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First step of the EE after Babel?


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I can appreciate the fact that it must be annoying when people make topics that don't really add to anything but there's genuinely something that i wanted to ask.

Where does the EE begin exactly? With all the others, there's a starting point, an instruction, a beginning location. I don't really see where that applies with Tranzit. The navcard has nothing to do with the TOB achievement EE because you can completely ignore it and still get the achievement.

So where exactly does it start? The thing i've heard that even mentions something outside of the steps of the TOB is when Richtofen says something about 'The navcard thingy'. Does it start with you finding the navcard+meteorite on your own? Because usually we've been able to piece things together due to having an order. The first step helping you figure out the second and so on.

Judging by NGT's videos, any of the stuff they've found could be the first step, everything is just out of order. Do we know of anything that's directly impacted another? So one step leading to another or an action?

Excuse the ignorance, it just seems painfully obvious (or maybe i'm totally off base here) to me that maybe if we knew what step 'x' was, we could then figure out step 'y'.

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Nice thought. I don't think anyone has thought about the actual first step.

And it's not just the fact that not knowing the first step makes it difficult to figure out others. Has anyone considered the idea that some of the stuff we try isn't working but could be right?

For example, if we know step one, we can then do step two. But if we were to discover the second before knowing or doing the first, the second wouldn't work anyway.

It's a sad thought that doesn't really help anyone but what i'm getting at is that instead of taking random stabs in the dark for 'the next step' why not just try and find the first step rather than trying to find random things all over the place. I'm honestly not trying to discredit people, it's just that 3arch are not idiots. They do things for a reason.

Right now it's just a cluster fuck or information and tiny action-reaction events that we haven't tied together in any way. The only 'theory' i would like to suggest is that the whole of Tranzit could've been put together in absolutely any order, maybe if we focues on the Bus Depot being the beginning of the easter egg, it might help us understand/find the second step (whatever that may be).

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I thought of that a while ago and if that was true they couldnt save it to your profile.

First step would be turning on the power though.

First step of the TOB is turning on the power, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the first step of this easter egg. It's blatantly obvious that the TOB is not one and the same with what we're doing. My strong belief is that the TOB is sort of a prologue to what we're working on. But that's just my opinion though.

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Hey everyone, and thx for making this thread, i was thinkin about it too..

So i've always wondered when the navcard table should actually come into play.

I just played offline on a guest profile to test this. Also to test out exactly when maxis tells you to do stuff...trying to decipher the last JZ tweet.

Anyway...as far as 'tasks' go... I 'completed the device' - the turbine. Then i 'shut down the power' as instructed. He then tells you to complete more tasks but doesnt say what is next. At this point if you put a turbine down at a streetlight it will trigger another maxis audio clip, saying 'you have activated the two obtuse vertices of the scalene, quickly, complete the tertiary node'. And thats as far as i could get solo.

Also i should note that after this i built the navcard table to see if i could activate another maxis quote, and nothing. It even gave me the option to insert a navcard eventhough i hadnt even picked it up yet from the bus depot. It still told me i was using the incorrect one eventhough i didnt have it yet. So i got it and tried again. Same result.

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Hey everyone, and thx for making this thread, i was thinkin about it too..

So i've always wondered when the navcard table should actually come into play.

I just played offline on a guest profile to test this. Also to test out exactly when maxis tells you to do stuff...trying to decipher the last JZ tweet.

Anyway...as far as 'tasks' go... I 'completed the device' - the turbine. Then i 'shut down the power' as instructed. He then tells you to complete more tasks but doesnt say what is next. At this point if you put a turbine down at a streetlight it will trigger another maxis audio clip, saying 'you have activated the two obtuse vertices of the scalene, quickly, complete the tertiary node'. And thats as far as i could get solo.

Also i should note that after this i built the navcard table to see if i could activate another maxis quote, and nothing. It even gave me the option to insert a navcard

eventhough i hadnt even picked it up yet from the bus depot. It still told me i was using the incorrect one eventhough i didnt have it yet. So i got it and tried again. Same result.

Unfortunately, the issue is that people are all caught up on this TOB bullshit. The achievement gives you the impression that you've 'completed' something, so from there we're all confused as hell. What you're doing is precisely right! But unfortunately, it could just be the TOB. I believe that the TOB doesn't get 'completed' as the achievement hint would suggest, i think it's a prologue. The TV in farm has Maxis telling us about building a plan B should something terrible (like the earth burning to a crisp) happen, he talks about building devices that sound like what we're doing at the pylon.

My theory (feel free to ignore this forum, i know you have enough already) is that Maxis's 'plan b' was a reversal of the effects on the earth through these devices like the pylon. So everyone's talking about time travelling and how to manage it but i haven't heard anyone making the connection that the device we're working on could be exactly what Maxis hinted at, something that could help in the case of a cataclysmic event.

The only way i see he could help is by reversing damage, so maybe that's how we get to have a nice, clean, town. Doesn't necessarily mean going back in time though and he hasn't just built one of these devices, so for all we know, the pylon has a radius that would only reverse damage in Tranzit, not over the world.

Which would be fantastic for the game devs, it gives them a great way to expand into DLC -which also ties into how we see tranzit on a globe, suggesting there are more worldy locations.

If this has been said, then just ignore it. Although not very helpful, it is what i've gotten out of all of this.

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And another thing that i'm sure someone has probably thought of, is there evidence that what's behind the bus depot is a 'NavCard'? From what i can see, people are just assuming, i mean i could be wrong but what we pick up could be anything.

When i look at the navcard reader, it looks like something you would swipe. The image for what we're calling the navcard doesn't look like a swipe kind of card to me, looks like a hotel room card.

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Nah i agree with you, another quote from the tv talks about them activating a spire as instructed. Just like we activated the pylon to create a spire at the top of it.

If anything takes us further, it believe it is connected to quotes about the navcard table and exactly when they tell us to go find the navcard. But i still think this is all just lead up and tie ins to the next dlc. I'm all for keeping on searching for clues..but at this point it seems unlikely. Codes released, gliched games with no fog to look around in, hours and hours spent scouring the map by thousands of people and we still can't get anywhere? That says to me that we have to wait.

Edit: it actually says: hold x to pick up Navcard. Everything else says hold x to pick up part / swap part / add part.

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Nah i agree with you, another quote from the tv talks about them activating a spire as instructed. Just like we activated the pylon to create a spire at the top of it.

If anything takes us further, it believe it is connected to quotes about the navcard table and exactly when they tell us to go find the navcard. But i still think this is all just lead up and tie ins to the next dlc. I'm all for keeping on searching for clues..but at this point it seems unlikely. Codes released, gliched games with no fog to look around in, hours and hours spent scouring the map by thousands of people and we still can't get anywhere? That says to me that we have to wait.

Edit: it actually says: hold x to pick up Navcard. Everything else says hold x to pick up part / swap part / add part.

I see, i stand corrected then. I've picked it up myself but my memory is far from perfect.

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I think the nav card is only part of Dr. Maxis scheme, not Richtofen and I say this because, when Richtofen tells you to build it he says: "...you have to build the nav comm thingie which plugs into the computer thingie, don't worry your little brain about what it does or how it works, just go find it". That's pretty obvious, although Richotfen uses it, he doesn't require US to use it, Maxis however may have plans for us with. Just a theory, may not help that much, but I felt like it could give us a little bit more perspective on this.

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I think the nav card is only part of Dr. Maxis scheme, not Richtofen and I say this because, when Richtofen tells you to build it he says: "...you have to build the nav comm thingie which plugs into the computer thingie, don't worry your little brain about what it does or how it works, just go find it". That's pretty obvious, although Richotfen uses it, he doesn't require US to use it, Maxis however may have plans for us with. Just a theory, may not help that much, but I felt like it could give us a little bit more perspective on this.

Well if you listen to Maxis's audio files, does he mention the navcard?

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