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I was just Thunkin...

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Who woulda thunk?!? Onto my cool idea. Back in my child-hood days (yesterday) some of my friends and i would go to a church camp. We had recreation time but some days the leaders who already have games (outside games) set up for us. The best remembered game we played was called "Octopus" or also titled: "Mine-field." Here's the setup:

There are two sides, about 30 yards between each side. There are two "its" or taggers, or infectors, whatever. If they tag you as you try to run to the other side (everybody starts on one side) you are frozen, but you can tag other people that come next to you, you become infected but you can't move. If there's like 40-50 people, ITS AWESOME. I had the idea to incorporate this into Black Ops 2 Zombies. We ALL know zombies can sometimes get old, because there's naturally only one objective: Survive. But as a mini-game you could play Nuketown Zombies, have no weapon or just a pistol. Your job is to get to one side of the map to the other, there could be already pre-set zombies that don't move but can still kill you, if you run into them, and they would not just be three or four, maybe like 30-40 pre-set, immobile zombies. If they set no zombies but instead a multiplayer setting, like you and 17 other people spawn and there are 3 Zombies infecting you, once your tagged and you can't move, your going to rage quit. That would be bad, perhaps AI zombies.

Name of Game-Mode: "Pacifism"

Objective: Get to one side of the map to the other while being chased by fast zombies, but also dodging the infected hands of pre-set AI zombies.

It may seem lame in the description to what i have provided. But i would like to have some sort of Zombie Game Mode with no weapons. Maybe something like "The Pit" from Modern Warfare 2. The goal isn't killing, its just doing something in a set amount of time, but is still addictive and fun.

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