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why treyarch, why?

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I've been wondering for a while about the Easter egg and why Treyarch haven't released any extra info about it?

People have been confused about the TranZit Easter egg for months now, no one knows anything about the rest of the Easter egg or even if their is another part to it.

I do not understand why they don't release anything, even just a simple sentence or maybe a few or even one word that would confirm some theories about the Easter egg.

I'm just really confused???

thanks for reading reply if I have missed anything or think their is something that needs changed. :mrgreen:

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They're just mysterious. It's how they do things. It's kinda cool. But with this Easter Egg stuff, I guess you guys wouldn't be surprised how hard some people will work on something so hopeless with such little information.

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  justanothergamer said:
yeah but it wouldn't hurt to give us a little help?? :)

Wel if you ask me: yes.

It is a lot more fun to figure something out on your own than to do it with help.

But you can expect some help like 8-12 months after a map has been released.

Maybe then they will tell us that we've missed something. But nothing more. :P


  Lenne said:
  justanothergamer said:
yeah but it wouldn't hurt to give us a little help?? :)

Wel if you ask me: yes.

It is a lot more fun to figure something out on your own than to do it with help?

But you can expect some help like 8-12 months after a map has been released.

Maybe then they will tell us that we've missed something. But nothing more. :P

Like the fact that Shangri-La was in Mars? :P

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  MurderMachineX said:
Like the fact that Shangri-La was in Mars? :P

Maybe. :lol:

And didn't they say that people missed something on Der Riese as well?

I don't know when exactly that was though.


I wouldn't expect any help any time in the future. None of you were around during the BO1 Zombies discussions, and it was WORSE than now. There was so much discussion on the potential continuation of the Ascension Easter Egg it was unreal. Treyarch STILL have told us nothing on whether there is in fact more to the Ascension Easter Egg. For all we know, the Treyarch employees are all sat together pointing and laughing at the great success of the Ascension Easter Egg. It could be their greatest success.

Besides, what would we all be here for if they gave us hints whenever we got stuck? I'm sure things will get clearer over time, just be patient my friends ;)



  MurderMachineX said:
  Lenne said:
  justanothergamer said:
yeah but it wouldn't hurt to give us a little help?? :)

Wel if you ask me: yes.

It is a lot more fun to figure something out on your own than to do it with help?

But you can expect some help like 8-12 months after a map has been released.

Maybe then they will tell us that we've missed something. But nothing more. :P

Like the fact that Shangri-La was in Mars? :P



They have always said that you will always have more questions than answers. People just ignore that fact. Treyarch cannot tell anyone yay or nay if the EE is done simply because if they tell us it's done then people will bitch and complain how short it was, if they tell us there's more then people will bitch and complain that no one in the world can figure it out and we need a hint.

The other thing to think about is in the end the story will be told throughout all of the DLC's and if there is anything in the future DLC's that link back to this original map then of course they couldn't say anything because it would be revealing something about a future map they have yet to release.

Even when all of the DLC's releases have come and passed they will NEVER outright tell anyone if everything has been found. That just goes against the whole mystery, excitement, and core of what zombies story telling has become over the years.

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