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The Easter Egg in Nuketown Zombies

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SO I've been doing a lot of thinking and after a lot of hard thinking, I have come up with a possible easter egg on Nuketown Zombies.

So first of all I'd like to show you all a picture of the Nuketown that we know and love (or hate).

You see those generators right there people? and the nuke on the mast?

I believe those generators could be our power room! and I believe that the power plays an important role in the easter egg as, you have to eventually start a countdown!

Much like launching the rocket in Ascension, you would have to do a series of challenges such as shooting mannequins heads off etc. then eventually you would start a countdown which would release the nuke from that mast and into something that has been built underneath, THE MDT! THE TELEPORTER! That way the crew can blow up the moon base, Der Riese, wherever they want!

OR, The nuke could have allready blown up after the missiles impacted with earth and making Nuketown, a desolate wasteland, however I find it unlikely as if a nuke did go off a couple meters next to a house, there wouldn't be much left of the house :P

ANyway, please tell me what you think of my theory. Thank You!

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