him. :evil:

Just because I either don't give you an explanation you care to like or can give you one does not in any way there isn't one.

I have seen multiple posts way back, most notably from MurderMachine and MegaAfroMan, that you simply ignored and seemingly just hoped no one would see.

Not true at all, it wasn't purposeful, nor did I avoid MMX in any way.


I actually thought the loading screen was an example of the same temporal tear that happened at Der Riese, making the gang time travel, it could then teleport an entire place. I'm probably wrong with this....

Oh and as for life being on mars well the answer to that is terraforming. If the Vril-Ya occupied the planet for time, they would have been able to make it habitable.

I'm also skeptical of it being on mars, but it is likely. But then the 115 mines. I haven't played the map, but I've seen people on youtube call them that. If not mars, then Planet 115 perhaps. Who knows?


I understand people denying it being on Mars when we play, but come on! There is clearly a connection between Shangri-La and Mars! You cannot deny that with the amount of evidence that has been provided.

I'm behind you Tac ;)


I'm pretty sure I'm with deathb4. I think this thread is an example of over analyzation.

Shangri-La's not in Antartica because there's no ice. It's not in the distant past because of the technology present, so it can't be when it's warm either.

Shangri-La's not on Mars because Mars cannot support life. Even if it was in the distant past, which we know it wasn't, Mars would be less red during the era in which is supported life.

The game says they're in a jungle:

"A legendary shrine lost in an exotic jungle. Where the undead lurk within a treacherous labyrinth of underground caverns, deadly traps and dark secrets."

They never SAY it's in the Himalayas, so I suppose it is possible, but extremely unlikely. The term "Shangri-La" in itself means that it is in the Himalayas.

It'd be like going to Moon to find out that you're actually on Asteroid.

What about gravity????? How do you explain that?

I really don' think you can Teleporter a whole place. I made some mock images:

Zoom in (real dimensions: 600 x 594)Image

Zoom in (real dimensions: 600 x 594)Image

It would be the second, NOT the first. A place that is teleported is quite complicated. You can easily Teleport a person because it is a single entity. A place, unless it consists of one monolithic structure, is a whole swarm of structures with furniture, stands, assortments, etc. To be considered one object,

you'd have to teleport the ground underneath it as well to get all of the structures, all of the underground, and all of Radios just lying about!

It just makes no sense. And when you move it to another place, the other place doesn't just disappear; you had to place it on top of it.

And I'm sure they didn't just take a whole mountaintop to make a hill on Mars; it'd be in the news: Himalayan mountaintop missing!

Who's the thief? No one knows! Btw, the images are just examples of moving a home to the Moon, analogous to moving Shangri-La to Mars.

Gentlemen I just want to establish the fact that we HAVE misproven Mars as a possible location have we not?

Here are the 2 pieces of evidence that, I believe, effectively render the Mars theory debunked.

-Gravity: While playing in Shangri-la we experience absolutely NO difference in gravity. If we were indeed on Mars, the discrepancy in gravity would be impossible to overlook or ignore.

The Waterfall: The Mars theory says that Shangri-La was originally on Earth but was later transported to Mars. As FatedTitan (I believe) mentioned above, there is NO way that a Shangri-La that was transitioned to Mars would be able to keep a constant flow of water running over the waterfall. Upon teleportation, its source would be eliminated.

The Vril-Ya were advanced, but they weren't gods. They wouldn't have technology THAT advanced. Advanced enough to solve gravity, ground leveling, atmosphere, etc. It's just not feasible.

Basically, your argument boils down to "well it could be this because it CAN be". If that's the case, why isn't EVERYTHING true? Maybe Call of the Dead is actually on Europa? Maybe the Moon orbits a planet other than Earth? You have to reel it back in to likelihood. It is much more likely that Shangri-La is in the Himalayas like we have all known not to mention Shangri-La itself MEANS magical place lost in the Himalayas. There is no NEED for it to be some cryptic secret. Btw, if this is the so-called "best kept secret." It's been kept this long for a good reason. Some sudden inspiration after 2 years isn't going to change that.

The time machine in Shangri-La wasn't made out of rocks. It was incased in rocks.

As for the Pyramid on the Moon, it makes sense. Imagine the three Pyramids. Two blast off. One goes into orbit, as MixMasterNut suggests, the other on the Moon. The one that lands on the Moon has it's rock sheath covering it fall over afterwards due to the conditions there, exposing its metallic interior.

This thread is just one big madlib. "You are missing this. Fill in blank hear with something funny ______." A map can't be moved. Even if it could, it WOULDN'T be moved.

I've collected many of the counter points you did not refute, Tac. Please do so one by one. And please take CONFIRMED off of the title, as this is nowhere near confirmed and seems quite arrogant.

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I'm not gonna take it off for any reason, just saying. The fact that you don't agree with my theory isn't my issue, that's you not looking at sheer evidence that is in the game. You are simply denying any sort connection to Mars, and eve considering that it could be on Mars.

The game says they're in a jungle:

"A legendary shrine lost in an exotic jungle. Where the undead lurk within a treacherous labyrinth of underground caverns, deadly traps and dark secrets."

They never SAY it's in the Himalayas, so I suppose it is possible, but extremely unlikely. The term "Shangri-La" in itself means that it is in the Himalayas.

It'd be like going to Moon to find out that you're actually on Asteroid.

Sometimes it's good to do things for yourself, liking not believing it when another person is saying that without checking it yourself. With that, you are wrong. Shangri-La means the following:

1. An imaginary remote paradise on earth; utopia.

2. A distant and secluded hideaway, usually of great beauty and peacefulness.

It would be the second, NOT the first. A place that is teleported is quite complicated. You can easily Teleport a person because it is a single entity. A place, unless it consists of one monolithic structure, is a whole swarm of structures with furniture, stands, assortments, etc. To be considered one object,

you'd have to teleport the ground underneath it as well to get all of the structures, all of the underground, and all of Radios just lying about!

I forgot you have inside knowledge of what the Vril-ya can and can't do, my mistake for not realizing it earlier that a game with so many crazy things going on in it couldn't add another crazy thing.

I'll just leave his here in regards to your complaints about the water, shrubs, etc.

[ Image ]

And the sky... It is... Blue. And the atmosphere on Mars is coloured Red, like the rest of this planet. This would mean that Virl-Ya terraformed the planet. Now terraforming is a thing that many scientists dream about. It's creating an atmosphere and correct conditions for life to exist on a planet/moon that does not contain such conditions. Let's don't underestimate Vril-Ya's, they could create a proper atmosphere on Mars, and thus we see shrubbery and plants, moss, etc. in Shangri-La.


We all have our different opinions some more likely than others, but since when did earth have 115 embedded in its crust. There is a kind on mine in shangri la. I agree to some extent with both of you. I also believe terraforming may have had something to do with it, starting in a relatively small area before growing.

I just remembered in a doctor who episode a hospital was moved by the Jadoon (Think that its their name) to the moon, and was given atmosphere and oxygen. Whose to say that Brock and his fellow explorer were transported without realising it. The lightening storm in the loading screen certainly suggests Shangri La is being moved somewhere. Or destroyed.

This is just confusing me, I need to think. Either its Earth, Mars, some other planet/dimension... reality. Oh the complexity of time and space.


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