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Future of Zombie Weapons aka Wunder Weapons..

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There have been some cool Wonder Weapons over the years. And whynot have the public choose the Weapon we use? There should be a voting system through all social apps.. (Forums, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, etc.)

Here's just a few ideas:

-A time machine gun....... Let me fill you in... Whatever you shoot at, increases in age until it flat out turns into dust, or will revert back into a baby. Since zombies game bounces back and forth through time, this could help indead. esp. for the easter egg.

-A Gun used to turn on the Main Power. (Perks will be on a "flickering" Back-Up Generator until then. And then the fun can begin)

-Gersh Device Components/or Monkey Bomb Components scattered around the map in various "tricky" locations. Since the Monkey Bomb seems to be living, you may have to "capture" a space monkey's soul.

-Random Generated Melee Weapons. It will be the same location and will take the place of the Bowie/Knucks. (Machette, Cattle Prod, Galvinknucks, bowie, Sledge Hamer, Sickle, scythe, Wrench, etc.) Some of the "various" Melee Weapons could be used as tools to build certain stuctures/devices.

-An 'Underbarrel' Net Gun. If you're in a "sticky situation" you can use your net gun to take a group of zombies out temporarily.

-Global Positioning traps. One time purchase only with a few rounds recharge time. (A care package sorta themed, tactical grenade.) Requires out door areas in order for this to work.

-C4 Cluster Bomb.. Explains itself.

There is more, but I'm going to keep it to meself XP

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I wrote everything moments after ascension came out. So none of this is a ripoff of BO2. I have map ideas of the moon, mars, saturn, and even the famous running of the bulls festival of Sanfermines in Pamplona. Each space adventure was kind of the same too. The map layouts of the each space map resemble a combination lock with revolving inner hallways, an outer space shuttle for easy light speed travel and "escape space shuttles" (But there's no escape from Zombies lol) It kinda reminds me of the landers you would take in ascension but there's enough room for zombies to run in with you.

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