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'The Map' New Idea!!!

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I was sitting around thinking about what would it be like if we had a LEGO: Black Ops game or a LEGO: Modern Warfare game. The outcome came out to be a open-viewed camera shooter with destructible and buildable objects. Then I thought about this concept being integrated into the actual first-person COD game. I realized Gears of War 3 already took this idea somewhat, but not to the extent I'm about to take it.

Imagine with the maps never before seen size that we would be able to construct various objects to help fend off the undead horde and/or work or defeat our friends in the 4z4 mode. I'm talking about constructing fully-automated turrets (or man-operated as well), remote controlled vehicles (cars, Quad-rotors, UGVs, UAVs), driveable vehicles, Better armored barriers. The Works.

Now a lot of you are probably wondering, 'it's no fun holding one button to make something come to life or it's no fun selecting an object and decided where to place it (even though the COD series is notorious for this game-play mechanic). I'm talking about finding the materials either around the map or dropped from zombies or other players. Then going to the Shed (or whatever you wanna call it) and literally placing the pieces to make what you need.

Once you create your weapon or vehicle you can keep it in your inventory (D-PAD as we like to call it) and use it like you would normally use any type of kill-streak. So tell me how you guys like this idea and let me know if you think its worth integrating into any future DLC, because I'm sure its to late by now to add it into the final game.

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I thought I specified this as an idea for the original COD:Zombies franchise. My bad if I didn't. The LEGO idea was just a dream lol.

It's all good (To be honest, I've thought about a LEGO cod quite a few times myself). I just wanted clarification as it has been a slow and dreary day for me and I think I may have just missed that part in your post. :lol:

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I agree. They were on the right track with the traps in FIVE (despite how lame they were), and I believe they should expand upon that idea. They should just have random pieces like this scattered all over the map and never in the same place too, some maybe even dropped by zombies (boss zombies perhaps?).

This kind of strikes me as being very similar to Dead Rising 2, but I still really like this idea.

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