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What do you think about the characters?

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Hey everyone!

The idea of this thread is to get your opinions on the characters in Black Ops II.

Firstly TranZit,





What do you think? Do you think these can overtake the original four, do you look forward to playing as a particular one? And would you like to see them in future DLC?

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I really enjoy these four, they each have chemistry with each other and it shows, it isn't necessarily as humorous as with Dempsey and Richtofen but each have been characterized very well.

Marlton is my favourite although I see he isn't a favourite around the forum. I suppose Misty is next, the other two I don't seem to connect with as well, probably because I haven't played with them as much as the others.

I would love to see them in future DLC.

Onto NK Zombies and other game modes, do you think the lack of characterization takes something away from these modes? Or do you think it is no problem as it is only a game mode that is played for fun & wouldn't tie in with the story?

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I was disappointed that characters within other game modes don't interact. I would've at least liked perks to be quoted or something like that. There could've been some great interaction between characters when playing Grief. Personally I feel it does slightly ruin the experience and makes it look bare, sort of like when you go back to Nacht at WaW, it looks bare considering what it has turned into now.

I can see why there are no characterization there as we would probably run a riot on how it ties into Moon & other storylines but I wouldn't have minded their being something there.

Tell me what you think below.

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I like Misty.

The other 3 not so much but that is probably just me liking the original heroes too much.

And the lack of qoutes and general personality from the characters in survival/grief/NT really does bother me.

It just makes that part of the game feel "unfinished".

There could have been some funny qoutes for the CIA and CDC.

I mean at least put some generic zombie killing qoutes in there.


I really enjoy the new characters. They all seem to have so much personality, and although they don't crack as many jokes as the O4 did, I still like them. It's great to see the zombie world through the eyes of (seemingly) regular people!


My favorite has to be Marlton with Samual being my second favorite and Russ being my least favorite

I don't think they replace the original 4 (And i'm also including Samantha in the 4 since we still kinda have Richtofen i guess?)And i would of loved to see their reaction about Richtofen being in control and everything else around them/that is happening.

I wouldn't mind them in future DLC, maybe it can be like in Black Ops 1 where it switches characters every map (Excluding Moon)


I don't have a favorite with the new guys. Misty actually says some intellectual stuff sometimes, like "It's like someone's calling my name, but I can't hear anything." That's profound. I like hearing Marlton use large words; I find that humorous. I like Samuel's conspiracy theories, and I also like how he can hear Richtofen. Russman is the funniest out of the group.

Also, there is an explanation to the CIA and CDC besides just unfinished. By making the characters not talk, you have essentially depersonalized them; you are now detached. This can be considered good when you think about how, story-wise, more than half of them all die.


Maxis said that there would be others to control, so don't get too attached, as we might be seeing another 4 chars, with the current 4 meeting each other n a major 8 player story mode or easter egg grief. On topic, i don't think much of russman, or misty, but samuel is interesting to play cause it seems like we can connect to him, and it's always nice to play as a prepper. I have mixed feeling about marlton, mostly because he's a love it/hate it thing and i'm stuck inbetween. I like his personality, but that voice, oh god, and the steriotype quotes


I like Marlton and Samuel, both very intresting and entertaining. Misty is alright but pretty annoying, while Russman is just not intresting or special.

Do I think they will overtake the other 4? Not really, I see the Original 4 returning(Minus Richtofen). Everyone loves the OG team and Treyarch knows this. I look forward to playing as Marlton the most because his quotes are always intresting and entertaining. I would definatly want to see them in a DLC. Theres alot of story and character development for these 4 that shouldent end in Green Run.

I also dont think the lack of characterization takes away from the other game modes. It actully reminds me of our silent soliders from Nacht Der Untoten. Ah nostalgia. I do see Treyarch putting new characters in other modes though.



Russman is easily my favorite out of the four. I don't know if its the fact I spend the most time playing with him or the fact that he blurts out random things "I ain't shat in a week" while slaying zombies that makes him entertaining.

Samuel is next up on the list, his whole conspiracy theorist thing is very interesting to say the least.

Marlton, while higher than Misty, I do not like him much. His knife grunts are the main issue, they are annoying and for the longest time I thought he was a chick due to those grunts.

Misty, I hate her. She dresses like a skank and if anything the zombies should be running from her in fear of getting an STD.


They could have done so much more with these, if they had any kind of dialog it would make them better. But nope. Still like them better than Misty though.


I like Marlton and Misty as well but Misty is my favorite. I swear the first time i heard her say "Hey Stuhlinger it's your lucky day, you get to see me use a NUT" I lost that game because was laughing so hard i didnt realize i was being hit


What kind of messed up kool-aid are you people drinking that you like Marlton? He's the most annoying character I can recall playing in any game. As for the entire group, they all are their own special brand of boring. The original 4 were very good. These 4 are terrible. There is no comparison. And seriously, what the hell is up with anyone not hating Marlton. He's so awful in every way.


  Snuggles said:
What kind of messed up kool-aid are you people drinking that you like Marlton? He's the most annoying character I can recall playing in any game. As for the entire group, they all are their own special brand of boring. The original 4 were very good. These 4 are terrible. There is no comparison. And seriously, what the hell is up with anyone not hating Marlton. He's so awful in every way.

He actually fits my personality quite well. So we can relate which in turn makes him the funniest to play with in my opinion. :cry:

Also Opinions

Also thanks for reminding me that i need to drink some Kool-aid. That stuff is the best.


  Tridalo said:

Misty, I hate her. She dresses like a skank and if anything the zombies should be running from her in fear of getting an STD.

Hey, hey, hey! Slow down buddy, just because Samuel calls her a slut, a bimbo, and a whore does not mean she is one. Looks can be deceiving, lets not judge a book by it's cover.

On that note, I'm seeing a lot of negative feedback about all of them in general. About how they're not the original gang, how they'll never replace them or aren't as funny.

That's good and all, but that's like saying a new dog will replace an old dog. It can never be replaced. But you can make room for the new dog, and love it just as much as the old one.

Just remember, it's early days. We have only had one map to get to know them, and only 1 month has passed. We've had 4 years with the original gang, and 6 maps (8 if you include NdU and Verruckt) so it's a little harsh and unfair to compare them with each other. Takeo has changed a lot since his induction in Shi No Numa. Back than he was all serious, speaking in riddles and talking about honor. Never really joked around, and he would've had the lowest fan base. Now look at him. His character has been great to watch. Joking around, showing just how bad-ass he is (Tank even says that his rubbing off on him).

Alright, to the OP now.

Misty: She is my favourite. I love everything about her. While you are getting a bimbo/hillbilly vibe, I'm getting a Tank Dempsey vibe off her too. Since she was also shown on the poster, I think of her as the white player (even though they don't have default colours). Like MMX says, a few quotes of hers are intellectual, and some are even surprising. I don't think of her as the bimbo/hot girl of the group. I think she will be a stand out character, and key part in the storyline.

Also considering the chicks in these situations in movies are usually the stereotypical blonde girl, it's nice seeing a different side.

Marlton: I'd probably consider him my second favourite, and the blue character. Getting a small Takeo vibe off him, but I like how there's a love interest with Misty, and that she reciprocates as well. Stereotypical nerd, but there's more to him than what meets the eye. He was in the Nuketown bunker when the missiles hit, and yet he still appears in Green Run. Very very odd.

Samuel: Yellow character. Getting a Richtofen vibe off him, obviously since Richtofen claims he can only hear him, much like Richtofen and the voices in his head. A big conspiracy nut this guy. His quotes are pretty interesting, and he sure is paranoid. He claims to know more than what meets the eye, and it seems like he knows the area of Green Run over all. But a big no-no for what he says to Misty. At least she can dish it back. Third liked character.

Russman: Green character. Honestly...I am just not connecting with Russman at all. A few of his quotes are funny, and Nikolai-ish. But I'm just not feeling him unlike the other three. I hope this changes in the future though. So many things they could do with his character. He seems to know Misty before this, so I'd like to see where this goes. Least favourite for me, I hope that changes.

Onto the CDC and CIA guys now. I can't believe Treyarch did not have quotes for them. Now this can change with future DLC (Verruckt added some quotes for the marines), but right now, it is so bland, it just forces the gameplay at me. Not to mention the maps seem like a copy and paste, and that there is no musical EE or even any small EE's. And they are apart of the storyline, now with the Nuketown Zombies description.

Very disappointed. So much wasted potential. Not even any insults to the other team in Grief...

Not to mention that all their character models are the same. No personality for each of them. Saddened by this.

Wow, didn't realize I wrote that much haha. :D


I love playing as Misty or Marlton but honestly I'm not the biggest fan of Stuhlinger and Russman.

As for the other modes I love the fact we're CDC or CIA but seriously they should atleast say some quotes, maybe a funny one every once in a while

Say if they were being chased by a crowd "RUN" or if they're out of ammo "I need ammo over here" or "Quick I'm out of juice"

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