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The BREN Tower at Jackass Flats. Tower #1? Maxis V Richtofen


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One thing that Shooter pointed out in his OP is that the Bren Tower was moved from it original location (Yucca Flats - same location as the SEDAN Crater) in 1963

The BREN(Bare Reactor Experiment, Nevada) Tower, constructed in 1962, was a structure built by the Dresser-Ideco Company for the AEC in the atomic bomb test area at Yucca Flat, where it was used for an experiment intended to improve understanding the effects of radiation in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. After the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty banned open-air nuclear testing, the tower was dismantled and despite its immense size moved from its original location to Jackass Flats in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site in 1963, where it was used for Operation HENRE (High Energy Neutron Reactions Experiment).

So in my post with the screenshots of the tower, is this the original Location of the BREN Tower at Yucca Flats? Or is it the relocated location at Jackass Flats?

(SEDAN Blast - 6th July 1962) what was the exact date of the relocation of the Bren Tower in 1963? we might be able to narrow the dates?

This must be done for Tac's sake..... :x

CORRECTION - The Bren Tower was at Yucca Flats from 1962 until 1966!

Bren Tower PDF Facts Sheet


BREN Moves to Jackass Flats

In 1966, a $380,000 contract was awarded to the Dresser-Ideco Company, Columbus, Ohio, to dismantle the tower and move it to its present location in Jackass Flats. This was the same company that erected the tower in 1962.

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One thing that Shooter pointed out in his OP is that the Bren Tower was moved from it original location (Yucca Flats - same location as the SEDAN Crater) in 1963

The BREN(Bare Reactor Experiment, Nevada) Tower, constructed in 1962, was a structure built by the Dresser-Ideco Company for the AEC in the atomic bomb test area at Yucca Flat, where it was used for an experiment intended to improve understanding the effects of radiation in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. After the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty banned open-air nuclear testing, the tower was dismantled and despite its immense size moved from its original location to Jackass Flats in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site in 1963, where it was used for Operation HENRE (High Energy Neutron Reactions Experiment).

So in my post with the screenshots of the tower, is this the original Location of the BREN Tower at Yucca Flats? Or is it the relocated location at Jackass Flats?

(SEDAN Blast - 6th July 1962) what was the exact date of the relocation of the Bren Tower in 1963? we might be able to narrow the dates?

This must be done for Tac's sake..... :x

CORRECTION - The Bren Tower was at Yucca Flats from 1962 until 1966!

Bren Tower PDF Facts Sheet


BREN Moves to Jackass Flats

In 1966, a $380,000 contract was awarded to the Dresser-Ideco Company, Columbus, Ohio, to dismantle the tower and move it to its present location in Jackass Flats. This was the same company that erected the tower in 1962.

This goes along with what I was thinking earlier and was what I PMd PINNAZ about: If there is a Latchkey sign in Nuketown, does that not mean the map had to of happened after the operations existence?

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Story so far in nutshell:

1. WW2 starts.

2. Group 935 is founded to create weapons to win war.

3. Element 115 is found.

4. Zombies are created.

5. Verruckt is founded to control zombies. ->Failure.

6. Kino is founded to control zombies. -> Failure

7. Richtofen meets Vril aliesns.

8. Betrayal, Samantha gains control.

9. World wide apocalypse.

10. Richtofen takes control of the zombies.

11. Maxis blows up the Earth.

12. Fight for the control of the towers between the 2 starts.

Now what is the step 13? We know that Group 935 knew a long time ago about HAARP. And now Richtofen and Maxis are fighting over control of those towers. Could the HAARP towers as many have speculated finally control the zombies?

Now were they going to build Fernsehturm to try controlling the zombies but never were able to finish it up?

Posted a poorly delivered thread about this earlier.


Watch from 2:00-8:00, explains what the grid is, and what it could do (on some scale).

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@Matuzz - I haven't forgotten about you. I have been searching for those Locations for ages, all three spots that we've talked about. I can't find the exact match. I might have another look at the ingame COTD pictures too. Thanks for those links.

@ AntJac, the YouTube link won't play for me, country copywrite or something? Anyone else have this problem?

I've come across that crystal links site before, should I keep searching in there?

Your picture reminds me of my favourite pictures. (sorry I've posted these in a few threads - trying to spread the word!)

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