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Black ops 2 Zombies is not in the 20th century! Or is it?

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To me the whole Black Ops 2 timezone argument is confusing me. When is it set? Call of the Dead is clearly set in the 21st century. In the pre-movie I believe there are modern TV cameras? And SMG did not get her major breakthrough until mid 1990's? Ok. Why would those actors (and George) still be alive if the missiles hit in 1960's, 70's or 80's? Automated busdriver to the public in the 1970's? Please! Anything like that would be in a top secrete research lab! (or in area 51) Area 51? But that is close to green run? COULD THE BUS DRIVER MAGICALLY TURN ON AND START DRIVING TO GREEN RUN AND DO ITS ROUNDS??? :lol: Anyway. My point is even though the cars, the bowling alley and the bank are all classically stylised, we all know how lazy 3ARC are and they are just re-using stuff.

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In Call of the Dead, they were in "present day", which was 2011. Richtofen has since gone back in time to Moon, in 1967, which we gather from Nuketown. The events of Call of the Dead never happen. Sarah Michelle Gellar is never born.

Time Chart

We start our journey at Der Riese. They time travel to Kino der Toten, yes? And they skip about 20 years. This is why there is a big loop in the cyan timeline. Bending time into a loop allows one to cross over into another time.

Go further on and you see the timeline intertwines with an earlier part of the timeline. This is where Richtofen leaves Kino for Ascension, which is a few years earlier. However, you must remember that going backwards in time creates a new timeline. So time for them now goes forward in the navy-blue timeline.

They then travel forward to Call of the Dead, creating a loop of 40 years that they skipped. Going forward a bit, the timeline intertwines with an earlier part of the timeline. This is where Richtofen leaves Call of the Dead for Shangri-La, which is earlier in the timeline. This creates a third timeline.

They aren't there for very long until they go back in time again. You notice that this is where the timeline again intertwines with an earlier part of the timeline, branching off into a fourth timeline.

Then, when you finish the first step of the Easter Egg in Shangri-La, you skip a loop and go into the future. Then the next step you go back in time again, creating another timeline. This is done 6 more times, creating a total of 10 timelines.

On the last step of the Easter Egg, you go back in time, creating another timeline, the 11th, and then you skip a few years ahead back to the "present" of Shangri-La. That is why that small purple loop is there.

When you jump back to the time of Moon, you're going to 1967, which is quite a ways back. That is back when timeline #'s 2 to 11 were all just timeline 2. So the purple timeline intertwines with a segment of the navy-blue timeline, and this is where Richtofen went back in time to the time of Moon, which creates timeline #12. This is the one that ends with the world being destroyed.

Also, if you notice the Black Ops II campaign does take place, it is just in a different timeline from the one in Zombies. It is in the original. Basically, the Black Ops II campaign is what would have happened if Richtofen never did the things he did.

As for the Bus Driver. We know of Teleporters in the past. So it is not too far fetched to see a robot Bus Driver. His purpose? Unknown.

There is just too many things pointing towards Green Run being in the '80's, 20 years after the missiles, in '60's. It's not re-used stuff.

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Tranzit does not take place anytime before 2011 due to weapons, and not further like 2025 due to lack of technology. Reason for 60s look is it's a very out of way little isolated area, there are still places like that today believe it or not. Please start using your brains people, how is goddamn modern Qbz 95 going to appear in 70s or 60s? And No moon did not take place in the goddamn 60s either or else nuketown and tranzit would be taking place then, which as I stated is impossible, but the layout of noon is ancient cause it was untouched since 1945, and teleporter itself is also acient, hence the look. please stop posting such idiotic theories all over the place

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With the exception of Verruckt and Der Riese, I wouldn't worry about times and dates too much. We're dealing with an alternate universe here. The WaW zombie maps actually took place in the 40's, but when they started messing with time travel and blowing up Earth, time frames became irelevant because nothing in the zombie universe panned out the way WE see things today. When you start playing with time travel, you start to tamper with time. And when you tamper with time, you tamper with WHEN's. Like, if the Earth was hit by missiles in the 60's, then we wouldn't have had 70's disco, or 80's hair bands. Oh and technology. So who's to say when ANYTHING is happening now because the weapons could have been made at ANY time. Like in The Walking Dead, Dale was the only one who actually kept tabs on time...because it doesn't matter anymore when there's hourdes of zombies trying to eat your face.

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This all depends on your theory of time. Some would believe that time always moves forward. Time travel is irrelevant, because you can't change the past...even if the past is 100 years later.

Follow it like this:

We have the start of the timeline in the 40's. Richtofen finds time travel and takes his brainwashed goons with him to take back the ultimate brainless army. They travel through time...modern Call of the dead, future moon, whatever. Despite the changes, once Richtofen took over, according t some theories, then no matter where anyone having to do with the story is, Richtofen is in control .

Again, this is a theory of time travel. The basis would be set in the moon. If Samantha had an ability to travel time or control time (let's face it, control of zombies would make other things possible). Then it's possible thesis happening whenever.

If this is confusing, it's because I don't get it all myself, but I've seen stuff on this is sic-fi before.

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Tranzit does not take place anytime before 2011 due to weapons, and not further like 2025 due to lack of technology. Reason for 60s look is it's a very out of way little isolated area, there are still places like that today believe it or not. Please start using your brains people, how is goddamn modern Qbz 95 going to appear in 70s or 60s? And No moon did not take place in the goddamn 60s either or else nuketown and tranzit would be taking place then, which as I stated is impossible, but the layout of noon is ancient cause it was untouched since 1945, and teleporter itself is also acient, hence the look. please stop posting such idiotic theories all over the place

Well weapons have turned out to be a bad reference for time. Never have the weapons been very accurate to determining the time of any map. Like the AK74u in the '60's...

What in the world is a Qbz 95? You mean the Type 25? Like I said, the weapons can't be used. It is pretty much agreed that the Mystery Box is just filled with weapons, regardless of the time period, and that is why they have never really had any canonical implications.

While Griffin Station was constructed in the 1940's, Area 51 had gone under development until it was overrun in 1962, as you can tell on the sign there.

You should be more open-minded.

With the exception of Verruckt and Der Riese, I wouldn't worry about times and dates too much. We're dealing with an alternate universe here. The WaW zombie maps actually took place in the 40's, but when they started messing with time travel and blowing up Earth, time frames became irelevant because nothing in the zombie universe panned out the way WE see things today. When you start playing with time travel, you start to tamper with time. And when you tamper with time, you tamper with WHEN's. Like, if the Earth was hit by missiles in the 60's, then we wouldn't have had 70's disco, or 80's hair bands. Oh and technology. So who's to say when ANYTHING is happening now because the weapons could have been made at ANY time. Like in The Walking Dead, Dale was the only one who actually kept tabs on time...because it doesn't matter anymore when there's hourdes of zombies trying to eat your face.

I kinda like the way you are thinking, but I think you are incorrect in some aspects.

The time of the maps is quite important, and integral to the storyline. But we are dealing with alternate universes, hence my chart above. However, to say nothing panned out like it did for us is incorrect. While multiple timelines were created, most of it was identical, because Richtofen and co. actually did very little to change the main course of history. That is until Moon, where that alternate timeline drastically changed history from the 60's forward.

This all depends on your theory of time. Some would believe that time always moves forward. Time travel is irrelevant, because you can't change the past...even if the past is 100 years later.

Follow it like this:

We have the start of the timeline in the 40's. Richtofen finds time travel and takes his brainwashed goons with him to take back the ultimate brainless army. They travel through time...modern Call of the dead, future moon, whatever. Despite the changes, once Richtofen took over, according t some theories, then no matter where anyone having to do with the story is, Richtofen is in control .

Again, this is a theory of time travel. The basis would be set in the moon. If Samantha had an ability to travel time or control time (let's face it, control of zombies would make other things possible). Then it's possible thesis happening whenever.

If this is confusing, it's because I don't get it all myself, but I've seen stuff on this is sic-fi before.

There are multiple theories of time. And the reason for that is because we have never been able to invent time travel; all we can do is theorize. However, Zombies employs the multidimensional view of time travel. It solves the grandfather paradox.

You go back in time, and you kill your grandfather. So you were never born yes? No. By going back in time, you made the timeline branch off into another version of history. Now time will go forward with your grandfather dead, you never being born. But it is an alternate reality where you exist now. You didn't kill your grandfather, but your grandfather in a branching time stream.

Whether or not you believe that theory in real life, it is the theory that Zombies has chosen to support. In fact, Green Run CONFIRMS it, by having a destroyed Earth in the '60's, as compared to a campaign in the 2020's.

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There are multiple theories of time. And the reason for that is because we have never been able to invent time travel; all we can do is theorize. However, Zombies employs the multidimensional view of time travel. It solves the grandfather paradox.

You go back in time, and you kill your grandfather. So you were never born yes? No. By going back in time, you made the timeline branch off into another version of history. Now time will go forward with your grandfather dead, you never being born. But it is an alternate reality where you exist now. You didn't kill your grandfather, but your grandfather in a branching time stream.

Whether or not you believe that theory in real life, it is the theory that Zombies has chosen to support. In fact, Green Run CONFIRMS it, by having a destroyed Earth in the '60's, as compared to a campaign in the 2020's.

To go along with that, Richtofen sometimes refers to the teleporters as MDT's. Multi-Dimensional Teleporter, anyone? Plus the quote on Moon after getting a QED:

"Nothing happened, atleast in this reality." - powerup_antipts_plr_1

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Actually, Tac, it is MTD: Matter Transference Device.

You're thinking of MPD: Multidimensional Pyramid Device.

I am not, Richtofen refers to it as both throughout the maps. If you can prove me wrong, go for it, but I've listened to it many times and specifically hear MDT. I will go back through, however, and make sure.

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Listen to the Moon dialogue. He clearly says MTD. I think going through every occurrence of the name is a bit much, don't you? The only ones I knew of that called it MDT were the Call of Duty Wiki...

I do not, no. I intend to do just that. To prove a point, you do what you can. I can't confidently say I am wrong until I can verify that I am 100% wrong. This could be the same thing as Ludvig vs Ludwig, we'll have to see.

I think you are thinking about this too much, it all takes place in one universe, weapons confirm it. On bo, they are all from campaign, which takes place in the same time period, so that's a major Overlook by treyarch more than anything. They made the story really easy to follow, it seems it went way over the heads of some

The weapons can't be used, that's what we're trying to say. It can't take place in one timeline, otherwise the story would not make any sense.

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The story DOES take place in one timeline and It's NOT that hard to understand, but Samuel over there got a conspiracy going andothers are believing it. I will clear things up in a topic later, please use your common sense i should not even be making a new thread about that

Don't create a new topic, that will just take of up space when it could be posted here. Treyarch has said that a nuketown takes place in the beloved 1960's town, and that Moon is during it. Call of the Dead and Shangri-La are both after that, therefore they'd have to be in a state of post-nuke, yet they are not. That means that Zombies is not in one timeline. It really isn't possible based on current knowledge.

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^ Well said.

Listen to the Moon dialogue. He clearly says MTD. I think going through every occurrence of the name is a bit much, don't you? The only ones I knew of that called it MDT were the Call of Duty Wiki...

I do not, no. I intend to do just that. To prove a point, you do what you can. I can't confidently say I am wrong until I can verify that I am 100% wrong. This could be the same thing as Ludvig vs Ludwig, we'll have to see.

Okay. I might do the same to verify your results, but let me know what you find please.

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Actually, Tac, it is MTD: Matter Transference Device.

You're thinking of MPD: Multidimensional Pyramid Device.

I am not, Richtofen refers to it as both throughout the maps. If you can prove me wrong, go for it, but I've listened to it many times and specifically hear MDT. I will go back through, however, and make sure.

I can assure you he's right, kino loading screen, turn captions on!

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Actually, no.





MTD, not MDT.

The ONLY mention of MDT is on the Kino der Toten loading screen, where Richtofen asks many questions he already knows the answers to and even has his own name misspelled. It is near-certain that Richtofen was merely delusional after his first time jump.

Regardless, every time since then it has been called MTD, not MDT. To call the MTD the MDT is to call Speed Cola instead Sleight of Hand Soda.

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Hate to be a combo breaker with this rather interesting discussion over MTD's, but I just wanted to say that the events occurring in Green Run and Nuketown are in the 20th century. Using weapons as a reference is pointless; that'd be the equivalent of questioning pre-modern weapons (MPL, Olympia, Ak-74u, etc.) in maps like Call of the Dead and Shangri-La which presumably take place in present time.

As for a time paradox, MMX stated it perfectly; it doesn't happen. New timeline are created based on the events that occur in the past. The grandfather clause doesn't truly exist in zombies because instead of disrupting the time flow, you are creating a brand new time frame that follows suit. One might say that as of the moment, CotD and Shangri-La never occurred, however, it still did. The easiest way to understand this is to simply follow the current events of our given crew.

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The story DOES take place in one timeline and It's NOT that hard to understand, but Samuel over there got a conspiracy going andothers are believing it. I will clear things up in a topic later, please use your common sense i should not even be making a new thread about that

I'll be the first to mention that Samuel isn't the reason we believe in conspiracies. This site's most prominent members have been using conspiracies to uncover the nazi zombie storyline since World at War, and many of their theories have been proven. I actually think Samuel's conspiracy theory quotes are a little easter egg to the hardcore zombie slayers, as a little joke from Treyarch.

And please explain how all of these maps can fit in one timeline, the theory of multiple timelines seems to make the most sense. How could CotD and all the other maps Post-60's not be covered in lava and fog, despite the fact that we've seen the Earth be nuked in the 60's, and that Green Run is at least 20 years after the explosion

"Oh..you're not one of those monsters, I've been searching for decades for someone who can help me"

- Dr. Maxis, Green Run Radio (paraphrasing, not direct quote)

decades, at least 20 years.

So everything after Green Run and Moon should be destroyed/covered in lava, but they're not.

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While we are all on a time topic there is always something that confused me in every map... that time has been stuck. Now usually I would shrug this off and treat it like I was looking too deep,however, in most of the maps there has been clocks (most noticeably Der riese) In which It blatantly points out that time has "frozen". So this confuses me to how time can continue at all...Ahh I'm probably over thinking as usual, *goes to make some tea*

Oh before I go just one more thing to prove the multiple timestream theory, If Richtofen exchanged places with Samantha in 1960s, then the zombies eyes in shangri la and call of the dead would be blue despite the tangent in time streams.

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While we are all on a time topic there is always something that confused me in every map... that time has been stuck. Now usually I would shrug this off and treat it like I was looking too deep,however, in most of the maps there has been clocks (most noticeably Der riese) In which It blatantly points out that time has "frozen". So this confuses me to how time can continue at all...Ahh I'm probably over thinking as usual, *goes to make some tea*

It's further display of the interrupted time distortion in the game. At a given instance when either of our crew(s) teleport, they defy time and logic, thus creating that said timeline. They can intervene in any time period they wish, but nothing remains constant. Some may say that the clocks simply don't work like Marlton's watch, or that the internal mechanism which powers the clocks are corrupted. But keep in mind that they all signify something; had they been working, we would never be able to relate one map from another (once again, the watch and Green Run's clocks).

As for the outcome of Shangri-La or CotD, those places would most likely be obliterated by the missiles. Hence, the event that occurred in Moon would cause them to be nothing more than wasteland (or to some extent of that) due to the impact of the missiles. We rewrite history the more we time travel; even something as simple as making an appearance can create a new future.

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