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I think I know what everyone is really interested in besides Campaign, weapons, and storyline...MAPS!!!

What do I desire for a zombie map? Well, I would try and make a huge map with a few details. The main part is that it is sort of a massive bio dome in space, but inside the Astroid Belt. The map would have under water areas and zero gravity areas. There would also be a mining area between nature and technology. The Mine is going to have a cart you can drive. Not like auto-pilots from Shangri-La, but drive and steer. Nature is going to have grass and trees and of course blue skies. Just small hills and a lake you can swim in. Technology however is like Der Reise with Teleporters, DG-2, and traps. You can play outside the dome and sort of float in space. If you fall off, you can die. Under water, it has parts of artifacts that had belonged to Earth. There is a switch that allows you to either play zombies now or look around the place. It will only give you five minutes to explore. There is only three Easter Eggs.

"Train Pain"

1. Open all the doors/blocks

2. Have a crawler or at least two zombies alive

3. Activate all Teleporters

4. Grab the V-Device without Scuba gear

5. Leave it floating in the lake

6. Use the DG-2 to destroy it.

This Easter Egg allows you to end the game with one endless round.

"God Damned"

1. Activate Storm switch

2. Activate Sam's Teddy Bear

3. Activate the 115 rock.

This will activate a remake of the zombies theme, "Damned".


1. Don't play zombies

2. Crawl into the lake

3. Jump

4. Land on a bedroom in the sky.

This is a bonus room that will only last five minutes or whatever time you have left to explore. The room will contain pictures of every wall. One wall will have clues for Black Ops III (If they decide to make any), the other wall will have pictures of everybody in Treyarch or how they made zombies, the next wall will have either my poster for Anderson Chronicles or just my logo, and the last wall is a button to bring you back in the map and start the zombies.

So if Treyarch makes Black Ops III, then I can work with The Anderson Chronicles II and III. This map will be played by Richtofen, Samantha, Dr. Maxis, and I haven't thought of the fourth character. So if you had a dream map, I'd like to see what it is. So please tell me your dream map.

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I like it. It has that Moon feel, with a hint of the past. I like the eggs as well. It's good to read easter egg ideas that don't include all perks as a reward. These are simple and still have decent outcomes. As for my dream map:


City of the Dead

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