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Bonus/Fun Map Ideas

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Okay CoDz, here's a different one for ya;

In Blops, we were introduced to some different type of maps with a completely different and new crew for the sake of changing things up a bit. All the story purpose aside, having the option to play as a different cast was fun, risky for Treyarch, but a refreshing fun idea nonetheless. I personally hate Five, but purely for the layout, the idea itself was very clever. Same goes for COTD, which IMO, would have been ten times better without "Zombrero" as I like to call him, getting in the way.

Anyways, I've thought about some ideas in the past, one specifically I would like to share again as we're now approaching the zombie season again and am interested in seeing what you guys come up with as potential "bonus" maps with exotic settings and a new crew. Be as specific as you please.

So, here's mine, based on the idea that worlds collide with Treyarch going futuristic:

Map name: Bösewicht (Villain)

Era: Modern (2015)

Purpose: As contribution to the successful end to the Modern Warfare 3 trilogy, and Treyarch's approach at future warfare with Blops 2, a special bonus map is introduced where worlds collide for a massive 8-Player map, where players must fight through either the zombie-infested abandoned Russian Gulag as the original zombies crew, or fight to survive on the surface of rising masses of the undead as some familiar main characters of the MW trilogy.

Gameplay: The map will be able to support a total of 8 players to fight though the terror of the living dead Spetsnaz and SAS zombies, as well as Prisoner zombies after triggering a hive of recently discovered 115 crash site in the year 2015. And additional 4 player, split screen or single player option will support the option for players to switch between the crews according to their corresponding player color. (Tank/Soap, Richtofen/Price, Takeo/Yuri and Nikolai/Ghost) The ultimate objective is to survive, with different goals to complete to succeed in addition as an option for the maps EE. Weapons are Modern era.

Backstory: Due to the spontaneous effects of the unstable QED, the crew, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen suddenly find themselves in the middle of a windy desert just outside the stone walls of a top secret Russian Gulag after accidentally dropping one of the devices in a struggle against interrogating Richtofen about his plans. They are quickly surprised by their discovery that they have teleported to the future, and the new terrors that unfold as history follows with them.

Opening scene:

The sun glares directly at the screen as it pans downward, mountains are faint behind the dusty red sands that follow from the hot desert storm.

[sudden bright flash explodes, bodies drop several feet above ground]

Tank: Ugh... where are we now?

Richtofen: Ze better question is, WHEN are we?

Nikolai: It looks like we are in Russia, LOOK, the hammer and sickle!"

Takeo: This place... looks... different.

[A cloud of dust forms as a convoy emerges in the distance]

Tank: Oh boy, this can't be good...

[scene changes to a group for soldiers infiltrating enemy cargo]

Price: Search the cargo, find anything useful!

[Price looks at a crate, examines warning label; reads "EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, DO NOT TOUCH"]

[Cracks open box, label folds back, markings read "115", A soldier is heard approaching from behind]

Soap: "Price, our boys just picked up some men, they..."

[soldier calls out, looking at the two soldiers]

Ghost: "Guys, I think you should see this..."

[Camera changes to large crater filled with 115 meteorite chunks]

Soap: "What the bloody hell is that stuff?"

Price:"Hell if I know, mate. But I want to find out what."

[Price tosses cigar butt into the crater, a man yells in the distance;]

Yuri: "NOOOO!"

[Ground immediately ruptures, crew falls to the ground, the cargo slides and sinks into the crater hole]


[Darkness clouds the skys and a jolt of lighting spikes into the ground, followed by surrounding echo demonic laughter]

[switches to original crew being tossed into the abandoned Russian gulag, escorted by a soldier]

Tank: "Ah great... could this get any worse?"

[Zombie hands emerge from ground, restricting the soldier]

Tank: "Ugh... fucking brillant..."

*Richtofen laughs maniacally*

[switches to other crew, dust clouds blanketing the entire surface as crew begins to rise]


Ghost: "Price, look..."

[shadow figures emerge in the distance of the horizon of the dusty clouds, multiplying as the dust beings to settle]

[Crew watches in shock as they become clearer]

Price: "Bloody hell..."

[close up for approaching horde of zombies, lead by an undead Al Asad, Sheppard and Makarov.]

[End cutscene, game beings]

Well that's all I got for now, I'll tweak/add stuff as it comes to me. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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Correct me if wrong, but wouldn't it be Sam instead of Rictofen, due to the EE, I don't think they would immediately switch back, other than that I would love this map, It would be fun again to play as the 03 + Sam (If it is her and not Ric) & mw crew

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One of my ideas:

(Starting 'The Map'. The Original Crew in position on a street staring at a horde of zombies)

(Players take control and start unloading with SMGs)

(While players are shooting the first horde of the game character dialouge acts as the cutscene)

Dempsey: Can't believe we made it off that damn MOON alive.

Nikolai: They took all my Vodka. And Rictofen took my Olympia...

Takeo: 935 must become annihilated for what they have caused!

Samantha: I will avenge my father!

(From there on we just play the game)

I would actually love to see us starting out with automatic guns and going against a huge horde right off the bat. It would really set the mood that 'the world has gone to shit'.

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I like the idea of starting off on a map full of zombies, but the SMG thing doesn't seem too good to me. Plus we'd have to have a large starting area for room to run for a little bit which would make the map fairly easy, and with the full map of zombies our first power-up drop would come almost immediately. There is also the points we get from them would let us open a lot of the doors before round 2.

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