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FIVE: NO PERKS Round 37 solo


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Hey guys, full gameplay video for you here from a solo game on FIVE with no perks bought, reaching round 37. Auto-train FTW :D

I can definitely improve this and it's a fun challenge, so I'll be going for it again in hope of a 50+ game. Feel like I got a little ripped off here, got an unusually horrible spawn right at the end as I came out of the elevator, thought I'd gotten through it then got a double-slap from behind, seemingly out of nowhere.


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     Something I've always admired about your gameplay is your knowledge of the game. While there may be some players who match or better your control of zombies in terms of kiting, I believe that there is no one in the world who knows the game better than you. Pure skill is one thing and can lead to some really good gameplay and perhaps some success in these challenges, but a round 37 on a map as difficult as Five requires immense knowledge of the game.

[tab][/tab]Let this be an example to all other students of the game. It doesn't matter if you aren't confident in your training abilities (it does help, not going to lie there), but if you can confidently assert your knowledge of a map, you're set for some very good scores. To push it to the next level, combine both knowledge and kiting skills for the best and most efficient methods of killing zombies. That result is a player like Superhands, and there are few, if any, like him.


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Thanks for the kind words mate :) Absolutely right, my kiting skills don't quite match up to that of a Chopper or Alvaro, but it's fair to say that they're probably top 10 and I've also taken a lot of time to study the various maps to find my most preferred way to play them under certain circumstances.

Strategy is the key to getting results, but your ability to execute the strategy consistently will always determine how far you can go, as well as your ability and smarts to recover from a dire situation. These abilities are something that all of the greats have in common.

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Have a look at my project The Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide, there are a couple of bonus co-op guides in there, one of them being for FIVE. It's a 3-4 player strategy though.

Also I'm gonna write an alternate co-op strategy which can be used by 2-4 players.

The basis of it is, for a 2 player game have one guy running the War Room, and have the other guy running the labs/basement strategy, which once practiced is just as easy as running the War Room. Any extra players would camp the elevator on the Top Floor, or the 2 windows inside the PaP room - the Top Floor is a little harder, but it's more exciting. Watching the windows in the PaP room can get very lonely :lol: but in the higher rounds when zombies become harder to kill, you can keep them locked out indefinitely if you've only got one window to watch.

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