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Added gameplay mechanic; no weapon = Combat Knife

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I think it would be interesting if you PaP'd your M1911 and left it there, you were left with a Combat Knife. There would be no damage increase, but it knifes a lot faster and farther exactly like the one from multiplayer.

Also, depending if you have either the Bowie Knife or Galvaknuckles, that is what you would hold.

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How about a sandbox buildable table that lets you dissasemble your equipped weapons and rearrange the parts/mix in new parts for existing buildables, and create a new gun.

...Like dissasemble Mustang & Sally, mix with Jet Gun parts, and get a Jet Gun that sprays grenades.

That just over-complicates things. If it were just a customizable wonder weapon that would be ok I guess but being allowed to mix and match whatever you want destroys the core aspect of weapons in zombies.

Not that a full-auto grenade launching weapon wouldn't be freakin' awesome.

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