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Good idea for a new max ammo round?

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Instead of monkeys, or hellhounds why not the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse I think it could work after all black ops 2 has horses in singleplayer so why not after all its a zombie apocalypse. But each max ammo round has one of the 4 horses so its not too much at one time.

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I actually kind of like this idea. Though I would really only see it happening if it fitted into the story at all. All the zombies we faced we've gotten some kind of back story as to how they got there, and I haven't seen anything about the 4 horses of the apocalypse yet.

Although, this would somewhat fit rather nicely with the Devil theory. So if that turns out to be true, then it just may happen.


The way I would break it down would be if u get Conquest the white horse after u defeat him the result could be like a q.e.d. something good or bad could happen, if u get the red horse War and defeat him u get a 90 second deathmachine just cause there are more zombies in the multiplayer engine, if u get the black horse Famine and defeat him every buyable item in the map gets a higher price just to make things hard but for 1 round, and if u get the green horse Death when u defeat him every gun in the game is a one hit kill for a certain amount of time im thinking 1 whole round. Each one drops a max ammo regardless of the outcome. They dont teleport in like hellhounds they come in through a vortex kind of like what a gersh device looks like when its activated.


An interesting idea, but I don't know if I quite like the idea of receiving a negative effect for completing a max ammo round. The QED one is alright, but in my opinion making everything higher priced for 1 whole round is a bit much. For Famine, I would have done the opposite and do something like a bon-fire sale.


The negative effect is to make it hard to switch it up for Famine. U can't always get rewarded u might not even get famine u might get the other 3 horses it all depends on the game it would be random. Like i said u still will get a max ammo just something else also to switch it up.


Wow. This is an AWESOME idea. I love it! I feel like this would really bring the scary feeling back to Zombies if done correctly.

I've been gone for awhile, someone tell me, where is the Brainz button? This guy deserves it, real outside the box thinking :)


I love this idea. Imagine the announcer calling the name of each horse as they appear, that would be epic.

I think rather than a random horse every time you should get all four horses appearing one after the other every 8 rounds or so. Then it could go in the order of Pestilence, War, Famine, and finally Death.

The announcer could cry "PESTILENCE!"; followed by an infectious horse galloping around the map going from perk to perk reducing each perk's capabilities (e.g. juggernog damage protection decreased) until it is killed. Then the announcer could, in turn, call the names of the other 3 horses as they appear until the eventual death of the players or all the horses. War could move around the map randomly spawning zombies as it goes until it is killed, Famine could go from player to player draining their ammo (as in an ammo famine), and finally Death, the most hazardous, could move slower than the other horses but inflict an insta-down if it's deathly aura hit a player.

Definately a brilliant idea man, I shall provide you with brains immediately!


Thanks guys I think that would be cool as hell hearing the demonic announcer. Fenix I totally forgot about that picture hearing that and then the vortex opens and I like the idea of reducing the perk's capabilities for Pestilence. That round would seperate the best from the rest and give a real challenge that needs teamwork and sacrifice to complete it.


Personally I want to see something like the monkeys, but done right. A thief, but something that doesn't stral something as substantial as perks. Like the Pentagon thief, these little buggers would steal weapons.

Monkeys like to steal stuff, right? How 'bout Zombie chimps?

Trained to steal weapons from enemy soldiers by group 935, they sought to make them more powerful by Reanimating them, insuring more durability and absolute loyalty. They succeeded in the former, but the chimps went berserk, eventually escaping into [insert map here]. Still retaining their training, they jave only one goal in death, to steal weapons.

Every 5 rounds a swarm of chimps would spawn and chase after you. If one gets too close, he will begin to tug on your gun for 5 -10 seconds. You are imobilized during this time and cannot be attacked. Now, a teammate has to kill the chimp stealing your gun before it makes off with it. If they have not done so in time, the chimp will run away, and you have a 10% chance of getting your gun back when you kill it.

The chimps will proceed to either steal all of uou're weapons, or get killed.

Now, as the chimp's health increases, it will become more difficult to kill them and get a weapon back, and that's the magic in this. However, you could just not get caught.


Just to point out the four horsement level the whole world in revelations, I doubt 4 guys could stand up to them :3 I know I know even I could find a way to make them weaker, actually, that's a good idea, instead of just killing them, you have to find a way to stop them, or teleport them away to get the ammo, simmilar to an astronaught or George :P


Remember now we have 8 player co-op ;) so it would be a hard round but u have 2 players a horse so thats not that over powered the horses have alot of health, but in solo they would be easy to kill. Thought of a trophy/achievement for it stampede the gates of hell. Also looking at that 1st trailer I saw a Afghanistan looking map so i think if we have a zombie map in the desert this could take place in that map since they make zombie maps from singleplayer, it could tie into Vimana ships and more vril tech in that map. Also the map could have sandstorms in it like call of the dead with blizzards but only for a minute every couple of rounds.


They should take some from Dead Ops Arcade, such as the huge albino exploding zombie, there could be a round where special types of zombies spawn that are larger in size, run a bit faster, and explode when shot enough or close enough to the player. The explosion can be equal to a frag grenade in damage.


  DaPikmin said:
They should take some from Dead Ops Arcade, such as the huge albino exploding zombie, there could be a round where special types of zombies spawn that are larger in size, run a bit faster, and explode when shot enough or close enough to the player. The explosion can be equal to a frag grenade in damage.

Fun fact, did you know the martyrs in Dead Ops are actually just guys in ghillie suits?

Back on topic, I really wanted to see the engineer zombies from DOA and some kind of abominable zombie monster. Though I guess the engineers came in the form of George, and the martyrs in the form of Napalm zombies.

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