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Tactical Grenades?

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We've had a few tactical grenades in zombies that were quite... MEMORABLE. Which one's your favorite?! Don't be afraid to tell the community why!!! What would you guys like to see in the future? Who knows?! Treyarch could focus group our ideas!

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Gersh device for sure.

It gives you a drop more often than not and that guarantees you a max ammo on moon.

But Monkey bombs are more lovely. ^.^

Q.E.D. is fun to use.

Dolls are good as well but not that cool in my opinion.

And I hate the emp. (Except for killing "him" I guess.)


You forgot good old fashioned Molotovs from World at War! Had some good times with them.

I voted Monkeys. The original "special" grenade. Nothing beats the thrill of getting them from the box. And I think most will agree that when you get them you feel just a little bit more safe.

I quite like the Emp's but only for one reason really, I call them "Take a Break Grenades" group up the freakbags, pop one at their feet, and time for a cup of Tea and a Cigarette.


  Lenne said:
Gersh device for sure.

And I hate the emp. (Except for killing "him" I guess.)

Yeah I dont think anything can top the Gersch personally. Lethal, useful for gaining some time, and even a teleportation device; the gersch has it all.

But don't hate too hard on the EMP. It has lots of uses. You can put all the zombies in sleep mode and go take a nap if you wish :lol: .


Oh see now I want to vote for Molotovs. Me and my friend used to have some right laughs with them on original Nacht.

But I'll leave my vote on Monkeys. I definitely love them. I remember seeing the Der Riese trailer and being like "What's the Symbol Monkey all about?!" They don't advertise the new items like they used to. "Get ready for a surpriiiise!"


  JackalBoy88 said:
I quite like the Emp's but only for one reason really, I call them "Take a Break Grenades" group up the freakbags, pop one at their feet, and time for a cup of Tea and a Cigarette.


I voted monkeys. I like Gersch for its teleport qualities but I prefer monkeys for the best meat sack attention grabber over all.


Hey guys, sorry if you've voted earlier before I added Molotov, I'm a newb at these forums and reset the tallies. So just to set the record straight, Gersch originally had about 4 extra votes. Feel free to change your vote any time, and thanks for taking the poll! ;D


Gersch for me. It can be used during regular gameplay (save team mates, use when there's max ammo, etc.) and it's also needed for some easter egg steps. You also get 3 of them.

You can say the same about QEDs, except QEDs' effects are too random.

Monkey bombs are awesome, but some (deaf?) zombies ignore it sometimes.

The dolls are great, but it can sometimes freeze your game if you kill all the zombies with it at once (happened a few times to me).

EMP grenades are okay, but you only get 2 of them. I'd probably like it more if I play Grief.

Lol @ molotov. I hated it when I get that from the box. Anyone remember the flamethrower? I used to upgrade it in Der Riese and use it when I run out of ammo. And when instakill is on, I start spinning in place while spraying fire everywhere. Ah, good times.


Personally, I'd say QED's. Sure, they aren't particulaly "useful" or "good for anything", but it's the fun that really counts! I remember doing the Moon Easter egg and we COULDN'T get the Wave Gun, I threw a QED, and got a pack a punched Wave Gun. I also kinda like their randomness, they add a sense of tension to an already tense setting. QED!


Aight, here we go:

    [*:25ez86kx]Gersh Device. Kills a full wave, used to get drops in high rounds, to revive, to teleport. Just epic.
    [*:25ez86kx]EMP. An unbelievable useful grenade for midround box hits in high rounds. As well more than convenient as the breath-taker in other situations (break or teammate went down in tranzit and you have to keep the zombs away). Can also be used to revive. All negative effects can be avoided easily.
    [*:25ez86kx]QED. It's just the thrill of "what do i get, what do i get?" The negative effects are a pain though, so I can't rank em on 3. Sorry my beloved QEDs.
    [*:25ez86kx]Monkeys. Monkeys are nice to revive. But in other terms useless.
    [*:25ez86kx]Matryoshka. Dolls are nice to make crawlers in high rounds or kill full waves up to the 40ties. But the usage of these effects is pretty low.

/not ranked since never used: Molotov.


  killallzombies said:
  CrazyTrain0917 said:
  killallzombies said:

I had monkeys when they were on vinyl.

ahhh hahaha

You sir, are awesome.


  Tom852 said:

/not ranked since never used: Molotov.

Isn't the molotovs only in the W@W maps?

Yeah, they're only in W@W (with good reason, too. ;) ), but they're tacticals, so, gotta add em. When they come out with new tacticals, I'll add them to the list (which, unfortunately, resets the polls), so come on back to vote! :D


I love the EMP when I am in two moods.

A; A trolling mood. Love playing Depot with a bunch of 12 year olds and EMPing the box while they trot off after hitting the box to get a few more points. :twisted:

B; Grief. Taking the otherteams PAP and Box. At times; perks. :lol:


  TehGKBrief said:
I love the EMP when I am in two moods.

A; A trolling mood. Love playing Depot with a bunch of 12 year olds and EMPing the box while they trot off after hitting the box to get a few more points. :twisted:

B; Grief. Taking the otherteams PAP and Box. At times; perks. :lol:

Remind me to never play Grief with you on the other team... xD



Emp are fun as hell for grief trolling, but nothing beats the badassery that is the black hole bomb. It is the most practical, carrying out the same function as monkeys but with 100% guaranteed kills, and a totally bad ass delivery if this function.


Gersch Devices are the best, really. Not only do they occupy all of the Zombies, but they do it .33 seconds longer than the Monkey Bombs. Not to mention it can be used as a portable teleporter.

Quantum Entanglement Devices are fun, and they can be very useful. But they just don't have that distracting feature.

Monkey Bombs are always handy, of course.

Matryoshka Dolls have their place. They are good; there are just other, better options.

Molotov Cocktails are absolute crap. I'd only get them if I had no other secondary grenade.

EMP Grenades are cool. They're real awesome use is Grief mode. So much fun.

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