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Proof That The Original Crew Will Return!

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Weren't the rockets fueled by 115? Or did I misunderstand something somewhere along the line?

I always heard the 3 rockets in the Ascension loading screen were filled with 115. I don't know about fueled by - but if they carried 115 before, could have done it again. Maxis does laugh pretty maniacally once those rockets hit.

I meant to say filled. But I've realized I've overlooked the obvious fact that Maxis wouldn't have wanted to create more zombies if Richtofen was in control.

The thought that the 3 rockets of Ascension being filled with 115 comes from the loading screen of the level. The shadows of the rockets spell out 115. This may be a reference to the rockets having 115, or that Ascension itself has 115 involved with it. It's up to interpretation.

In regards to Maxis blowing up the Earth, it's my impression that it was specific targets he was aiming at. He wasn't trying to blow up the Earth completely. There is an unused quote from Moon by Maxis that is said after the explosion. Treyarch ultimately left it out of the final cut. I made a topic on it awhile back if you wanna check it out more:


Where he targeted is unknown, but it could have been Germany, Russia, and America. These would be the most infected parts of the globe based on the locations of previous maps. Another possibility could be that the locations are associated with the Vril- ya, such as Shangri La, CotD, and another location, possibly cutting Rictofen's ties with Earth and the zombies. I'm leaning more towards the first though.

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I agree wih the first as well, it makes sense for him to destroy, or at least aim at, heavily infected areas such as the ones you mentioned. Now the second is plausible as we know that Maxis knows of VRIL Energy so it's possible he knew of the Vril-ya and Shangri-La/Call of the Dead's implications and connections.

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