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The Ultimate Trap Strat co-op


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Here is a trap strategy me and RayGunxZomb came up with durning our RTR 75 on Ascension. It saves you 15-20 seconds from trap to trap, normally 1:15 - 1:20. Were as this only takes about a minute. This faster time from trap to trap pulse double dipping the zombies every time makes this a very effective high round strategy.


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Wow, that was brilliant, my friend. The use of spawn control, the timing, everything was really well-done and well thought out. About how many zombies does it kill for both runs? All in all, this is something I'd love to try once max spawns hit.

Excellent work. +1 for sure.


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First thanks for the comment :D

As for the how many zombies the traps kill well, the pap trap will kill 2 full hordes and the stamin up will almost kill 2 hordes but their are about 2-5 zombies that spawn out side of the room which will not die to the trap.

But what I was thinking after watching this is, that if we rebuild both windows on the flopper side of the trap we could sit and rebuild the window closer to stamin up un till the zombies break out of the window next to spawn. Since that area is technically part of the stamin up zone, this should make the faster to spawn zombies die from the trap then respawn again back behind the stamin up trap. At least that should make sure you kill 2 full hordes with the trap maybe even more.

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