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Official Zombies Teaser + "Analysis & Theories"

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Call of Duty's youtube channel recently released an official teaser for zombies in Black Ops 2. The name of the teaser was called "power_on_v1.wav" probably relating to their tweet from earlier today "Power, power, power, power! It's always the first priority." -- Edward Richtofen." I assume all of this has to do with the beginning of the game. In the video i talk about how a few months back i had a subscriber tell me his idea for black ops 2 zombies. I put it in a video and sent it to the call of duty forums. We all know treyarch likes to use ideas from the zombie community so this subscribers idea might have a good chance of being in the game since they are kinda related. Thats just my theory though so if you have one you would like to share then let me know what you think by replying below this thread below this video. Thank you for viewing this topic and have a great day :)

Official Teaser - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoJmYnZtqWI

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