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I would love to join this but i don't think i would have the story telling skills required, is there going to be any way to read the story as it happens?

Yep! It'll simply be posted here and anyone can read it. Much like the other one. (Season 2? What season 2? That was some non-canon spin-off)

And since Faust got to post his profile and Undead hasn't added mine I'lljust post it here so people can see.

Name: Aeon

Age: Can't remember (20's)

Appearance: Tall and thin, pale skin and a gaunt face. Long straight white hair(despite his age) that goes past his shoulders. Seemingly the only bit of color on him are his bright blue eyes. At the time of the explosion,he was wearing a white hoodie, a black tee underneath. His grey jeans have become frayed and slightly tattered from navigating debris and lava. Before heading out into this dangerous new world, he made sure to grab a pair of black boots that were still intact.

Country of Origin: Unknown

Abilities: Unknown at this time (But I do 8-) ) Physical dependence on 115.

Bio: Suffers from strong amnesia, presumably caused by 115.

Massive concentrations of 115 in the air have made his body develop a dependence on it. He cannot go more than a few hours without more 115 being pumped into his bloodstream somehow,wether it be simply from the air he breathes outside or liquid injections into his wrists. Whatever the massive amounts of this mysterious element are doing to his body, he doesn't know, yet. However, the element has started to wear on his mental state. He has begun to have hallucinations, among other odd symptoms.

To describe Aeon is one word it would have to be "serene". He is overwhelmingly indifferent to most things, seeking only peace and quiet. Those who would bring conflict and discord into his life are often met with a great wrath. Aeon would first seek to help the troubled one, and hopefully set them on the path to inner peace as well. Aeon sees his amnesia as a positive thing, thinking, "how could I have peace when my mind is full of the wailings of dead loved ones?" To an extent he even sees the apocalypse as a positive. Because here it is quiet.Here it is peaceful. Or so it was.

But lurking under the surface of Aeon's demeanor and dreams of inner and world peace, a great, demonic anger stirs. He is perfectly aware of this, however. This he also sees as a positive thing. "There can be no peace without balance. To have an unbalanced soul would bring eternal discord." This anger is only stirred up when his peace is disturbed. Like a bright white shell concealing a black and malicious core. Itis in this anger, many of his greatest destructive powers are revealed. The 115 coursing through his body and eroding his mind is like an acid, eating away at the veil and slowly trying to reveal the ugliness within.

ETC: Since Aeon reresents duality, I feel it's appropriate to give him 2 themes.

And... I'll find another one don't worry.


All hail Erich!

Character Name: Was once, Erich Meier

Model type 422B Bio-Robotic Combat-System

Age: Roughly 22 at time of experiment.

Gender: Male

Country of Origin: Germany

Appearance: 6'11" Massive. At one time his paint and synthetic converings gave him the appearance of the "perfect race" short blond hair, blue eyes, and a strong frame, however years of wear and tear and neglect have taken its toll. His eyes have greyed to just barely show a tint of blue, his skin has become pale, almost to a point of ridiculousness, and in some spots violent looking gashes can be seen exposing spots of his metallic frame. One looking at him would be able to instantly tell he was meant to look human at one time, but would never mistake him for a human. This hulking metallic monster doesn't often leave people alive long enough to look at him though...

Bio: Erich was born into WWI Germany, and grew up in a very tough life, as a boy he began to idolize the Nazi party as soon as it rose, it seemed a beacon of hope, some wondrous light at the end of this dark tunnel. Alas he was born with a rare genetic condition that caused his body to be very fragile and easily damaged. He spent a good amount of his life in the hospital, and began to grow interested in the equipment around him. It was definitely very crude, but he still learned.

At the age of 18 Erich was top of his class in bioscience, and he got an offer he thought he could never refuse. He was offered to join the leading scientific minds of the Era to help rebuild the fatherland. Finally he could help the country, and be the light he saw in his childhood!

He accepted immediately and they began work on attempting to create super-soldiers. Messing with the biology proved quite futile, so the others began to grow tired of Erich. Still wrapped in his own fantasy he didn't even see it coming. The fabled protege of bio-science, was going to help them find a different route towards the completion of their super-soldier program...

Abilities: Erich is a cyborg. He is mostly a robot of humanoid appearance, although being powered by computers and hydraulics has its advantages over neurons and muscles. Pain is no longer a part of him, neither are most of his biological functions. Although some of biological self remains, his skeletal structure is completely mechanical. He does however still have a brain. In a way. The computers that guide his memory and logic are crossed and mixed with his biological brain, making them an inseparable single organ.

*Misc: After the events of the original story line he has since entered a low power hibernation state awaiting reactivation, what will trigger it is unknown at this point. Nor is much known of his psychological state anymore, he was once separated from controlling his own "body", but then after regaining control he became vicious and cruel, however newer traumas may have created even more fractures in whatever remains of his mind. And as always he is a little groggy and slow after being booted up :P


Guess if you guys want, you can request songs to be put in the bios as well. I'll add links to them once I poste the bios up in the thread, of course.


Very excited to see this back up again. I'm looking forward to working with you all again, as well as all the newcomers. :)

Oh god, I'm going love our characters reactions to the Denizen's haha!


This is a final reminder, our story begins starting monday. We also have only ONE final spot left, so its first come, first serve.

Anyone who hasn't not submitted a bio must do so ASAP, this includes and updates or changes you wish to have made as well. I will be posting a FAQ in the main thread for those who are unfamilar or new to the RP this season.

Other than that, I look forward and am deeply pleased with the cast and support we have this time because we are 14 members strong, and have up to 20+ characters!

So, with that, I look forward to a great season and thank all participants for joining. I hope the rest of you will enjoy following along and stay in the loop with us! :)

- Undead XP


I'm going to be posting with this account for a week or 2. I also might be painfully out of the loop for that time 'cause if I have to use this I can't use Skype.

BTW, I'm dropping Aeon due to him not being fun to write for. If anyone wants him, they can claim him.


Well don't worry too much cause I'm actually moving the start date to this coming Friday instead.

I just got too much to do with school as we wrap up the semester.

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