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Or is it Apostrophe? ;) Anyways, one of the most liked mini game modes, played in video games and in real life is called "Save the President" or something close to that.

Objective: Get the President, (a person) or designated item, back to a base before a set amount of time erupts.

You have Team A. Who is trying to get the President back.

Team B. is keeping the President hostage and is killing Team A. at will.

How to incorporate into zombies?

Setting: Nuketown Zombies.

Amount of Players: 4

Amount of Zombies: they never stop spawning. This game isn't set for rounds, but instead, time.

Start of game: Every person starts behind the fence, the one by the swing-set, you cannot get out of the doors until 10 seconds passes by and one of you teammates, or you, are taken captive.

Goals for humans after the 10 seconds: Run through the map, there would be walls and barriers set up to buy with the points accumulated to move those doors. The map isn't free to run around. One of your teammates is taken captive, or your taken captive, and you spawn on the opposite side of the Nuketown Zombies Map. But there is no wall to get out of if your captive, until your teammates come to "buy you off the wall."

As the President: from the opposite time of where your teammates have spawned on Nuketown Zombies, the one side with the flower garden. There is a huge wall you cannot, as the President, buy off. You must survive because the zombies are spawning all around you. And you have little space to run. Once your teammates arrive, if your not killed, all the doors YOUR TEAMMATES opened up, need to be once again opened up. But you, as the President must have acquired enough points to buy back your way to the Spawn Base. With your teammates protecting you from the endless waves of zombies, it's only a matter of time, or death, to get back to safety.

Goals as Humans: Buy your way through the map. Accumulate points by killing the zombies that endlessly spawn. But you must give just enough time to let your President acquire enough points to buy the way back. Once you Open the Presidents wall, you cannot buy any walls. Only the President can, once you have "unlocked Him."

To little time, the President might not have enough points to buy back. Once the wall to the President is bought, zombies start to REALLY swarm. To much time, and the President is dead.

Weapons for the President are off His wall that he can't get back once it's bought.

Weapons for Humans: Anywhere you can buy them. :D

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