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a short introduction.


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hey guys, this is just a short intro about myself and what I hope to get out of these forums,

Well firstly, I'm just a regular australian looking to improve and at the same time, help out others in the community with something I have been a diehard fan of since world at war, I'm 16 and am always up for a game! I find that I am pretty decent at zombies solo and am now looking to play with party's, maybe join a Grief clan, and expand my playing that little bit more. I'm interested in the Easter eggs and am right into the theory's and all that good stuff,

Well I've hoped you have learned a little about me, and I look forward to making some good mates and slaying some zombies with you guys,



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Welcome to the site! You might wanna check out the Grief section if you're interested in joining a clan. Pretty sure there's a clan for each system, Xbox and PS3. And if you're into Easter Eggs, the TranZit section is basically nothing but theories right now (most of which I've been avoiding, as I have yet to do the Easter Egg and wanna do it myself, and don't want any spoilers) so feel free to join the discussion :)

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