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Game modes and maps discussion

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So i been thinking, treyarch has confirmed that we will get a 4z4 game mode and this will require a fair few maps to keep the games fresh like the multiplayer which ships with say 10+ maps.

Treyarch could use the multiplayer maps add abit of blood, change the lighting (make the maps darker and generally creepier) and hey presto you have a 4z4 map, But that seems a tad lazy to me and just adding a few prosthetic details to a map and then porting it over doesn't seem like Treyarch's style.

Now Treyarch could use the classic mode maps for 4z4 but i think these would be to big for quick competitive zombie matches, they could downsize these maps like they did with wager match maps in BO, but i feel they would want to create something unique rather than just rehashing the classic mode maps and i imagine there will only be a couple of classic maps to play, so i would they would need more for 4z4 right ?

So my next thought was they have 10 old classic maps from WaW & BO each with there own style that they could use, i think if they went down this route they wouldn't be direct ports of the maps but maybe reworked for 4z4, i imagine Treyarch still have the textures and designs from the old maps so it wouldn't be too hard to make 4z4 out of them, they reuse textures and other components from the story mode for there multiplayer so why not do the same with zombies.

So my last thought was too do with the much speculated but by no means confirmed story mode, if Treyarch has created a story mode for zombies that doesn't involve the original WaW & BO maps then they will have several new sets of designs and textures that could use in 4z4, a few tweaks here and there and you have numerous 4z4 maps, again this is the design they use from multiplayer why not zombies...

My personal opinion is that they will kill 3 birds with 1 stone and here's how...

BO2 will release with 2 new classic mode maps and all of the original maps slightly updated with new weapons perks etc etc. I think it will also have a story mode that goes back to WaW and runs all the way up to BO2, using the classic and new maps but change for progression in the story. Then finally 4z4 will use all the maps from the previous games and BO2 again changed to work as competitive map rather than cooperative.

Treyarch have built there self an extensive database of zombies maps and when you look at the amount of people who bought the last DLC it shows that people still like to play the WaW maps even if they are 4 years old so why not reuse the textures, artwork and all the other aspects to create a new story mode and some great 4z4 maps it just makes sense.

This would also means BO2 would be a complete zombie experience you would have the complete story if they chose to wrap things up in this game, every map they have made so far for the classic mode and an extensive 4z4 multiplayer experience, leaving Treyarch to create a new zombies story/experience in there next title.

Anyways if you read all that thanks :D I know its alot to read Haha, What do you think am i on to something or am i just talking out of my arse :roll:

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It makes sense to do it this way they have built a huge library of content and it would be a waste not too use it, it's like a trilogy of films coming out on DVD, you buy them all separate and then they make a box-set with added content/scenes, you get what you liked before and some more to merit re buying the films.

It just seems like the best plan of action to me people love the old maps still and with enough changes to them even minor ones weapons/perks, I'm sure the zombies community would love to play them all over again.

This has the opportunity to be the ultimate edition of zombies if they add all maps from previous games, the story and the multiplayer and it would be zombies real first chance at being taken seriously as it's own game and not just an add on to black ops 2.

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