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Another Rank predicting thread/theory


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Another Rank predicting thread/theory:

Lately I have been looking at my friends that hardly play this game but jump up their ranks from Skull to shotguns with just 1 or 2 high round games. I am starting to think it may be an average of all the high rounds (1-4 player) or average of your best round per map. So please post your high rounds. May be we can crack this list.

*New Please list your downs, Deaths and Kills.



K/D: 58.77

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Rankings: Based on your Average Best round for each map.

1 Bone (Best Average 1-10)

2 Bones (Best Average 11-20)

Skull (Best Average 21-30)

Knife (Best Average 31-40) [This is where I should be..]

Shotguns(Best Average 41-50)

My Best Average = 36.2

Rankings: Based on your Grand Average of all maps.

1 Bone (Grand average 1-10)

2 Bones (Grand average 11-20)

Skull (Grand average 21-30) [This is what I have at the moment, a darned skull.]

Knife (Grand average 31-40)

Shotguns(Grand average 41-50)

My Grand Average = 22.1

This is just guess work for now but we can crack this if all of you post your best round reflected on leader boards. I understand some of the rounds are not correct especially 3 and 4 player.

Survival: [Post your high rounds here for 1-4 player mode.]

TranZit 33, 18, 17, 17 Average = 21.25 Best = 33

Farm 19,35,1,1 Average = 14 Best = 35

Town 22,37,15,15 Average = 22.25 Best = 37

Bus Depot 17,36,27,27 Average= 26.75 Best = 36

NukeTown Zombies 26,40,7,31 Average = 26 Best = 40

Grand Average of all maps for all players= 22.1 Best Average = 36.2

Note: Following is my high round information from Elite site. It can also be found on XBOX leader boards. But I Find it easy to look on site. Just sign in to COD website and go to Elite, then click on zombies.

Lights on = Active for x consecutive days.

Lights off = Inactive for x consecutive days.

where x= 3 or 5 most likely.


Farm: 4wins, 3 losses

Town: 4wins, 2 losses

EDIT: Looks like tallies have something to do with how many days you have been active? Or How many days you have until you lose your current emblem? Like 5 tallies mean you are safe, 2 means you have a high chance of getting deranked.

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I don't know about that Way.

Yesterday I played split screen coop with a friend and the first 2 games were really bad.

But after those 2 I got a skull with a knife and before that I've been stuck on a normal skull.


  Lenne said:
I don't know about that Way.

Yesterday I played split screen coop with a friend and the first 2 games were really bad.

But after those 2 I got a skull with a knife and before that I've been stuck on a normal skull.

Can you post your high rounds for each map that are registered on the leader boards. I am jealous of you.

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On the leaderboards I have (all solo):

TranZit 11

Nuketown 43

Farm 29

Bus depot 16

Town 22

EDIT (by way2g00):

Average = 22.

Emblem = Knife.

That's interesting

All of those I got last week.


I haven't really tried for any high rounds yet (connection issues for quite a while), but when I get home I'll try to remember to update this post with the info.

I do see a problem with your ranking theory however. It does not take Grief into account whatsoever.

I am positive that I jumped from 2 bones to skull after a Grief match last week. I am currently a skull with blue eyes and the blue eyes updated after a grief match last night. Thank god I can finally play this game.

So any sort of ranking system based solely on rounds would completely disregard Grief, as rounds have no pertinance to that gamemode.

There must be more going on here. I tend to believe that activity is the largest factor, after that who knows. :?


If this helps at all -

I had the Skull with 5 strikes.

I play a game and went down real early round 8 with few kills.

My emblem gained the blue eyes , still with 5 strikes.

Still looking to gain the knife


  Edward Richtofen said:
I haven't really tried for any high rounds yet (connection issues for quite a while), but when I get home I'll try to remember to update this post with the info.

I do see a problem with your ranking theory however. It does not take Grief into account whatsoever.

I am positive that I jumped from 2 bones to skull after a Grief match last week. I am currently a skull with blue eyes and the blue eyes updated after a grief match last night. Thank god I can finally play this game.

So any sort of ranking system based solely on rounds would completely disregard Grief, as rounds have no pertinance to that gamemode.

There must be more going on here. I tend to believe that activity is the largest factor, after that who knows. :?

I really don't know if Grief has anything to do with ranking. But I will update that as well.


  waffles said:
Had skull with 5 strikes.

Didn't play for 4 days.

When I logged back in I had been knocked down to 2 strikes.

Thanks for sharing, it tells that had something to do with days inactive versus days until you get de ranked. I pretty much never missed a day since it released and I always had 5 strikes.


Seems legit. Thanks for the info!

I thought the same about the blue eyes thing. My friend rarely plays and has the same skull as me, just not the blue eyes. Because I play everyday atleast half an hour on Zombies.

I also went to round 30+ on Town atleast 2 times in a 4 player public game, but guess what? My leaderboard says I only went to 20. This starts to piss me off... I want to have a higher rank too, but it's no use when the leaderboard don't update. Also all my latest games recorded in Theatre mode are corrupted. Crazy.

Lets hope they fix this soon.


  slappamedoo said:
Lol if it's a collection of averages, some people will never rank up.

I don't know what the criteriais, but it seems that my rank will never go up. Which is even why I am documenting these rounds.


  Lenne said:
On the leaderboards I have (all solo):

TranZit 11

Nuketown 43

Farm 29

Bus depot 16

Town 22

All of those I got last week.

Lenne, have you played any co-op games that are registered on leader boards? Also please add your grief stats.


Me and my friend can't get past round 13 on TranZit but have gotten to round 20-25 town several times on the leaderboards. Both have blue eyed skull

Nuketown Solo: 18

Tranzit (1): 18

Tranzit (2): 13

Tranzit (3): 13

Tranzit (4): 13

Town (2): 25

Town (1): 20


Just a reminder - don't get your hopes up for a knife if you get blue eyes on your skull. It has been proven that both tallies and eyes are basically showing your activity. Don't play for 24 hours - you lose one tally and the blue eyes. So the eye colour is not relevant to the emblem advancing procedure.


  Verrückt said:
Just a reminder - don't get your hopes up for a knife if you get blue eyes on your skull. It has been proven that both tallies and eyes are basically showing your activity. Don't play for 24 hours - you lose one tally and the blue eyes. So the eye colour is not relevant to the emblem advancing procedure.


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  way2g00 said:
Lenne, have you played any co-op games that are registered on leader boards? Also please add your grief stats.

No I haven't.

I've played 4 games of grief all of them were on Town.

I won one and lost 3.

Got 10 Revives and 2 downs.

But it can't only be related to leaderboards.

The games I played with my friend yesterday before getting the knife were all custom games.

Oh and I've never gotten blue eyes.


I am currently Skull with knife. Here are the rounds and averages. If I missed something let me know.

TranZit:(solo): 20

(3): 17

(4): 17

TranZit Average: 18

Farm: (Solo): 31

Average: 31

Town: Haven't Played according to xbox leaderboards or elite and I know I have.

Bus Depot: See town

Grief Town: 1 win, 0 loss.


  Tridalo said:
I am currently Skull with knife. Here are the rounds and averages. If I missed something let me know.

TranZit:(solo): 20

(3): 17

(4): 17

TranZit Average: 18

Farm: (Solo): 31

Average: 31

Town: Haven't Played according to xbox leaderboards or elite and I know I have.

Bus Depot: See town

Grief Town: 1 win, 0 loss.

Very interesting. May be knife is not as prestigious then ;) Thanks for sharing.


Yeah well to be honest those leaderboards wouldn't look so horrid if randumbs didn't leave as soon as they go down in public games... and if treyarch would fix the leaderboards to not do that.

I can tell you this much, I got my skull with knife after my solo tranzit game where I hit round 20. That whole game basically revolved around me getting the knuckles. Once I had them I spammed them. Basically all I did, that's also how I got killed.

But maybe the knife has something to do with melee kills. It would make sense considering I was normal skull and then after that tranzit game where I used the knuckles more than an actual gun, it could have something to do with that.

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  way2g00 said:
Very interesting. May be knife is not as prestigious then ;) Thanks for sharing.

Way is just jelly.

That we have a fancy knife and he doesn't. :P :lol:


My brother has the eyes with knife, but if he doesnt play one day, he looses the knife. once he plays even just one game the knife returns. it has happend a couple itmes now.


  Str8 Awaay said:
My brother has the eyes with knife, but if he doesnt play one day, he looses the knife. once he plays even just one game the knife returns. it has happend a couple itmes now.

What about the blue eyes, does he lose them as well?


I am currently a skull with no attachments but blue eyes. My Tranzit stats are

16 rounds

144 kills

3 revives

10 headshots

2 downs

Horrible I know :(

The tallies mark days in a row played if I'm not mistaken. This is all based on achieving, not losing. Once achieving the fifth tally, five days of activity, your skull will go blue eyes

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