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Final DLC: Maxis or Illuminati

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I know, I know, we're getting too far from the end, but I don't want Treyarch to make ideas before me like Moon. So anyway, the maps are up to you. If you wish to join Dr. Maxis, then go to Moon or Aether and wait for his instructions. But if you wish to try Richtofen's side, then you must go and find Samantha Maxis somewhere else in the moon. Neither way, you're going to the Moon again.

Dr. Maxis: This side will allow you to help Dr. Maxis try and give him his full power. You have helped him on Earth, but its not good enough! Once you give him the last power, he will have access to every technology on Earth (except for Perks and Pack-a-Punch)! This will let you play as the original Crew on the next Black Ops (If there is one). The extra is you get to hear Sam's voice as the announcer (even though she is not a zombie goddess). However, Earth is still destroyed!

Dr. Richtofen: This side will allow you to help Richtofen try and gain the full power from Samantha Maxis! As you play his side, he reveals his true reasons of his actions. When Richtofen has full power, Samantha is weak and Richtofen restores Earth! However, Dr. Maxis takes over to become the new threat. Now Richtofen and Samantha are forced to share souls in one nazi body.

Extra: At the end of any side, you play in Nacht Der Untoten...IN SPACE!!! Since parts of Earth got blown off, I thought what the hell. Why not give the first map a try without gravity or oxygen!

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Sorry if I offend, but... how old are you? You're constantly posting weird shit like this about fantasy DLC packs, and books, and none of it makes any sense ever. You act like everyone knows what you're talking about when in reality, you just look stupid. What are all of your threads for? A story? A map you wanna make? Just ideas? Either way it doesn't seem like anyone's interested, sorry to say. -.-

I'm interested.

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