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In honor of post #115...

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Hey guys! In honor of my 115th post I will present all of my ideas for zombies... EVER. Believe me this is going to be a long post! Add on to any ideas or provide feedback as you wish! I am only going to do a brief recap for each. In-depth descriptions of wonder weapon ammo capacity (for example) will be left out.


1. Wonderweapon ideas

2. Map ideas

3. Tool / utility ideas

4. A personal message to all of CoDz!



After you pull the trigger, the gun "revs up" for about 2 seconds. Then, a massive thick beam shoots out, killing every zombie it touches. The beam continues shooting out of the gun for 3 seconds. While firing your look sensitivity is dramatically lowered and you ate pushed back a lot. Upgraded it becomes the BEAM CANNON v2. This makes the beam last slightly longer and takes less time to rev up.


it is basically a pistol that fires incendiary shotgun rounds with a 20 round magazine. It has the same ammo as a raygun. Zombies who survive the blast are left with a burn effect and take 100 damage every second until they die, or are shot again. It is a one hit kill up to about round 20. Upgraded it becomes the HELLFIRE. It gets double the ammo, and it is now permanently a one hit kill. It has a massive blast now, capable of one hit killing all 48 zombies at once. Pressing an icon on the d-pad makes you rotate the grip to face you. You then slide it up onto the top of the gun, turning it upside down. Flip it to hold it upright again and it is now the WRATH OF POSEIODON. This is identical to the unupgraded version except it shoots water and has no residual effect.


this is a pistol that resembles more of a real pistol than a raygun. It fired a shor alot like an upgraded laser shot. It has massive damage and infinite penetration. You can shoot it at a line of zombies coming through a choke point and kill them all with a few well placed shots. Upgraded it becomes the C-9001 CALAMITY. it gets massive damage and ammo.


this is like a wave gun. Firing it causes the zombies who are hit to be lifted into the air and have their souls sucked out of their eyes and mouths. This is pretty much identical to a wave gun apart from its effects. Upgraded it's name is the X115-A3TH3R.


This is a green tactical grenade like a thick glow stick. You snap it in half and a massive green beam flies straight up and hits the ceiling. Then it "shatters" into fifty different individual lasers. These bounce around, slicing through all of the zombie's in the area. They disappear after each of them bounce five times. This is a good room clearing grenade.


this is a tactical grenade that looks like a small silver metal plain box. You only get one. Throwing it makes purple smoke come out and fill the room. Then, after about 10 seconds all the zombie's alive stop and look at their own arms as if to see if it did anything. Then they all explode into a massive firework display that lasts 15 seconds. No new zombie's spawn until the fireworks stop so it buys you lots of time. It can be replaced, but it is unadviseable. No max ammo refills it. Every round it fills one fifth of the way. You can only use it when it is full, at most every five rounds.


Firing this makes zombies mutate and die due to radiation over the course of about 5 seconds. Firing it twice will cause instant death. It has the same ammo as a thundergun and a similar range. Upgraded it becomes the U92 H4LF-L1F3 and it gets more ammo. It takes half as long for zombies to die now. It gets a d pad attachment called the L3V14TH4N IONIZER. It is basically a full auto zap gun probe off of the top of the gun.


this uses zero point energy. Shooting it at a zombie makes that single zombie freeze as though it is stuck on the end of your spear, except that the spear is a beam of energy. Wherever you look, the zombie follows, allowing you to swing them around like a club, knocking over other zombies, wreaking havoc. By using a d pad icon allows you to consume 3 shots of ammo per shot, with the bonus of you being able to control all of the zombies alive at once. You can slam all 48 zombies from walls to ceiling to floor until they die. Tee hee! Upgraded it becomes the ZPE T074L-C0N7R0L and gets more ammo. You can hold zombies for longer now. Holding them for longer than 15 seconds before they due will make you release them unharmed.


this takes up a weapon slot but is a melee weapon. It has twelve charged lashes and once you use them up it remainders its special effect. However, it still does more damage than a Bowie knife. The charged lashes open a rift. Initially it kills the zombies touching it but then long ropelike strands of pure shadow and darkness extend out and hold the remaining zombies to it line a nonlethal gersch device. Upgraded it has more charges and is a one hit kill up to round 15 when empty. It's name becomes the X-23 SH4-D0W



You start in a parking lot where zombies spawn from dirt patches on the median island things. There are dozens of cars here all wrecked so as to form a massive convoluted maze. Upon entering the store youbwill have to pass the check out kiosks. Then you enter the aisles. As some are blocked off on some ends, the whole place is literally a maze as well. There are 3 rooms that branch off. Two are located in opposite corners and are the customer services and deli. The other is a room in the back where the power switch is located. Upon turning the power on, you are granted access to a mysterious machine in the corner. You must find 3 metallic pieces and combine them to form a cube. These pieces can be in any shelf in the store. When you put the cube in the machine it opens to reveal a teleporter like from five. No zombie's can come through and you enter a PAP room for 30 seconds.


The title is pretty self explanatory. You start in a house and can work your way outside. The area is cluttered with burning hedges and abandoned vehicles. You can go into various hits And run-in sheds. There is a massive barn and stables. Within the barn yo must find a ladder. You can't shoot or run while holding it. Bringing it to the stables will grant access to the upper levels. Up there is the PAP machine. You can stay up there forever but zombies can climb up and can jump from the roof.


this is a carnival in Chernobyl before the great catastrophe takes place there. You start at the gates and must work Past the ticket booth. You can go in many directions from here. There are 3 main ways to go. One leads to a roller coaster, the other a group of many small rides, and one to the operation room and the power. The rides allow you to escape from the zombies for a short time and some even grant access to new areas. Humping off of the ferris wheel at its peak, onto a platform, grants access to a stairwell down to a large area behind the wheel. Riding the coaster allows you to walk along the tracks and shoot at the zombie's climbing up. You can ride a carousel and zombies still climb on. You can run past massive dunk tanks and pull a lever to have zombie's fall in the electrified water. It is impossible for you to fall in.


Note: Some of these are map exclusive.


This is available on KATASTROFA. You hit a red switch and sprint away while a dozen auto turrets shoot continuously straight ahead. Any zombie's who are running after you get mowed down.


a malfunctioning, massive dunk tank. Lead your train towards it then sprint across and pull a lever. The floor opens and they fall in and get zap'd to death. A barrier comes up on the side that the lever was pulled so you can't fall in, and it can't be used if players are on it.


pull a lever and hide in an area enclosed on 3 sides. On the side you can see, 2 swinging pirate ships swing back and forth like a flogger.


entering a small glass box and pulling a lever activates this trap. Fire shoots out of the walks in the room, BBQing all of the zombies in there. It lasts several seconds and when it stops the box opens.


this is available on SUPER MARKET. In the front entrance, and at the deli and customer services desks, there are red buttons. Using them causes a zap gun turret mounted on the cieling to be activated.


Pressing a button near the cars in the parking lot causes a chain reaction explosion to go through them. This can be used only twice: once on each half of the parking lot. It is free!


This is available on FARM. There are only 2 upright tractors on the whole map. Activating them causes them to ride aroun randomly, chipping up zombies in a certain area with the blades on the front.


pressing a button on a speaker box sets off a sonic blast that calls an army of horses to charge through, ramming zombies and players alike. Be careful with this one!


This is basically a fire pit in the middle of one of the fields. Hitting a switch sets it ablaze.


As this is my 115th post, I would like to openly thank all of you here at call of duty zombies. This is truly a productive, brilliant, and welcome community. I would also like to thank the moderators in specific for keeping this place free of spam, junk, and inconvenience. I want to thank the general users as they are what make this place what it is! They are the heart and soul of the community and of the games themselves. Despite the occasional mystery box cultist, the players on this forum are amazing at what they do and have been fun to play with (on zombies! Down boy!) and I simply cannot love you gamer guys and gals enough!

That is why I, ELECTRIC JESUS, most commonly called V, wish to take this moment to share a community wide group hug!


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First off: *hug*

what a long post.

But since I am tired right now. I will read it tomorrow and give you proper credit. ;)



To all who read this, skip down to section four if you don't plan on reading it all. If you don't read it I don't blame you; it took like 2 hours to type on my iPhone. Sheesh. I did it in chunks over the course of all day.

Anyway the really important part is the final bit as it involves everyone on this site.

I might add some of my diverse stand alone theories at some point. electric Jesus Christ, by then it will take up a terabyte of memory!


I mostly skimmed this, but I notice that a lot of them are previous ideas you posted in other threads, most of which I have read. You've always got a lot of great and interesting ideas to bring to the table, I enjoy reading them.

I've also always liked the interesting point you raise about Christianity: nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus is not electric ;)

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souls sucked out of their eyes and mouths

I like the Soul Reaper. :mrgreen:

And since I can't really decide which map I like the most,I will make my descision based on the traps and since "Tractor Attack" made me laugh,I am going to pick farm.

You have nice ideas.


I have actually made detailed maps for my map ideas on paper. I think I might photocopy them and post them.

The thing about wonderweapons is that a simple idea comes to me and it grows like a cancer (inception ftw). Anyway I build off of a basic idea. Like "wouldn't it be cool of there were a gary's-mod style total manipulation gun?" or "you know what we need? A whip." then I build off of it.

As for the maps, they took a while to think out because as I said I've done detailed drawings of every single room in them. I note that the traps and whatnot are map exclusive. They took not so much time because I just thought "what themed traps can I have in a carnival?"

The message to you is the part I really care about though. :cry: :D

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  Electric Jesus said:

The message to you is the part I really care about though. :cry: :D

Well I only got really into this recently (thanks to the 2 controversial topics :lol: ) and as stated before: Those were/are really fun.

And I can only imagine how much more fun this whole forum will be,as soon as BO2 is in our hands.

That game can't be released soon enough. :D

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