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Shangri-La Mountain Easter Egg HUGE Fact/Clue Write-Up


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Here is another one of my long-ish write ups. I combined all the different note-worthy things I have found around Shangri-La. Hopefully I can help connect the dots explaining the mountain range easter egg. Enjoy! :)

Loading Screen/Mountain relation.

My theory is that everyone is looking at it backwards. Everyone is saying “Hey, look at that mountain, it’s out of place!”, and automatically making the assumption that since the hill is out of place, the entirety Shangri-La shouldn’t be there. Let us take a step back; Think for a sec. We have two things that don’t mix. Why are we assuming that the mountain is automatically the one that –should- be there? I think that it’s the opposite. Please refer to my two professional-quality diagrams.

(Second pic courtesy of Telixion)

I believe that these two pictures are the before and after pictures of the same valley. Match up the colours if you don’t see what I mean. I don’t think Shangri-La was moved here, I think whatever was over by the mountain was taken away, leaving the dry exposed dirt and rock. Another thing: the storm is shown as a tornado. When was the last tornado you've heard of that spit something out? Never. The whole concept of a tornado is based on suction, they suck things in. I believe that this particular tornado sucked in whatever temple was on the other end of that rope bridge. The same bridge that you can see remnants of on the right side of the second picture (Note the rope hanging across the valley)… I rest my case.

Water power/ Element 115

The whole temple is “powered” by water. This could be because the water flows through the underground 115 mine and becomes contaminated with traces of 115. This would explain the temples time-travel abilities and how the residents got infected.

Structure vista outside of map

There is a vista on the map showing some structure/building. I have yet to find the significance of said structure, but it is obvious Treyarch wanted us to see this particular building. Go to work boys.

Shangri-La prefab on Moon

There is a single prefab sitting in the Biodome on Moon. It is a round stone disc that is placed on either ends of the many pillars on Shangri-La. Possibly a subtle hint from Treyarch that we missed something in Shangri-La (presumably the Mountain easter egg). It might also be saying something along the lines of “Hey, this place looks like Earth. However, that doesn’t mean it’s –ON- earth.” And then pointing the finger back to Shangri-La?


The eclipse is really, REALLY, big compared to regular eclipses. This implies that the Moon is much closer to us than normal.

31-79 JGb215

I have yet to discover the complete meaning of its name. However, when 31 and 79 are used for lat/lon coordinates, it places you inside the Kunlun Mountains in China. Incidentally, the fictional location of Shangri-La is also somewhere within the Kunlun Mountains.

Still almost no clue on the JGb215 part though. The only thing that comes to mind is J being the measurement of Energy (Joules) and Gb being a measurement of data (Gigabits). If that is the case, what could a combination of Energy and Data be?

Monkeys in rockets?

When one of the zombie monkeys successfully steals one of your drops, he brings it back to the PaP temple (which also happens to be Richtofen’s Shrine) and blasts off into the sky in a rocket? Da fuq?

The element 115 mines

The fact that they were mining 115 is important. Keep in mind that 115 does not occur naturally on earth (to our knowledge). This implies one of three things:

A. There was a huge 115 meteor shower in the past (the land was given time to resettle over the meteorites, this would take TONS of time). IMO this is the most likely because, if you remember, when you activate the easter egg and go back in time there is currently a meteor shower in progress. Wouldn’t that imply that the temple was either rebuilt or repaired from the damage AFTER Brock and Gary went through though?

B. Shangri-La is a source of naturally-occurring 115.

C. We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

“Beware the wrath of the dragon’s fire”

This warning is inscribed in Illuminati around the edge of all the golden gongs used in the easter egg. To my knowledge, no one has deciphered its meaning yet.

Illuminati influence

There is a strong illuminati influence not only around the map, but in the creation of the temple itself. The gongs, the stone doors and the easter egg tiles all have Illuminati inscriptions on them. This is probably related to the fact that when Richtofen was testing his MDT prototype, he was teleported to Shangri-La. The result of this was that the Shangri-La residents (possibly the Vril-ya) worshipped him and most likely thought he was some kind of god.

"People" in barrels

In the mine, there are people in barrels. The same as those found on Kino. I think this might be the same as why there was a Shangri-La prefab on Moon (Possibly tying the two maps together). I believe that these “people” are actually Vril-ya. If this is true, that means Kino could have a larger part in the story than we previously thought. Remember, they were conducting experiments on people at Kino.

[Relatively] advanced technology

In the mine, there is technology that is much more advanced than it should be. (Lights, metal pipes/valves, gas lines). Why does an –ancient- temple use electricity, have the capacity to smelt metal and have running gas lines? We know that pretty much all of the locations we have been to were Group 935 stations. Shangri-La might either have been converted to a station, or maybe even built to disguise the station itself?

Why I don’t think it’s on Mars

This has been a HUGE theory for a while. I just wanted to pop some holes in it. Firstly, the air composition, gravity, atmosphere, temperature, etc.. are all wrong for Mars. Even on Moon with futuristic tech, they still couldn’t even come remotely close to how exact Shangri-La is to Earth. Secondly, the only real argument behind Mars is that the mountain looks like Martian terrain. It also looks like the terrain of any non-flat desert or dry climate. Thirdly, the theory is that Shangri-La was “taken” and placed on Mars. Oh yeah? Look around, it is lush forest for MILES in every direction outside of the map except that one mountain. Finally, how exactly would two explorers trekking through the jungle magically step from Earth to Mars without even noticing? Remember, Brock and Gary travelled through the mountains ON FOOT. They walked to Shangri-La. Last time I checked, it’s pretty hard to accidentally walk to Mars, or even to walk to Mars period.

New discoveries have pretty much proved Mars is involved, so I guess my theory is invalid.

Thanks for reading my long winded post. I just want to end this by saying that I may be ignorant to recent developments and discoveries on these forums. So if anyone has any information that I missed, please feel free to comment and I'll be sure to add it in. :)

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Very nice thread you've got here, really well thought out [brains]

Thought I'd add a couple to the thread;

The Disks found on Moon, is actually almost identical to a Dropa stone.


Dropa stones were also found in Mt.Baigong, and I've developed a theory on the dropa stones and the mountain here. This can develop into the theory of how, if so , Shangri la was transported to Moon. I also believe that the message on the Gongs have some association to do with the EE, and also involved in the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism;

the beliefs that associate with dragons in Tibetan Buddhism seem to be linked with the Gongs in Shangri La;

The Dragon thunders in the sky with the sound of compassion that awakens us from delusion and increases what we can know through hearing. Dragons have the power of complete communication. Just as we do not see sound, we do not see dragons

Isn't it in Shangri La the gongs create a powerful, thundering sound when you knife it in the correct order? (In the easter egg there is a step where you must knife the gongs in the correct order, or you cannot complete the easter egg) Also, this might be a long shot, but "awakens us from delusion, increases what we know through hearing" and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Takeo seem to start remembering what Group 935 has done to him in Shangri La? Do the gongs have some affect on Takeo, and his memory?

Also, the 31-79 has some association to be powered by the Dragon stone, and I'm still not sure whether the stone can have some relevance to the rest of the name, but I'll try researching to see if I can find anything about it.

Also, the Element 115 suggestions are quite well developed. The advanced technology suggests Vrill Ya inhabitations, and the group 935 theory could also work. Overall nice thread :)


  javano said:
  Spoiler, click to open contents
Here is another one of my long-ish write ups. I combined all the different note-worthy things I have found around Shangri-La. Hopefully I can help connect the dots explaining the mountain range easter egg. Enjoy!

Loading Screen/Mountain relation.

My theory is that everyone is looking at it backwards. Everyone is saying “Hey, look at that mountain, it’s out of place!”, and automatically making the assumption that since the hill is out of place, the entirety Shangri-La shouldn’t be there. Let us take a step back; Think for a sec. We have two things that don’t mix. Why are we assuming that the mountain is automatically the one that –should- be there? I think that it’s the opposite. Please refer to my two professional-quality diagrams.

[ Image ]

[ Image ]

(Second pic courtesy of Telixion)

I believe that these two pictures are the before and after pictures of the same valley. Match up the colours if you don’t see what I mean. I don’t think Shangri-La was moved here, I think whatever was over by the mountain was taken away, leaving the dry exposed dirt and rock. Another thing: the storm is shown as a tornado. When was the last tornado you've heard of that spit something out? Never. The whole concept of a tornado is based on suction, they suck things in. I believe that this particular tornado sucked in whatever temple was on the other end of that rope bridge. The same bridge that you can see remnants of on the right side of the second picture (Note the rope hanging across the valley)… I rest my case.

Water power/ Element 115

The whole temple is “powered” by water. This could be because the water flows through the underground 115 mine and becomes contaminated with traces of 115. This would explain the temples time-travel abilities and how the residents got infected.

Structure vista outside of map

There is a vista on the map showing some structure/building. I have yet to find the significance of said structure, but it is obvious Treyarch wanted us to see this particular building. Go to work boys.

Shangri-La prefab on Moon

There is a single prefab sitting in the Biodome on Moon. It is a round stone disc that is placed on either ends of the many pillars on Shangri-La. Possibly a subtle hint from Treyarch that we missed something in Shangri-La (presumably the Mountain easter egg). It might also be saying something along the lines of “Hey, this place looks like Earth. However, that doesn’t mean it’s –ON- earth.” And then pointing the finger back to Shangri-La?


The eclipse is really, REALLY, big compared to regular eclipses. This implies that the Moon is much closer to us than normal.

31-79 JGb215

I have yet to discover the complete meaning of its name. However, when 31 and 79 are used for lat/lon coordinates, it places you inside the Kunlun Mountains in China. Incidentally, the fictional location of Shangri-La is also somewhere within the Kunlun Mountains.

Still almost no clue on the JGb215 part though. The only thing that comes to mind is J being the measurement of Energy (Joules) and Gb being a measurement of data (Gigabits). If that is the case, what could a combination of Energy and Data be?

Monkeys in rockets?

When one of the zombie monkeys successfully steals one of your drops, he brings it back to the PaP temple (which also happens to be Richtofen’s Shrine) and blasts off into the sky in a rocket? Da fuq?

The element 115 mines

The fact that they were mining 115 is important. Keep in mind that 115 does not occur naturally on earth (to our knowledge). This implies one of three things:

A. There was a huge 115 meteor shower in the past (the land was given time to resettle over the meteorites, this would take TONS of time). IMO this is the most likely because, if you remember, when you activate the easter egg and go back in time there is currently a meteor shower in progress. Wouldn’t that imply that the temple was either rebuilt or repaired from the damage AFTER Brock and Gary went through though?

B. Shangri-La is a source of naturally-occurring 115.

C. We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

“Beware the wrath of the dragon’s fire”

This warning is inscribed in Illuminati around the edge of all the golden gongs used in the easter egg. To my knowledge, no one has deciphered its meaning yet.

Illuminati influence

There is a strong illuminati influence not only around the map, but in the creation of the temple itself. The gongs, the stone doors and the easter egg tiles all have Illuminati inscriptions on them. This is probably related to the fact that when Richtofen was testing his MDT prototype, he was teleported to Shangri-La. The result of this was that the Shangri-La residents (possibly the Vril-ya) worshipped him and most likely thought he was some kind of god.

"People" in barrels

In the mine, there are people in barrels. The same as those found on Kino. I think this might be the same as why there was a Shangri-La prefab on Moon (Possibly tying the two maps together). I believe that these “people” are actually Vril-ya. If this is true, that means Kino could have a larger part in the story than we previously thought. Remember, they were conducting experiments on people at Kino.

[Relatively] advanced technology

In the mine, there is technology that is much more advanced than it should be. (Lights, metal pipes/valves, gas lines). Why does an –ancient- temple use electricity, have the capacity to smelt metal and have running gas lines? We know that pretty much all of the locations we have been to were Group 935 stations. Shangri-La might either have been converted to a station, or maybe even built to disguise the station itself?

Why I don’t think it’s on Mars

This has been a HUGE theory for a while. I just wanted to pop some holes in it. Firstly, the air composition, gravity, atmosphere, temperature, etc.. are all wrong for Mars. Even on Moon with futuristic tech, they still couldn’t even come remotely close to how exact Shangri-La is to Earth. Secondly, the only real argument behind Mars is that the mountain looks like Martian terrain. It also looks like the terrain of any non-flat desert or dry climate. Thirdly, the theory is that Shangri-La was “taken” and placed on Mars. Oh yeah? Look around, it is lush forest for MILES in every direction outside of the map except that one mountain. Finally, how exactly would two explorers trekking through the jungle magically step from Earth to Mars without even noticing? Remember, Brock and Gary travelled through the mountains ON FOOT. They walked to Shangri-La. Last time I checked, it’s pretty hard to accidentally walk to Mars, or even to walk to Mars period.

New discoveries have pretty much proved Mars is involved, so I guess my theory is invalid.

Thanks for reading my long winded post. I just want to end this by saying that I may be ignorant to recent developments and discoveries on these forums. So if anyone has any information that I missed, please feel free to comment and I'll be sure to add it in. :)

Does anyone else think that the tornado is caused by the vrilya leaving the area? and that they just took it with them? i don't know i was just a thought i had lol, but really good post i loved all the information you and the other guy posted

  John said:
  Spoiler, click to open contents
Very nice thread you've got here, really well thought out [brains]

Thought I'd add a couple to the thread;

The Disks found on Moon, is actually almost identical to a Dropa stone.


Dropa stones were also found in Mt.Baigong, and I've developed a theory on the dropa stones and the mountain here. This can develop into the theory of how, if so , Shangri la was transported to Moon. I also believe that the message on the Gongs have some association to do with the EE, and also involved in the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism;

Also, the 31-79 has some association to be powered by the Dragon stone, and I'm still not sure whether the stone can have some relevance to the rest of the name, but I'll try researching to see if I can find anything about it.

[ Image ]

Also, the Element 115 suggestions are quite well developed. The advanced technology suggests Vrill Ya inhabitations, and the group 935 theory could also work. Overall nice thread :)

I love these types of posts :D

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  javano said:

31-79 JGb215

I have yet to discover the complete meaning of its name. However, when 31 and 79 are used for lat/lon coordinates, it places you inside the Kunlun Mountains in China. Incidentally, the fictional location of Shangri-La is also somewhere within the Kunlun Mountains.

Still almost no clue on the JGb215 part though. The only thing that comes to mind is J being the measurement of Energy (Joules) and Gb being a measurement of data (Gigabits). If that is the case, what could a combination of Energy and Data be?

The entire meaning of the name is coordinates that lead to the Himalayan Mountains, from the research I did. I had a thread a while back, but it was accidentally deleted.

  javano said:
Monkeys in rockets?

When one of the zombie monkeys successfully steals one of your drops, he brings it back to the PaP temple (which also happens to be Richtofen’s Shrine) and blasts off into the sky in a rocket? Da fuq?

Hahaha I never knew that. Perhaps they take a rocket to Moon, shave off their shag, hop in a space suit, take a lander back in time to Ascension on Monkey Rounds and give you the Max Ammo :lol:

  javano said:

[Relatively] advanced technology

In the mine, there is technology that is much more advanced than it should be. (Lights, metal pipes/valves, gas lines). Why does an –ancient- temple use electricity, have the capacity to smelt metal and have running gas lines? We know that pretty much all of the locations we have been to were Group 935 stations. Shangri-La might either have been converted to a station, or maybe even built to disguise the station itself?

I think that Richtofen came in and modernized it so to speak, along with the rest of the 935 members who were there at the time.

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