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Zombie Hospital, Fire house, and Therapist.

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1. This post is for flamming(about bad breaks in zombie games)

example, "through the monkey bomb but the zombies didn't chase it"

2. If you just want to talk about zombies

3. Help find a solutions for map problems



1. NO swearing

2. NO flaming other patients

3. Have FUN


Things you can post on this topic






and zombie stories


Now please put the color in your comments in the best describes your post

green- means this is a joke

Red- means your flaming

Blue- means a zombie story

cyan- means problem

yellow- means solution

purple- means your a dweller thus have control over the post so show full respect with a dwellers post




This will be updated by me. These leaderboards are for best post on this topic.

ill post the top five posts and then you guys will vote on which one you thinks the best

the winner will receive brains[brains]. The leaderboard will also reset every week so brains will be avalible everyweek :!:

1.by Tac » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:44 pm

I kinda like this thread, gives users a place to express their gameplay error or something like that. I think the most angering thing that has ever happened to me is when I was playing Ascension solo trying to get my highest round, which I did, and I got to 59. I left a crawler and hit pause to go to bed. I hadn't realized that my Xbox was set to shit off after 6 hrs of inactivity, so I woke up to a blank screen and an ended game, broke my heart haha!

Also, color wise, Purple

2. I think my roughest moment, was going to 50 on Kino with my friend. We were having a great game. Just wonderful, we both had Porters X2's, I had the Zeus Cannon (with plenty of ammo)and he had the Awful Lawton, we both had monkeys. Dogs were appearing every 4 rounds, with 45 and 49 being in the pattern. It was round 44, and we were just finishing up the last zombies, and I got a crawler so I could use the bathroom. The remaining 6 more rounds looked like they'd be a breeze.

Then the game lagged out. For no reason whatsoever. We had been playing just fine, on 4 bar connection the whole 5 or so hours, and then, at the time the game had the LEAST moving bodies to keep track of, it decides, "Oh my, this is just too much for me!" and dies. It was completely heartbreaking there. Just awful.





If you like this post [brains] Everybody have fun :D

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I kinda like this thread, gives users a place to express their gameplay error or something like that. I think the most angering thing that has ever happened to me is when I was playing Ascension solo trying to get my highest round, which I did, and I got to 59. I left a crawler and hit pause to go to bed. I hadn't realized that my Xbox was set to shit off after 6 hrs of inactivity, so I woke up to a blank screen and an ended game, broke my heart haha!

Also, color wise, Purple :twisted:


I would say my heart breaker was round 32 on der riese, had the ray gun, DG2, and hk and then the host left because he got downed.........................i mean come on treyarch need to add host migration for Black ops 2 zombies

Tac leads the brains leaderboard

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  Humble Soldier said:
I would say my heart breaker was round 32 on der riese, had the ray gun, DG2, and hk and then the host left because he got downed.........................i mean come on treyarch need to add host migration for Black ops 2 zombies

Tac leads the brains leaderboard

Oh wow that does suck. Luckily for me, I only play solo so I've never really had those problems :P

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  Humble Soldier said:
You only play solo? don't you ever get lonely in the zombie maps lol?

Always, that's why I have stopped playing :P I have super bad internet so can only play solo, but I get bored because I have no one to talk to. I'll invite a friend over and split-screen is always a good time however.


Nah, people pay for xbox live because xbox asks them too :D

I personally feel like it is a bit smoother than PSN games, at least for zombies, but that could be the games and not the network, as I believe a lot of companies develop on the Xbox and then make the PS3 version based off of that. Plus the XBL money helps microsoft get those DLC exclusivity periods for most major games DLC.

Also as an afterthought, I'm going to move this from BO2 Zombie section to somewhere else... I think that General Gameplay Discussion for BO1 would do best for now. Maybe after Nov. if this is still going I'll put it back ;)

Now on to MY post:

[tab][/tab]I think my roughest moment, was going to 50 on Kino with my friend. We were having a great game. Just wonderful, we both had Porters X2's, I had the Zeus Cannon (with plenty of ammo)and he had the Awful Lawton, we both had monkeys. Dogs were appearing every 4 rounds, with 45 and 49 being in the pattern. It was round 44, and we were just finishing up the last zombies, and I got a crawler so I could use the bathroom. The remaining 6 more rounds looked like they'd be a breeze.

Then the game lagged out. For no reason whatsoever. We had been playing just fine, on 4 bar connection the whole 5 or so hours, and then, at the time the game had the LEAST moving bodies to keep track of, it decides, "Oh my, this is just too much for me!" and dies. It was completely heartbreaking there. Just awful.

Oh and technically I should say Purple, but content-wise blue is more fitting. Us Dwellers are just like the rest of you :P We aren't super powered gods or anything ;)

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