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blops 2 zombies chapter 1:Nuketown

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location: Nevada, USA

Time:Sometime in the 60's

Area 51 was a big testing facility that did a lot of testing on element 115. Many of the things that they tested on and with were things that the united states recovered at the Der Reise facility. One of the scientists there was named Marlton. Marlton was a nuclear scientist that had been assigned with the task of finding out if this mysterious element could make a nuclear bomb more efficient. So Marlton and his team of scientists began work on a little nuclear testing suburb they named Nuketown. When he had completed his little suburb he was proud of what he had accomplished. Now it was on to the bomb it self. This bomb had been infused with element 115 and nuclear energy. During the construction faze of the bomb itself people around the facility started acting strange. when Marlton asked what was happening he was told by his administrator not to worry and that all these people were being taken care of in a contained area set up by the CDC. On the way back Marlton had noticed some CIA agents walking around too but he didn't let that bother him. When the bomb was complete his team hooked it up to the tower that it would be dropped from and headed to the nuclear bunker for safety. Marlton was anxious to see what would happen then all of a sudden he started hearing sirens. when he looked outside it seamed that Russians where raiding the area 51 to try and get at the things recovered from Der Reise when he looked inside too tell his fellow researchers what was happening the Russians were already there. Marlton had escaped the bunker and headed to Nuketown for safety. There he found another bunker which he headed towards to hide until this mess was sorted out. first there was gun fire, then an explosion so loud it had to have been the nuke. after that there was silence. That is until he heard spin tingling moans coming from outside.

The agents from the CDC and CIA where working on figuring out what to do with these sick men (despite constant scientists asking if they could come in and see them for there research) that was when they had heard gun fire. The CIA agents had gotten up with there hand on the holster of there gun to see what it was while the CDC made sure nobody unleashed the diseased men into the facility. It had been about a half an hour after the CIA agents left and the CDC agents were getting worried but then out of no where 2 Russians came in with the 4 dead bodies of the other agents. They told the CDC agents that if they didn't leave now they would be shot. They left quickly through the facility. The only part of the facility that had been hard for them to escape was hanger 18 where most of the fire was located but once they had gotten past that they were safe. Or so they thought......


The CDC agents had arrived at Nuketown on foot. At first they were amazed by the sure size of the crater left by the nuclear explosion but then they realized that they had no Idea how to get back home. One of the agents had the idea that because this crater is pretty hard to miss and most likely someone will come to area 51 in a helicopter or something to see what happened. That it was only a matter of time before someone came to investigate this place and find them. So the team decided to hold out here until help arrived. Little did they know it wouldn't.

At least, not for them.

The agents started scavenging for weapons just in case Russian reinforcements came. They each found a M1911 pistol. When they were done looking around they regrouped in the center of the destroyed suburb. Nothing to interesting except two things. A bunker which could possibly be used as they're hideout and the fact that there weren't just mannequins here. There was also bodies of black op and Russian soldiers. Most were fried or obliterated but the strange thing was was that they all were using snipers or had a tomahawk. One even looked like he had deliberately jumped out the window and no-scoped an enemy just to look cool. when the agents went to look at the body of this obvious try hard they were surprised to see it come back to life. then they realized that the man looked exactly like the ones in area 51. that's also when they realized that they weren't sick men and women they were zombies. the CDC agents killed the solider they turned around to see more coming. they decided to defend themselves against the oncoming onslaught.

Marlton heard more gunshots and more moans. Maybe there are more people out there he thought. he began to pull on the door but it wouldn't budge. Looking through the crack in the door he noticed a mannequin blocking the exit. He started yelling for help but nobody heard him. He was trapped.

The CDC agents went to the green house hoping it would be easier to defend against the yellow eyed enemy. When there the TV there started picking up strange sounds. It sounded like a German man talking. the agents were to busy killing zombies to respond yet but they had made a mental note to respond latter when they were safe.

Marlton continued to call out whenever he heard the sounds get closer. It was no use. so he called one last time at the top of his lungs for help.

The agents were in the middle of killing zombies when they heard some loud crashes. It sounded like something had fallen from the sky. It landed in the backyard of the house they were in. When they went to check it out they heard a loud scream coming from the bunker. Not only that but now the zombies eyes were blue.

Marlton heard tapping on the door. he then asked if anyone was there. No reply. he asked again. no reply this time either only moans. then a loud bang. A second nuke seamed to have hit. Marlton had only remembered one nuke. at the moment his mind was to stressed and cloudy because of the situation to think of an explanation but he was sure it didn't sound good.


Marlton had to think of a way to exit. Then he saw a mannequin in the back of the bunker. He decided he would use it to pry open the door and fight what ever horrible thing was out there. Once he got the door open he saw a giant crater right beneath his feat. Marlton slid to the bottom only to find four CDC agents stumbling around when he approached them they turned around. For the first time he saw where the moans were coming from. They attacked him so he killed them. once out of the huge crater he kept walking until he found a highway on the high way was a bus. when Marlton stepped inside the bus for the first time he saw a broken robot at the driver seat. Using his mechanical sciency skills he fixed the robot and drove away looking for any sort of help.


this took me about 3 hours of my personal time to make. I did this on my last day of Christmas break. I'm tired so if there is any mistakes im sorry I'll come back and fix it latter. if you have any complaints about this theory It better be minor or you can go make your own darn theory because I'm going to be sleeping now GOODBYE!

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