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Glitching Awareness!

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Hey everyone!

Today I've been attempting to see if the easter eggs within TranZit can be done solo ATM I don't think it will work (started Maxis' put Turbine on Nav machine M said bring additional power, tried to lure electro dude, when he came I got downed) I'm still experimenting but I will let everyone know if I find a way :)

Anyway, onto what I was saying, I had used all of the money I had within my bank and didn't put any more in so I went into a few online games to try and gain more money, when I got into one lobby, three guys stayed behind at the power station while I went off to Town, I did think it was a bit odd as nothing special was there & all three stayed. I downed a little bit later in town then died, I was then spectating one of the players. The zombie was running towards the massive lava hole (underneath Tombstone perk), I then changed players, they had all put themselves there onto the little bit of rock (the one where that wire can spawn), the zombies then glitched out running towards the lava (not the players) meaning they were ranking up a lot of points.

A few rounds later one of them downed and left. The other two downed and I was at Town, I turned into Griefing B and didn't revive them :twisted: Then when I got points (10000) from the zombies by training through Town, I went to the bank, paid it in and then downed myself (in a hero like way OH NO LAVA AND ZOMBIES :o ) :twisted: I don't like glitches, it takes the fun out :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Just thought I'd make you guys aware! Not sure if I should do anything else so I've just posted it here for now, hopefully someone will see it and take action :D

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If you do find a way to do the Easter Egg's in solo, PLEASE post it. I hate having to find people to do EE with. It's harder than the game itself.

As for the glitching thing. I hate it too. And it's the dumbest things ever. Like I was playing Nuketown Zombies the other day and got into a game with 3 others who kept trying to do this high jumping glitch that landed you on the roof of one of the houses. Like who gives a shit if you can get on top of the house. It was ridiculous.

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Yeah whats the saying? Glitches are for bitches?

Luckily I haven't run into any lobbies using this glitch but I have heard of it and I despise barrier glitches, as they're usually used by the worst of the worst then will talk shit about how much better they are than you :roll: .

Good luck with the solo EE hunt, but I'm pretty confident that neither can be completed with less than 2 people.

A interesting thing to note however: You could complete either EE up to the point when two players are needed in a custom match. And then beg your friend list to join the game and help you finish :P .

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It's much worse than that OP. They patched that particular one with a barrier that you can stand on top of. In other words, they patched a glitch by adding another one. Not only that. Semtex's have their own game ruining glitch, as well as claymore, and SMG's. All of which can be preformed anywhere. Very sad indeed. I can't believe they let it get that bad before shipping it. Getting out of the map is one thing. Holding a semtex in your hand and becoming invincible is ridiculous.

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